

Happy new year, everyone.
It was just like yesterday when we all were saying happy new year as we stepped into the year 2024. And now, in a flash, we are already in 2025. Time goes by so fast, and yet it always feels in the moment that it crawls. I'm excited for what this year holds, are you? Anyway, I wish you all a very fabulous new year. Let's have a blast.

I can not remember, but I do not think I participated in making goals for my Hive journey in this past year, 2024. I know for certain that this sort of question prompt was released, but I don't think that I was very active then, and so I did not make plans. And maybe it's because I made no plans, that's why I didn't sort of do more than I know I am capable of. I tried. I did some good.

Mostly, I was occupied with other things. 2024 was a busy year for me. I had loads of work and school too, so there was hardly time for Hive. Well, not until a few months back, when I had little free time and could manage to write.

You know, setting goals helps us stay on track. It gives us something to want to commit to and look back on and measure progress. It's okay that I had no Hive goals last year, but this year, I'm changing that. I want to do so much better. With how long I've been here, I should be way farther than I am now, but it's okay.

For this new year, 2025, I plan to increase my reputation and post more. To achieve that, I will be making more comments, engaging more, and putting out more posts.

I also plan to get my Hive power to hit 1500. Currently, I'm at five hundred plus numbers. But I'm sure that by increasing my input on the block chain, I can get that much high.

Mostly, I'm just out to do more engaging, whether it is by making more quality posts or by engaging. I don't want to put up so many goals and struggle thereafter. Just engaging can do so much for me in a year so this new year, I'm all for putting myself out there and being active in every community that I make out to be wholly a part of.

I do hope that I am able to pull this through. I know I can, but I hope that my schedule isn't so tight that it becomes a struggle. I will try. After all, it's for my good. So, engaging and getting up my reputation and hive power is my goal for the new year. It's nothing too big. I know that. I just like to go with what i can do. The aim is to set attainable goals, right? Yes!
I hope that we all meet our goals.

I hope that this wss interesting to read. Thanks for coming around.

11.961 NEOXAG


The aim is to set attainable goals,

SMART goals... Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound. Looks like your goals are SMART. I like the way you put numbers to your goals, makes the hunt a lot more fun.
Wishing you the best in this new year. Happy New Year

0.000 NEOXAG

I also plan to get my Hive power to hit 1500.

A target of about 1000HP for the year is very reasonable.
I also have just over 600HP and will be targeting 1500HP by year's end. I hope we remain consistent this year to achieve our goals.

0.000 NEOXAG

I hope we achieve our goals, too.
Thanks for coming around

0.000 NEOXAG

To achieve any hive goals you must be active and work for it.

0.000 NEOXAG