Crafting of Zingu

Hello hivers! Welcome to my blog. I came here with my new craft that i made on Zingu in @holozing community. Its also like a motive after making. I made it at night and our Wi-Fi has some connection problems so i am getting late in posting😃. I made it in just one hour because now to do crafting is very easy to me. So i want to tell you about my artwork and material as usual white sheet, colors and scissor. Lets make the zingu.


I took my white sheet and led pencil then started to make sketch of zingu because sketch is the important for next step making. I started from his head .

then I started to make the sketch of his body. sketching is a short key to get a perfect picture. if we sketch and then its easy to mold it in any other direction.

I fill the color in the horns of the zingu. it is the cutest character of holozing.

After this I started to outline of black colour. By outlining the look of pic change and it looks beautifull and pretty.

I started to fill the colour blue in the zingu,s face. I did the colour with the cut marker named 605 . it is nevi blur colour and its also my favourite colour.

then I completely fill the blue colour with the marker.

I filled the sky blue colour in the remaining part. I used the marker colour.. i filled in the mid of wings.

I cut it out. now becomes a motive. Here is the final look of the zingu motive.

Final look

I hope you will like my crafting on zingu. I will try new artwork next. I also made a video .you must watch. See you soon. Good bye.
