unexpected death.



Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all? Hope everyone is well. I am also fine by the grace of God. Like every day, I came to you with a new post. I always try to share some things with you. Likewise, today I will try to present a very beautiful subject in front of you. Actually we can know and learn a lot from these things. Which may be useful in real life. I hope you will enjoy reading the post.

Today I will share with you an unexpected death. In fact, there is a lot of people around us. It includes our relatives or neighbors. Who are very close and familiar to us. I see some people in front of my eyes. And we see them constantly in front of our eyes in work or in various needs. One such person is my aunt. She is my father's cousin's wife.

We meet him whenever we go home. Even their house is next to our house. And this source is almost met with aunt. A few days ago, a few days after Eid, I went to visit our house. Actually, I have not gone for several days, so I thought I would stay for a few days. So when we spent a day or two at our house, I used to meet this aunt. I even saw him doing different kinds of work. One day we are going to Feni from there for one of our work.

When we left the house on the way to Feni, I saw that my aunt was doing some work in a field away from the house. We actually saw him on our way to Feni. Actually, I didn't think about anything then. In fact, we went to work thinking that we were normal. It was almost evening to come from Feni. Then we had reserved a CNG from Feni, whenever we got off the CNG in front of our house, we saw a crowd of people in front of our house.

It was a little surprising why so many people have become a couple. And on asking a man, he says that my aunt has had an accident. Very sorry to hear that. Later I heard that he was taken to the hospital. However, at first it was very sad to hear about his accident. Then we went to our room. Whenever I went home and was changing my dress, I suddenly heard a very loud cry. Then I heard that the aunt is no more.

He died there. I can't express how bad that moment really felt. In fact, the woman is not very old. And he used to talk to everyone very cheerfully. Suddenly I could not accept this accident in any way. On top of that, I saw a good man before my eyes. It disappeared in a moment. In fact, if an elderly person dies or is sick, it can be accepted to some extent. But a sudden unexpected death is very difficult to accept.

He has one son and three daughters. They are completely devastated by the loss of their mother. This death was not expected by anyone. It's really hard to have a person go suddenly like this. I can't forget that day. I think so. Then it is very difficult for his children to accept. Maybe thousands of people are dying every day. But if this kind of death happens in front of your eyes, then you find it difficult to accept it. Even then, there were many prayers for the aunt. You will also pray for him. Anyway, that's it for today. I will share something new later.

This is my own and original article.
