When "Sorry" is hard to say


Saying "Sorry" is both easy and difficult. The word may seem like a simple 5 letter words but it is one of the most difficult words to say, or even the most difficult for some people.

For me I've learnt over the years that apology is very important. Apologizing is a powerful act that can mend relationships and heal wound. A sincere apology can bridge the gap between misunderstanding and bring people closer together. So I've learnt to just say sorry to anyone I offend, even sometimes I say sorry when I'm not sure I'm the offender but just to ease the situation.

But I've found that saying sorry to my mom can be quite difficult for me. Despite my best efforts to avoid conflicts, we often clash, and in those heated moments, I say harsh words that I later regret. It’s a cycle I’ve been trying to break, but sometimes, it feels inevitable. One recent incident stands out vividly in my mind.

This is a story of how I had to apologize to my mom for something I said that hurt her deeply, and the lessons I learned from that experience.

It was a particularly stressful week, and tensions were running high at home. I had been dealing with deadlines and personal issues that left me feeling overwhelmed and irritable. I had been trying to make my mom understand my points but I felt she wasn't trying to see my point.
So when she said something relating to that I lost my cool and raised my tone on her, and I remember the particular line I said that hurt her so much was: "You're not concerned about your children when you make decisions!"

At that point, she didn't respond, but her hurt expression and sudden silence spoke volumes, making me realize the gravity of my thoughtless words, remembering the words I've said to her and how it must hurt her left me in tears. The next morning I knew I had to apologize but I didn't know how. This was the most difficult task I thought of doing!
My mind replayed the scene over and over. I knew I had overreacted, and my words were unfair. The guilt gnawed at me, but the thought of apologizing felt daunting.

I noticed she was still angry with me in the morning as she wasn't very audible in answering my greeting. A while later I was still thinking of how to even begin apologizing to her, I wanted to do it so badly. Then she called me and she told me that everything she does is for the good of her children, that was then I was able to talk, I said to her that I know she's doing her best for us and that I'm sorry for everything I said last night!


I was so thankful that my mom forgave me, and more thankful that she didn't even give me a slap that yesterday when I was talking rubbish.

I want to be more careful of the the words I say everyday so as not to hurt anyone. And that involves thinking very well before talking.

Saying "Sorry", especially to someone as close as a parent, can be challenging. It requires humility, and a genuine desire to fix our mistakes. This recent clash with my mom was a tough lesson, but it also provided an opportunity for growth.


By learning to apologize sincerely and commit to better communication, we can build stronger and closer relationships. It's not always easy but it worth it!

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It was indeed a tough lesson and glad you learned from it for a better growth
Sometimes out of anger, we use words carelessly which is capable of hurting our loved ones so badly
I was thinking that you should have summoned up the courage to approach her and apologize even before she later talked about your statement. She is a good mother..


No one is perfect and mistakes during angry moments can happen. Hence these types of situations are learning opportunities. You learnt from your mistake and that is important. You mom was hurt but she was also forgiving and loving approached you in order to resolve the situation. Indeed you would have learnt more about yourself and have an opportunity to develop.

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