Octopus πŸ™ on hard card


Hello guy's welcome to my blog. I am too late for posting because my fhon was on tour to Lahore so i am late but its ok. I made my task. Today i made Octopus with hard card. When saw a video of this then immediately i decided to make it. Its looking very cute in final look.I also have seen octopus swing in fun duniya that is very amazing. I swings many times on it because i like such swing. so let's start the process of octopus.


First i took hard card in yellow color which is very old 😁. I put my pics in it now i took out pics and card i used in crafting. I cut it half with scissor. Then mark with scale on it for cutting strips. I cut strips on by on with one inch space.

After cutting strips i cut first both sides strips for empty space of both. sides so that i could easily past.I wrapped strips one by one on pencil for moulding shape.

Later on i pasted both sides with glue stick.After pasting its looking really in octopus shape.

Then i cut eyes on white page and colored with black marker.I pasted eyes with glue and also made smily with black marker

I compketed my artwork in just half an hour now you can see also more shots of final look.

Final look

I also made a video you must watch and gave me feedback of my artwork . See you soon. Good bye.


Oh, no worries, it is better late than never. You did a great job crafting this Octopus. Should we put him back in the sea now? Just kidding. Well done


😊Thanks for lovely compliment πŸ’•
