Zinguini / Fanart


Hello guy's welcome to my blog. Today is my entry in @holozing community. When i was scrolling this community i saw a new character Zinguini. Its new in community and also a female character. May be she is wife of zingu 😁. But i liked it very much because its look and ice crystals attracted me and i decided to make it. Its color combination is also very pretty and i try my best to draw it same as i saw. I used as usual material in which is white sheet, color pencils and led pencil. So lets start the process of zinguini.


I took white sheet and led pencil then started to make sketch. First i draw face area in which is eyes peak and crystals on her head.

Then i made body which is like also seems penguin. I think zingu assembles with penguin💞that way body is like that.I also draw beard .

Later on i made her feet like clawas which they use on ice for walking one place to another.

At the end i made ice crystals of both sides her body.Its help her for living in ice land. I completed my sketch .

I made it again with black pointer for coloring in the sketch.

First i picked yellow color and added it in the feet and peak nose. I filled nails with black color.Eyes were in sky shade.

Then i picked sky pencil color and filled crystals very nicely.I filled small legs with purple shade.

Then i used black color for adding in face and in furry wings. Body and beard is in white color so i left ir same in white shade.

My artwork of zinguini is ready now you can see final more shots.
Final look

Hope you will like and gave me feedback of my artwork. I also made a video you must watch at the end See you soon. Bye

0.030 NEOXAG