Sunflowers in my garden, my experience in growing them
Happy Sunday dear hivers, welcome to my blog, hoping you have a fabulous day full of new and wonderful experiences. I tell you that my sunflower plants that I grew in my garden bloomed, they are along with roses my favorite flowers, I like their bright yellow color a lot and their uniqueness of following the sunlight fills me with happiness and optimism.
A few months ago I published on my blog my experience growing sunflowers for the first time, on that occasion I had some setbacks, the plants became infested with an annoying pest and in the end the sunflowers that sprouted from the plants were very small, but I was still happy and proud of my first harvest. But as practice makes perfect I decided to try again for the second time and this time I made some changes in the cultivation process.
Unlike the first time when I planted the seeds in a pot, this time I planted them in the ground, in a small area that I have in the patio of my house. Before planting the seeds, I removed the soil and fertilized with a worm compost, which is very nutritious and which I use regularly in my garden as it has given me very good results with the plants. After watering the soil and after a few days the seeds germinated, I was amazed at how quickly the plants grew, unlike the first time they were in a pot. At that time I thought they would grow faster and healthier in a pot. I was wrong, it is better to grow in the ground in my experience.
My sunflower plants grew with my care, but at one point I saw that annoying pest again. I tried to use soapy water and other homemade methods that I found on the internet to eliminate the pest, but it didn't work. What I did was clean the leaves with a cloth and remove the pest. I removed the leaves most affected by the pest with scissors. I didn't want to use a poison that they recommended me to fumigate because I have a cat that hangs around that place and I didn't want to risk it getting poisoned by the poison.
One of my sunflower plants is huge, its trunk is strong and thick, I had never seen such a big sunflower plant, the flower that sprouted is huge and there are smaller sunflowers around it. I am very happy and proud of my sunflower harvest, maybe they are not the prettiest but I grew them myself and it is quite an achievement. Here I share some photos of my sunflower plants.
I will continue to take care of my plants and plant sunflowers, gardening is very relaxing, I have learned a lot from this experience and it has been very satisfying, seeing your plants bloom under your care is wonderful. I love sunflowers and being able to grow them in my garden makes me happy, I invite you to live this experience. This is the end of my post, I hope my post is useful to you and you are encouraged to work in your garden, hugs hivers.
Spanish Version:
Feliz domingo queridos hivers, bienvenidos a mi blog, esperando tengan un fabuloso día cargado de nuevas y maravillosas experiencias. Les cuento que mis plantas de Girasol que cultivé en mi jardín florecieron, son junto a las rosas mis flores favoritas, su brillante color amarillo me gusta mucho y su singularidad de seguir la luz del sol me llena de felicidad y optimismo.
Hace algunos meses atrás publiqué en mi blog mi experiencia cultivando girasoles por primera vez, en esa oportunidad tuve algunos tropiezos, las plantas se llenaron de una molesta plaga y al final los girasoles que brotaron de las plantas eran muy pequeños, pero igual estaba feliz y orgullosa de mi primera cosecha. Pero como la práctica hace al maestro decidí volver a intentarlo por segunda y esta vez hice algunos cambios en el proceso de cultivo.
A diferencia de la primera que sembré las semillas en un matero esta vez las sembré en la tierra, en una pequeña área que tengo en el patio de mi casa. Antes de sembrar las semillas removí la tierra y abone con un abono hecho de lombriz, muy nutritivo y que uso con regularidad en mi jardín ya que me ha dado muy buenos resultados con las plantas. Luego de regar la tierra y pasado algunos días las semillas germinaron, me asombró lo rápido que crecieron las plantas a diferencia de la primera vez que estaban en un matero, en esa oportunidad pensé que en un matero crecerían más rápido y sanas, estaba equivocada, es mejor cultivar en la tierra en mí experiencia.
Mis plantas de girasol crecieron con mis cuidados, pero en un momento volví a ver esa molesta plaga, traté de utilizar agua con jabón y otros métodos caseros que encontré en internet para eliminar la plaga pero no resultó, lo que hice fue limpiar las hojas con un pañito y retirar la plaga, las hojas más afectadas por la plaga las quité con unas tijeras. No quise utilizar un veneno que me recomendaron para fumigar ya que tengo una gata que merodea por ese sitio y no quería arriesgarme a que se intoxicara con el veneno.
Una de mis plantas de Girasol es enorme, su tronco es fuerte y grueso, nunca había visto una planta de girasol tan grande, la flor que brotó es enorme y a su alrededor hay girasoles más pequeños. Estoy muy feliz y orgullosa de mi cosecha de girasoles, tal vez no sean los más bonitos pero los cultivé yo y es todo un logro. Acá les comparto algunas fotos de mis plantas de girasol.
Seguiré cuidando mis plantas y sembrando girasoles, la jardinería es muy relajante, he aprendido mucho de esta experiencia y ha sido muy satisfactorio, ver tus plantas florecer bajo tus cuidados es maravilloso. Amo los girasoles y poder cultivarlos en mi jardín me hace feliz, te invito a vivir esta experiencia. Hasta acá mi publicación, espero mi publicación les sea de utilidad y se animen a trabajar en su jardín, abrazos hivers.
Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular Redmi 9, editadas con PowerPoint y Photoshop CS5 // Texto traducido por Google Translate.
Photos of my property taken with my Redmi 9 cell phone, edited with PowerPoint and Photoshop CS5 // Text translated by Google Translate.
I enjoy to read your beautiful sunflower plant.
I have no lucky. My seeds are failed to germinated :( but I will try again with compost soil
Well, ground directly on the ground is better I think, so your plant will biggger :)🌟
Hello! I used vermi-compost and watered it every day. I hope yours germinate too!
How beautiful your sunflowers my friend. I love this flower. Keep up your care. Greetings.
Thank you so much! I love it too
Your sunflowers are beautiful, they are quite large and have an intense bright yellow color. What a beautiful flower and how nice that you are making them grow 🌻
The pests are very annoying, those same ones that you show are the ones that killed my two sunflowers and now they are eating my chrysanthemum, I don't know how to exterminate them 💔
I love this flower, it is very showy and elegant 😍🦉
Hello! I feel happy with my sunflowers, it's been hard to deal with the pest but the flowers have been growing beautifully nonetheless
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what a big sunflower 😍
i hope can trying planting sunflower, but i dont know how to start.
Keep up the good work. 👏🎵
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