Waiting for Tomorrow


The old clock on the wall ticked loudly, its musical sound echoed through the small, cluttered room. Lydia sitting by the window, her gaze fixed on the gray sky outside. Raindrops tapped against the window, a soft, continuous reminder of the passing time. Her heart was heavily burdened with the weight of waiting.

"Will tomorrow ever come?" she murmured, her voice barely heard.

Her best friend, Daniella, raised up her head from the book she was pretending to read. She had been with Lydia keeping her company for hours, trying to distract her from the worry in her soul. "Of course it will," Daniella said, with a tone lacking confidence.

Lydia sighed, as her fingers trace patterns on the fogged-up glass window. "It's just... He's been gone for like forever. Every day, I say to myself that tomorrow is the day he will come back. But each day passes... and he’s still not here."

Daniella closed her book, setting it aside. "I know it's hard. But you have to hold on to hope. He's out there, somewhere, doing his best to come back to you. I know he wants to come back and he will, Trust me!"

Tears rolled down Lydia's eyes as she recalled the day her love Dave had left. He had kissed her goodbye, promising to return soon after gathering some money in the big city to take care of their future. That was a year ago, and since then, she hasn't heard from him. No letters, no phone calls, no word at all. Just an empty void where his presence used to be. Lydia couldn't help but miss the heartwarming hug and succulent lips that used to greet her every day and night!

"What if he's not coming back?" Lydia whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. "What if tomorrow never comes for us?"

Daniella reached out her hand and took Lydia's, squeezing it gently. "Then we will make the most of today. We live each day as if it's a step towards tomorrow, towards the day he'll be back. We can’t lose ourselves in the waiting."

Lydia nodded, wiping away her tears. She knew Daniella was right for she always finds a way to make her feel better, but the uncertainty was a heavy burden to bear. She thought back to the last words Dave had said to her, his voice filled with determination. "I'll be back before you know it," he had promised. "Just hold on, and don't lose hope."

As the day turned into evening, Lydia and Daniella sat together, talking and doing things to pass time and to keep their minds off the worry. They laughed about old memories, played their favorite games, and comforted each other through the quiet moments of fear.

As the night drew to a close, Lydia found herself alone once more, gazing out the window into the darkness. The rain had stopped, leaving a quiet stillness in its wake and Daniella has left to attend to important matter. She took a calming breath, trying to steady her racing heart.

"Tomorrow will come," she told herself firmly. "It has to."

Across town, in a dimly lit room, Dave sat haunched over a small table, writing aggressively. Haunted by recently passed incidents, he found solace in the thoughts of Lydia, he had been through thick and hell but Lydia's image was driving him forward. Every day, he thought of her, waiting for him, hoping for his return. He knew he had to find a way back to her.
Every day, he clung to the hope of returning to her, his heart ached with longing. He was determined to find a way back to her side.
As he sealed the letter, he prayed it would reach her this time. He had sent so many before, but none had made it through. This one, he promised himself, would be different. He would make sure of it.

"Just a little longer, Lydia," he whispered into the night. "I'm coming home."

The next morning, Lydia awoke to the sound of birds singing sweet melodies outside her window. The sky was a clear blue, a stark contrast to the gray of the previous day. She stretched and got out of bed, she felt this day will be different, "I hope this is the day!" She prayed.

As she went about her morning routine, she heard a knock at the door. Her heart skipped a beat. Could it be...?

She opened the door to find a mail carrier standing there, holding a letter. "For you, ma'am," he said, handing it over with a smile.

Lydia took the letter with a trembling hand, She quickly recognized the handwriting. It was from Dave.

With tears streaming down her face, she tore open the envelope and read the words she had been longing to see. "I'm coming home," it said. "Tomorrow."

Lydia's face was lit, clutching the letter to her chest. Tomorrow would come, after all. And with it, the return of her Love.

For the first time in a long time, the load in her heart was lightened. The waiting was almost over. The "Tomorrow" which seemed to have lingered was finally within reach.

Image generated using my prompt on playground.com


No letters, no phone calls, no word at all.

Well, I really salute Lydia's steadfastness, because waiting for someone with literally just the last words he said to her as assurance must have been tough. I'm curious, tho— I mean, what happened to Dave and why the letters didn't reach her... Anyway, it was a heartwarming story—something that will make you long for someone. Thanks for sharing!


I admire Lydia's patience, though it felt like her tomorrow would never come and she won't be reunited with her lover, yet she waited


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Nice story. It's hard waiting on a loved one who traveled to a far away land. Hopefully just as his letter read. He'll be back tomorrow. 😊
