The Claim : A Freewrite

Keep on doing it babe. When e turn money u will understand it
What's the highest level/number one can upgrade cards on Xempire? My negotiation I need .B to upgrade, if I do it my balance will feel it. I don't want to make same mistake I made in hamster
No I'm not earning anything there. Even the combo I no understand
Have you ever gotten that easter eggs?
I think negotiation highest level is .

Other skills Highest levels are different
Send to me the code and also today's combo
I really never get anything there
How please cause I stayed up last night to get but I didn't
This are the things you need to do to get Easter eggs
Like get to these stages?
Why una no dey share am since
You seen it already right?
I don't still understand it
Even if we share many massages go cover it.

Again, this Easter egg claim doesn't work for me anyday one enters tournament side.
You have to find a special card up to three of them to be able to claim them
Even me sef I don't really understand how it works yet just started claiming it today

