The Changing Winds



Going to the market to shop for my mom can be both exciting and tiring. Though sometimes the local market feels great because of it's vibrant colors and lively chatter.
It was one Saturday morning at the market, amidst the stalls and vendors, that I met Joshua, a trader whose moods were as unpredictable as the weather.

When I first noticed Joshua, he greeted me with a warm smile as I approached his stall where he sold fresh tomatoes and vegetables. "Hello, Mary! How can I help you today?" I smiled back, feeling a connection in his friendly demeanor. His words and behavior towards me made the bustling market seem much more welcoming. I couldn't take my eyes off his face when he handed me the vegetables I needed, Such a gentle guy!

The next week, I was back at the market, eager to see Joshua again. But his demeanor had changed. He barely looked up as I approached, his voice curt and distant. I felt a pang of confusion. Had I done something wrong?

Days turned into weeks and Joshua's behavior kept blowing hot and cold. We even exchanged contacts and was chatting with each other and I would always look forward to seeing him at the market. But he was always unpredictable , one moment he would share stories and laugh with me. The next he would barely acknowledge my presence and may not even say a word.
Sometimes I wonder why I let it bother me so much, I found that I was too drawn to Joshua's mystery and wanted to understand him.

One evening, when the market was about to wind down, I decided to wait for him to pack in the goods and close his shop so I can take a walk with him. I decided to confront him. "Joshua, can I ask you something?" My voice trembles slightly. He looked up, Surprise flickering in his eyes. "Why do you have different attitude each time I see you", I asked!

Joshua sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, Mary. It’s not you. I’ve been dealing with a lot personally, and sometimes it’s hard to keep that from affecting my attitude and work.”
It was then I understood, His behavior wasn’t about me; it was a reflection of his own struggles.

From that day on, I approached my interactions with him with more empathy and patience knowing that everyone has their battles and sometimes the best way to deal with the changing winds of someone's behavior is with understanding and empathy.
Joshua also began to open up a bit about his challenges, the conversations we had became more genuine. There's been a lot going on in his family and so much pressure on him since his father died, he is expected to take care of his siblings and provide for the family plus he feels less appreciated.

I tried hard to comfort him with words, and to make him feel good, I also let him know that he's doing very well and I appreciate everything he does and so does his family.

The market remained my sanctuary, but it also became a place of connection and growth. I realized that by being there for Joshua, I was also learning to be more compassionate and resilient myself. The winds of our relationship may have blown hot and cold, but they ultimately guided me toward a deeper understanding of human nature and the importance of empathy. Joshua and I became very good friends and we shared a lot with each other.

Until one day, Joshua told me he was leaving the city. His family had decided to move back to their village, where life would be simpler and less stressful. As I watched him pack up his stall for the last time, I felt a mix of sadness and gratitude. He promised to stay in touch, but as time passed, our conversations became less frequent. Eventually, I stopped hearing from him altogether.

Each time I go to the market and see his old stall, I smile and remember my friend who has taught me a lot about kindness and empathy, he made going to the market more fun for me and I hope he's fine wherever he is now!

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This is wonderful! We can bring so much compassion to others, while learning for ourselves! 💗


That's right, Ms Kitty. Thank you so much ❤️🌺


Your decision to confront him shows that communication is better than assumption.
Regardless, you posed as someone he could confide in. Shouldering the responsibility of a whole family isn't easy especially if it's only you without little or no help/assistance from other siblings.
I hope he is finding it easy in the village.


I hope so too, thank you for your reading 🌺
