Every person in the world has some kind of talent

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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All people in the world have talents, each person has different talents hidden inside them. Some may not express their talents, while others may express their talents. If man is weak in one side then he is strong in another side, if nothing breaks in one side he breaks everything in another side.

No one can express their talent due to lack of opportunity, and some may not want to express their talent even if they get the opportunity. Many people can't express their talent due to various reasons, some people can't express their talent due to society, some can't express their talent due to family reasons, there are many other reasons for which some people can't express their talent.

Many times it is seen that a person has a talent, but that person is not able to express his talent, and because of his non-expression of this talent, that talent is slowly destroyed from within him. Or even if there is talent, it is no longer expressed. That person spends his life suffering with his talent, even if he wants to, he can no longer express his talent.

According to my knowledge there was a girl in our area who could sing very well, she used to perform in all school functions, she had a big dream that she would become a big singer one day. Her family was very poor, when the girl completed secondary school, after SSC exam, her family gave her in marriage, since then she started a family, she could not express the singing talent inside her, her dream of becoming a singer was fulfilled. didn't happen

There are thousands of such cases, one cannot express the talent inside oneself, and there are many who get the opportunity to express their talent and become great people by using that talent, many succeed in life because of their talent, and many succeed in life by hard work. .

For this reason, we should give every person a chance to express their talents, we who are teachers, we often see that a student in a class does not do well in studies, but there are other talents inside him, such as someone can sing well, someone can dance well. , some can draw good pictures, some can play good sports. Each of these people has different talents, each of them should be given an opportunity to express their talents. Only then will the future be beautiful.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.
