Diy Flower Vase with oil box


Hi friends! Today is very very hot day. And also for Muslims is Ashura day. On this day we remember the sacrifices of Hazrat Hussnain. They did a lots of effort and sacrifice for the sake of islam. This sacrifice also reminds us that we should never bow before tyrannical orders.I prepared rice to distribute among the children and then sat down for my diy post. Every month a box of oil comes with the grocery in our house, so I thought to diy it into flower vase.Its a five liter oil box. I used also lace for designing on it.This lace I took off my old shirt and thought why not use it again because i do not want to waste it. I also like this lace because its color and pearls are very beautiful. So i used all recycling material in a good way.So i tell you material that i used.


Yellow paper

glue gun


artificial flowers

oil box

First i took oil box and cut its four sides so that i can easily wrap paper around it.

Then i took 4 sheets of yellow color and put rad in glu gun then started to cover box.

First i put glue on box then pasted papers around four sides step by step you can see pictures.

I show you the lace that i used for designing.

I also put this lace with glue gun. I covered four sides with lace step by step.

I took out artificial flowers that was in room gallery. Because my vase broken and flowers i put still with take care for using in somewhere. So today i first washed them then put in box that i made today.I felt very happy to see my diy vase with oil box.You can see its final look.we can also put books anything else in the box.

Final look

I hope you will also like my diy vase with reusing material. I also made a video. You must watch. See you in the new artwork. Good bye.


Great way to turn simple household items into a beautiful vase. Well done


Great craft. I love working with recycle materials as well.
Keep it up!


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