In my old neighborhood where I was born and raised in, I knew this lady who had a young child. I must have been eleven, and the child was, say, three years my junior
This lady seized every opportunity to talk down and hit and inflict injury on the child. It made me wonder if age was truly the mother. To put it in clear terms, she hated the child. She called the child derogatory names and accused him of stealing her life away.
I grew older to learn that she had the child out for wedlock, and since her parents were against an abortion, she had to have the child and care for it. And maybe the child was a constant reminder of what pain she suffered. Even then, the child was older, and in no way was that his fault. The sad part of the whole thing was that she refused any relative from taking the child away. She wanted to punish him.
I thought of her as crazy. And right this moment, while I read through today's prompt topic and this incident of years ago flash through my memory, I ask myself if it wouldn't be just appropriate that the child sues his mother. Would he not be in the right?
But maybe that position of suing would have been best handled by an adult. Someone who has seen and could testify of the abuse.
As a child or a teenager growing up, it definitely would have made me delighted to be able to sue my parents for everytime they asked me study rather than join my mates to play outside, for everytime they yelled or disciplined me, for everytime they didn't give me what I asked, for everytime that things did not go my way. You can tell that for everything that I felt wasn't fair or okay by me, the court would be my first stop. And it would all be a mess.
The mind and thinking pattern of a child is underdeveloped and not mature enough. Children like things to go their way, and if it doesn't, they feel like they are being maltreated. They can not tell that a parent is only disciplining them for their own good because they lack the foresight and brain power to weigh the circumstances.
Many of us grew older to realize that every action and everything our parents did, whether they please us at the time or not, were all for our goods. I'm happy that the institution here leaves no room for children to sue their parents(none that I know of, I mean) else, today, there would have been many scarred relationships in the home and dysfunctional families.
As a child, it would have felt good to take my parents to court for every time that the pissed me -which for a lot of us would be every single day- but I know for sure that I would have grown older to regret my decisions and even condemn the society for leaving me that much privilege.
I hope that this made sense and that it was interesting to read. Thank you for coming around.
It's such a sad story that you shared there. I want to think that the lady was more or less a teenager when she had the child and felt so much frustration and helplessness. There's no excuse for her terrible behavior, though.
Parents do their best to bring up disciplined kids, and they do so with the child's interest at heart. If children are let to sue, most would do so for stupid reasons.