(Esp/Eng) Savid: Historias y travesuras//Savid: Stories and mischief



Hola, saludos a todos los amigos que se congregan en esta comunidad. En esta oportunidad voy a narrar las travesuras e historias de uno de los compañeros, que ha estado a nuestro lado desde hace mucho tiempo, me refiero a un animalito muy tierno. El Gato.
Data la historia que ya en el antiguo Egipto, éstos seres convivían con nosotros, en fin, hay una relación muy antigua con ellos.

Por otra parte, es necesario mencionar la forma en que éste personaje llamado "Savid" , llega a mí hogar.

Hello, greetings to all the friends who congregate in this community. In this opportunity I am going to narrate the antics and stories of one of the companions, who has been by our side for a long time, I am referring to a very tender animal. The Cat.
History dates that already in ancient Egypt, these beings coexisted with us, in short, there is a very old relationship with them.
On the other hand, it is necessary to mention the way in which this character called "Savid" arrives at my house.


Resulta que, no muy lejos de mí casa, habita una hermosa Gata, la misma había parido dos lindos Gaticos, el cual estaban formados por una hembra y un macho.

turns out that, not far from my house, there is a beautiful cat, she had given birth to two beautiful kittens, which consisted of a female and a male.


Todo iba muy bien entre mamá Gata y su camada, ella muy feliz alimentaba a sus cachorros, así pasaban los días, fueron creciendo al lado de su madre.

Everything was going very well between Mama Cat and her litter, she was very happy feeding her cubs, and so the days went by, they were growing up next to their mother.


Hasta que una noche, muy oscura se presentó un enorme y feroz Gato, y aprovechando la ausencia momentáneo de la madre, el animal en cuestión , busca enfurecido al cachorro macho, para atacarlo, pero como la noche era oscura se equivoca y toma al cachorro hembra; clavando sus dientes en el cuello hasta causarle la muerte. De repente llega la madre y enfrenta al Gato agresor hasta hacerlo huir.

Until one night, very dark, a huge and ferocious cat appeared, and taking advantage of the momentary absence of the mother, the animal in question, furiously looking for the male cub, to attack him, but as the night was dark, he made a mistake and took the female cub; nailing her teeth in the neck until she died. Suddenly the mother arrives and confronts the aggressor cat until she makes him flee.


La dueña de la casa, temiendo que el Gato asesino volviera, me ofrece el cachorro sobreviviente del brutal ataque.
Al principio lo rechacé, ya que tener una mascota implica una responsabilidad de alimentación y cuidados. Pero con el pasar del tiempo me fui enamorando de sus travesuras, de su tierna mirada y sus juegos.

The owner of the house, fearing that the killer cat would return, offers me the puppy that survived the brutal attack.
At first I rejected him, since having a pet implies a responsibility of feeding and care. But as time went by I fell in love with his antics, his tender look and his games.


Por ejemplo, aquí se puede ver, como de manera curiosa introduce la cabeza en una cáscara de huevo, transformando su aspecto en un personaje mitológico, bueno al menos se ve muy raro.

For example, here you can see how he curiously inserts his head into an eggshell, transforming his appearance into a mythological character, well at least it looks very strange.


Actualmente, tiene como compañeros a "Cuper" ,el perro de la casa quien lo acepto de forma arregañadiente, como es lógico esperar no ligaban por eso, de lo de Perros y Gatos , e igual que "Fifi" un Gato vecino que frecuentemente viene a visitarlos.

At the moment, he has as companions "Cuper", the dog of the house that accepted him reluctantly, as it is logical to expect, they did not bond for that reason, from the Dogs and Cats thing, and the same as "Fifi" a neighbor Cat that frequently comes to visit them.


Las fotos son de mí autoria,tomadas con los teléfonos: Galaxy A20 y con el Samsung J7, editado con incollage y traducido con Deepl.

The photos are my own, taken with the Galaxy A20 and Samsung J7 phones, edited with incollage and translated with Deepl.
