A good ending to this fantasy trilogy | Queen of Nothing

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Después de pasar como 14 horas sin luz pensé mucho en hacer esta reseña, ya que honestamente estoy agotada mentalmente. Pero, decidí escribir para relajarme un poco mientras les hablo de este libro que me gustó mucho. Se trata de "La reina de nada" de Holly Black, el último libro de la saga de los habitantes del aire, aunque es más conocida como la saga del príncipe cruel. Algo que me encanta de esta saga es que está escrita como un cuento de hadas, Holly Black tiene una forma mágica de escribir y eso la hace muy entretenida.

After going about 14 hours without light I thought a lot about doing this review, since I am honestly mentally exhausted. But, I decided to write to relax a bit while I tell you about this book that I really enjoyed. It is “The Queen of Nothing” by Holly Black, the last book in the Air Dwellers saga, although it is better known as the cruel prince saga. One thing I love about this saga is that it is written like a fairy tale, Holly Black has a magical way of writing and that makes it very entertaining.


En la reseña anterior les comentaba que Jude Duarte estaba de vuelta al mundo mortal, donde era muy infeliz, rodeada de humanos, aunque se mantenia aferrada a los restos del mundo faérico haciendo trabajos ocultos para ganar dinero. Hasta que su hermana, más conocida como la perra traidora Taryn, vuelve para pedir un favor. Y Jude, en vez de golpearla, decide aceptar solo para poder volver al mundo de Elfhame. Jude estaba en el exilio "hasta obtener el perdón de la corona", otro juego de Cardan muy inteligente. Y algo que a mí me encantó de este libro fue la parte donde cardan le dijo a Jude que "por qué no había respondido sus cartas?" (Cartas que cuando las leí, me encantaron) y cuando le dijo que siempre supo que era ella desde el momento que entro, ya que cardan es el único que puede diferenciar a las gemelas de forma inmediata ya que dice que Jude es más hermosa.

In the previous review I told you that Jude Duarte was back in the mortal world, where she was very unhappy, surrounded by humans, although she kept clinging to the remains of the faery world doing occult work to earn money. Until her sister, better known as the traitorous bitch Taryn, returns to ask for a favor. And Jude, instead of beating her, decides to accept just so he can return to Elfhame's world. Jude was in exile “until he gets a pardon from the crown”, another very clever Cardan game. And something I loved about this book was the part where Cardan told Jude that “why hadn't she answered his letters?” (Letters that when I read them, I loved) and when he told her that he always knew it was her from the moment he walked in, since Cardan is the only one who can tell the twins apart immediately since he says Jude is more beautiful.


Cada libro del príncipe cruel se siente como si una guerra viniera cerca, y en este libro por poco se luchan esas batallas. Una vez que Jude está en Elfhame y los faes conocían que, en efecto, ella SÍ es su reina, porque no sabían que se había casado con Cardan, ella es secuestrada por Madoc, pensando que ella era Taryn. Cuando Jude es llevada lejos, se encuentra en un campamento del ejertido de Madoc y trata de escapar. Lo que más me gusto de estos capitulos fueron las interacciones de Jude petendiendo ser su hermana, viendo los secretos de madoc, atando cabos sueltos, el rescate que le hicieron sus hermanas y el como la magia la salvó aunque ella fuera solo una humana.

Every cruel prince book feels like a war is coming close, and in this book they narrowly fight those battles. Once Jude is in Elfhame and the fae knew that she IS indeed their queen, because they didn't know she had married Cardan, she is kidnapped by Madoc, thinking she was Taryn. When Jude is taken away, she finds herself in a camp of Madoc's army and tries to escape. What I liked most about these chapters were the interactions of Jude pretending to be her sister, seeing Madoc's secrets, tying up loose ends, her sisters' rescue of her and how magic saved her even though she was only human.


Ya de vuelta a la corte suprema, realmente no vemos mucho tiempo de romance entre nuestros protagonistas, ya que al poco tiempo reaparece Madoc y, antes que se desata la guerra, le tiran una maldición a Cardan, convirtiéndolo en serpiente. Creo que estos momentos fueron muy angustiantes, ya que yo no sabía cómo iba a terminar todo este desastre. Y luego de eso, toda la responsabilidad del reino quedó en manos de la reina, de Jude. Creo que es una protagonista que siempre está a la altura y que no importa lo que esté pasando, va a encontrar la manera de resolverlo.

Back at the supreme court, we don't really see much romance between our protagonists, because soon after Madoc reappears and, before the war breaks out, they put a curse on Cardan, turning him into a snake. I think these moments were very distressing, since I didn't know how all this disaster was going to end. And after that, all the responsibility of the kingdom was left in the hands of the queen, of Jude. I think she is a protagonist who always rises to the occasion and no matter what is going on, she will find a way to solve it.


Lo único que le reprocho un poco a este libro, fue que me faltó romance, y aunque es un libro de fantasía juvenil y no de romance, siento que la historia de Jude y Cardan merecía un mejor final, o por lo menos más tiempo de ellos dos juntos en el libro, ya que pasaron mucho tiempo separados. Y no quiero decir que no quedan como pareja final, porque eso sí sucede, quedan reinando, pero me hubiera gustado ver más de ello, del resto, me pareció genial toda la trama y quedé encantada con la escritura de Holly Black. Espero que les haya encantado conocer mis opiniones, nos leemos pronto!

The only thing I do fault this book a little bit, was that it lacked romance for me, and even though it is a young adult fantasy book and not romance, I feel that Jude and Cardan's story deserved a better ending, or at least more time of the two of them together in the book, as they spent a lot of time apart. And I don't want to say that they are not left as a final couple, because that does happen, they are left reigning, but I would have liked to see more of it, from the rest, I thought the whole plot was great and I was delighted with Holly Black's writing. I hope you loved to know my opinions, see you soon!

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You see that ending, when Jude was torn between killing the snake or living with it, I cried there. Most especially what happened after.
And yeahh, Jude and Cardan didn't so many scenes tp themselves but even without romance, I loved the book.
I think it's time for a re-read already. Been a year since I read it. Thanks for reviewing one of my favorite book this beautifully


Honestly I don't like reading books but checking out your review on this book I now feel like checking it out and try it again due to the cool explanation you gave while writing,Can itbe found online also?


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