One thing I am hundred Percent sure everyone did as a child is tell a lie. No matter your background or how well you were trained, at one point in your childhood, you would have told some lies to evade and avoid some punishments or to save face from shame.
The Childhood phase is one very funny and adorable phase. Children can be really silly. Even when their lies are silly, ridiculous and almost unrealistic. Sometimes when I think of some the I lies I told when I was young, I just begin to laugh at my stupidity. I would wonder what made me think my parents would bulge to such unreasonable statement.
The lies children tell, when they tell it and how they tell it most times is the same and because of the fact that every parent was once a child, it is always easy for them to tell when a child is lying because they told similar lies when they were little.
I want to share with you some lies every children in my country always tell. most grown-ups also told these lies when they were kids too. the first is this ;
My Teacher doesn't know Mathematics or my Teacher doesn't know how to teach:
Children always say this whenever they come back with a bad school result or they fail their maths exams. It's really funny how a child that was sent to school to be taught can tell that their teacher who is certified and qualified doesn't know how to do what he or she was hired to do. The teacher is always the best whenever they do well but if they don't perform so well, then the teacher doesn't know how to teach.
My teacher hates me or my teacher failed me :
This is also another lie kids tell whenever they don't do well in school. If they get a good result, you would hear something like ;"mummy I got the best result in class or I passed my maths exam but if they fail or don't do well, they would say something like " my teacher failed me or my teacher hates me" They never take responsibility for their falls and deficiencies. they are experts in playing the blame game and the blame always goes to the teachers. anyway, if they always take responsibility or act so responsibly, they would no longer be kids but adults.
They Didn't Give Us Homework :
This is one of the most regular lies kids tell especially when they're having fun and you interrupt and ask them if they have done their homework. they say it without even thinking because they want you out of their way at that moment. sometimes when you find out that they actually have homeworks and you ask them why they lied about not having a homework, they would tell you that they don't remember saying that they don't have homeworks. Sometimes it's true that they don't remember because they're always engrossed in their games that they say those things on impule.
I've Finished Reading :
Kids say this whenever their parents force them to go and study. They just read the first page of the book, then wait a little while then they come out and tell you that they're done studying. It's really funny, sometimes you just wonder if they have superpowers else how can they read so fast. they tend to finish a book of 50 pages in 10 minutes.
I Am Not Feeling Too Well :
This is another lie kids tell when they want to evade studying or whenever they don't want to go to school and it always works. If you let them have their way, the next minute, you would find them playing, jumping up and down , trying to bring down the roof.
This trick never worked for me though, or should I say I didn't use it as a kid. It didn't work because whenever I said I was sick, my parents would take me to the family clinic and the doctor would always prescribe an injection for me. I dreaded injections so much that even when I was sick, I would pretend to be fine so I won't be taken to the clinic, so if I ever said I was sick and can't go to school, I would have to face the doctors so I never said I was sick
. so you see, unlike other kids that could tell such lie and get away with it, my case was just different.
I Don't Have A Boyfriend Or Girlfriend
This one is predominant amongst teenagers. You know, when a young teenager gets a boyfriend or girlfriend, their attitudes begin to change. They become really weird and ridiculous. sometimes you may see them smiling at themselves or even talking to themselves. They begin to care about alot, especially their looks and they begin to stay on the phone longer than usual. Parents always notice these changes and when they ask these teenagers if they now have a boyfriend or girlfriend, you will be shocked at the way these teenagers would deny, as if they have never even talked to the opposite sex before. They deny so strongly that they can even swear if you ask them to.
These are just a few lies that children and teenagers tell. If you remember some more, you can write them in my comment section so we can laugh together.
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I did really well in school, but still hated homework, and often told the lie 'We didn't have any homework!' to my mother. I would do my homework during attendance at school in the morning, so I never got caught.
Yea. I hated homework too. I always got punished for not doing it. Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate
Lol... I'm found in almost all the category 😂 and to think that I didn't think of all these as lies for sometime is even more funnier.
And about homeworks, I don't know why I preferred doing mine in the mornings at school... There are a lot of other things to do at home (playing of course 😅)
I never pretended to be sick too but I could be very dramatic if I want to avoid work or responsibility back then (even now)
I'm sure there are other lies but I can't think of any now.
Thank you so much ❤️. I'm glad you stopped by. I'm happy you found this interesting
This makes them more adorable 😍
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