"Crossing the cemetery, Bill's escape from the city./Cruzando el cementerio, la huida de la ciudad de Bill.[Eng-Esp].

A huge greeting to everyone in this amazing #HiveGaming community. I hope you're all having an excellent day.

Today, I bring you the continuation of Bill's escape from the city in The Last of Us and some of the stunning images I captured during this journey.

Don't move from your screens and enjoy.

Un saludo enorme a todos en esta increíble comunidad #HiveGaming. Espero que estén pasando un excelente día.

Hoy les traigo la continuación del escape de la ciudad de Bill en el The last of us y algunas de las impresionantes imagenes que tome en este viaje

No se muevan de sus pantallas y disfruten.

This journey starts off quite intense, as we have to go through the cemetery, which is the shortest path to our destination. However, this also makes it a very dangerous route, as it's flooded with clickers and infected.

Este viaje inicia bastante fuerte, ya que debemos atravesar el cementerio que es el camino más corto para llegar a nuestro destino, pero eso lo hace a su vez ser uno bastante peligroso, ya que esta plagado de chasqueadores e infectados.

After finally making it out, after several attempts, we arrived at this street that gave me such a beautiful view. It brought a sense of calm after being on the verge of a nervous breakdown from what had just happened.

Al lograr salir, tras varios intentos llegamos. Aeste calle que me regalo esta vista tan hermosa que me trasmitia la calma despues de estar al borde del colapso nervioso por lo anterior.

But since calm in this game is always a bad omen, trouble came without warning, and the clickers and infected reappeared. However, with cannon shots and machete strikes, many heads rolled and exploded.

Pero como la calma aqui en este juego es un mal augurio los problemas se avecinaraon sin esperarar y los chasqueadores e infectados volvieron a aparecer , pero a golpes de cañon y de machete muchas cabezas rodaron y explotaron.

Before I knew it, a bloater appeared—the most terrifying and deadly creature I’ve encountered in this game. Its entire body was covered in a thick fungus acting like armor, and it was capable of throwing spores and destroying, massacring, and devouring anything or anyone in its path.

Cuando menos lo espere, aparecio un gordinflón, la criatura mas terrorífica y mortal que conoci en este juego, con una corteza de hongo que recubria todo su cuerpo haciendo función de armadura y capaz de arrojar esporas y de destruir, masacrar y comerse a todo el que se cruzara con el.

This is what can happen if you're not careful with these beasts. The safest thing to do if you encounter one is to run as fast as you can and hide.

Esto es lo que puede pasar si no tienen cuidado con estas bestias, lo mas seguro es que si se encuentran con uno corran lo mas rapido que puedan y se oculten.

After spending lots of ammo, pulling off several stealth attacks, and running while screaming like a little kid, I finally took down the beast. The satisfaction this brought was immense—ufff!

Tras gastar muchas municiones , y realizar varios ataques furtivos, correr y gritar como nena termine derribando la bestia,ufffff la satisfacción que esto provoco fue inmensa.

After leaving that place and finally getting the car, we tried to start it up. But for that, Ellie had to drive while Bill and Joel pushed the car down the hill.

Al salir de ese lugar y conseguir el auto intentamos ponerlo andar, pero para eso ellie tenia que conducir este mientras bill y joel empujaban el auto colina abajo.

As soon as the engine roared to life, the horde began chasing us, and we had to run faster than ever to avoid being devoured.

Apenas el motor encendio la horda comenzó a perseguirnos y tuvimos uqe correr mas rapido que nunca para evitar ser devorados.

Fortunately, we managed to escape without anyone losing their life or getting infected. What a scare I had, thinking Bill would die, as is typical in this kind of game.

After that, we exchanged a few words and said our goodbyes.

Afortunadamente logramos escapar sin que nadie perdiera la vida ni quedará infectado,tremendo susto que pase al pensar que Bill moriria como es costumbre en este tipo de juegos.

Despues de estonintercambiamos algunas palabras y nos despedimos.

That’s it for today’s adventure; see you next time!!!

¡¡¡Hasta aqui llego la aventura de hoy, nos vemos en la próxima!!!


Loved TLOU 1 but hated the second one! Curious what version this is? The ps3, remaster, or is it the remake?


The version I’ve always played is the one for PS3. Later on, I want to play the others so I can make a comparison. A friend once told me that the one he liked the most was the first one, but I need to experience them myself to form my own opinion.

I’m in the process of seeing if I can put together something good for gaming this year, though it’s really difficult here.


TLOU part 2 really isn't all that good. Looking at gaming outlets you'd think it was way better than the first but Neil Druckmann spent more time worried about inserting is politics into the game and not enough on the story.
