Delicious and Nutritious Chayota with Carrot and Corn Gratin/ Deliciosa y Nutritiva Chayota con Zanahoria y Maíz Gratinada
Saludos hivers, bienvenidos a mi blog. Me encantan las chayotas ya que son muy nutritivas y sabrosas, para mí son un excelente sustituto de la papa y contienen menos calorías. Hoy les quiero mostrar cómo preparar chayotas con zanahoria gratinadas, espero les guste y les sea de utilidad mi receta.
Greetings hivers, welcome to my blog. I love chayotas as they are very nutritious and tasty, for me they are an excellent substitute for potatoes and contain fewer calories. Today I want to show you how to prepare chayotas with carrots au gratin, I hope you like it and find my recipe useful.
Vamos necesitar/ We are going to need:
- Chayota, zanahoria, maíz en granos/ Chayota, carrot, corn kernels.
- Sal, queso rallado, margarina/ Salt, grated cheese, margarine.
Proceso/ Process:
Colocar a cocinar la chayota en agua, añadir sal. Cocinar hasta que ablanden. Retirar la semilla de la chayota, luego sacar la pulpa con cuidado de no romper la concha y triturar. Reservar la concha de la chayota.
Cook the chayota in water, add salt. Cook until softened. Remove the seed from the chayote, then remove the pulp being careful not to break the shell and grind. Reserve the chayota shell.
Cocinar una zanahoria en agua hasta que ablande, luego retirar la piel y triturar.
Cook a carrot in water until softened, then remove the skin and mash.
Mezclar el puré de chayota y zanahoria, añadir una cucharada de margarina y queso rallado.
Mix the chayote and carrot puree, add a tablespoon of margarine and grated cheese.
Añadir maíz en granos al puré.
Add corn kernels to the mash.
Agregar el puré en la concha de chayota y llevar al horno para que gratine.
Add the purée in the chayota shell and take it to the oven to gratin.
Servir y disfrutar de estas deliciosas chayotas, puedes servirla para acompañar las carnes o simplemente para resolver una cena saludable. Buen provecho hivers.
Serve and enjoy these delicious chayotas, you can serve it to accompany meats or simply to solve a healthy dinner. Bon appetit hivers.
Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular Redmi 9, editadas con PowerPoint y Photoshop CS5 // Texto traducido por Google Translate.
Photos of my property taken with my Redmi 9 cell phone, edited with PowerPoint and Photoshop CS5 // Text translated by Google Translate.
I love all the ingredients that you put on this dish and they make me drool. Good evening!
Try it, it's very tasty. Regards.
Look super yummy 😍😍
Hello, thanks.
Interesting! I never ate this food, not even sure if they sell that here, I will try to look out for it, looks nice!
Then you have to try it, it's tasty and easy to prepare. Greetings.
looks tasty!!
Hi, thanks.
Looks really good but I have no idea where I can get Chayote. I would definitely make this if I could.
Maybe it has another name in your country, look for a photo of the vegetable and look for it. Greetings.
The pictures are making me hungry!!!
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Please do check it out. Your recipe is awesome and more people can know about it when you join Listnerds.
Good food dear I like it,let’s eat
Looks good and scrumptious , my tummy is already rumbling.