Eyes looking in sad situation

Hello guy's greetings to all of you. I came here with my new rock painting. As usual in Friday i make art on rock. So its a very great experience and fun to do sketching on rock then paint it. I made often different eyes and smiles on rock so today i also made a looking like smiles painting on rock. I have rock already at home so its easy for me because rock searching is also first a big task. I collected some and put them take care for using them in painting. So lets start the process of painting on rock.


First i took clean rock that you can see in the picture. Then i colored whole in sky shade. I blended color very well for good result.

After coloring i dry it for a while so i can easily draw sketch on it. I took black marker and made three eyes on rock.later on i made big teeth in zigzag shape.

I took white water color and filled half eyes and half with black. I put one dot in white on eyes so its look natural.

I also filled teeth with white color in zigzag shape.
At the last step i took dark pink color and put dots on the around face of smily.

Now you guys can see more shots of final look. Its looking very pretty and i also gifted it to my little cousin.

Final look

you can watch the video made by me of making artwork on rock. Don't forget giving me feedback . See you soon. Bye
