A tender and eventual feline friend. 🐾💞
By: @Lolysacc❤️
Me he convertido en un tipo de persona que no puede ver a un gato en la calle porque inmediatamente se abalanza a querer tocarlo y darle mimos, he visto gatos grandes, pequeños y ancianos en situación de calle, cabe destacar que la mayoría de ellos son recelosos de acercarse a mi cuando lo abordo y eso me rompe el corazón porque me hace sentir que han sido maltratados, y es que estando en la calle no deben tener mucha suerte de ser queridos. Actualmente soy dueña de 3 gatos y sé que no puedo mantener a más animales pero, si dentro de mis posibilidades estuviese hacerlo, adoptaría a unos cuantos hasta que les consiguiera un hogar digno dónde los llenarán de amor. Bueno, honestamente he conocido en la calle a animales tímidos (gatos específicamente) y a otros que por el contrario se han comportado de una manera tan cariñosa conmigo, que hacen que me ponga feliz de forma fugaz. Hoy, les contaré sobre un encuentro que tuve la semana pasada con un lindo y noble michi.
I have become a kind of person who can not see a cat in the street because immediately rushes to want to touch it and give cuddles, I have seen big, small and old cats in street situation, it should be noted that most of them are wary of approaching me when I approach them and that breaks my heart because it makes me feel that they have been mistreated, and being in the street they must not have much luck to be loved. I am currently the owner of 3 cats and I know I can't keep more animals but, if it were within my means to do so, I would adopt a few until I could find them a worthy home where they would be filled with love. Well, honestly, I have met some shy animals on the street (cats specifically) and others that on the contrary have behaved in such a loving way with me, that they make me happy in a fleeting way. Today, I will tell you about an encounter I had last week with a cute and noble michi.
El fin de semana pasado me encontraba con mi novio por las calles de la ciudad de San Juan rumbo a la parada de autobuses, debido a que yo ya me iba a regresar a mi ciudad (tenemos una relación a distancia) y cuando estábamos a una cuadra de llegar a la parada, mi pareja me avisó de que había visto a un gato muy lindo, y quería que yo también lo mirara. Puse atención y resulta que dentro de un centro de salud primario (ambulatorio) se encontraba en el jardín descansando pero tenía los ojos abiertos, así que nos veía. Yo llamé su atención pidiéndole de forma cariñosa que viniera hacia mi, y para nuestra sorpresa de forma sumamente obediente se acercó y nos permitió verlo de cerca incluso acariciarlo. Al verlo de cerca por un momento pensamos que era un felino con heterocromia dado que sus ojos eran de distintos colores, pero luego de acariciarlo y prestarle más atención supimos que ese no era el caso, puesto que se veía que ese ojo de color azul no le funcionaba, aparentemente no tenía visión en ese ojo y si lo mirábamos de cerca podíamos observar parte de los tejidos internos cicatrizados que confirmaban su falta de visión.
Last weekend I was walking with my boyfriend through the streets of the city of San Juan on my way to the bus stop, because I was going back to my city (we have a long distance relationship) and when we were a block away from the bus stop, my partner told me that he had seen a very cute cat, and he wanted me to look at it too. I paid attention and it turns out that inside a primary health center (ambulatory) he was in the yard resting but had his eyes open, so he was watching us. I called his attention asking him in an affectionate way to come to me, and to our surprise in an extremely obedient way he came closer and allowed us to see him up close and even pet him. When we saw him up close for a moment we thought he was a feline with heterochromia since his eyes were of different colors, but after petting him and paying more attention we knew that this was not the case, since we could see that the blue eye did not work, apparently he had no vision in that eye and if we looked closely we could see part of the scarred internal tissues that confirmed his lack of vision.
Este lindo felino nos acompaño por unos minutos, aproveche de sacarle unas fotografías pero era tan enérgico que muy pocas veces salía viendo hacia la cámara. Su color era muy lindo y el pelaje esponjoso pero lo que me impresionaba, era lo cariñoso que era para ser un gato de la calle. Sin embargo deducimos que este animal era acogido de aquel centro de salud y si convive con los trabajadores de allí, recibiendo un trato grato entonces tendríamos la respuesta del por qué de su comportamiento tan noble.
This cute feline accompanied us for a few minutes, I took the opportunity to take some pictures of him but he was so energetic that he rarely came out looking at the camera. His color was very cute and his fur was fluffy but what impressed me was how affectionate he was for a street cat. However, we deduced that this animal was taken in from that health center and if he lived with the workers there, receiving a pleasant treatment, then we would have the answer to why he behaved so nobly.
Cuando llegó el momento de marcharnos, mi novio y yo tuvimos que luchar un poquito porque el gatico quería irse con nosotros, incluso corrió tras nuestro jajaja hasta que mi novio lo tomo en sus brazos y logro meterlo nuevamente dentro de la reja del lugar donde lo habíamos visto. No pude fotografiar ese momento porque tuve que alejarme lo más que pude para que esté felino no volviera a correr tras nuestro.
When it was time to leave, my boyfriend and I had to fight a little bit because the kitten wanted to leave with us, he even ran after us hahaha until my boyfriend took him in his arms and managed to put him back inside the fence of the place where we had seen him. I couldn't take a picture of that moment because I had to move as far away as I could so this feline wouldn't run after us again.
Tuve un poco de miedo de que cuando nos marcharamos de esa calle el gatico volviera a salir y estuviese en peligro de que un carro lo atropellara, así que al llegar a la parada de autobuses le pedí a mi pareja que cuando fuese de regreso a su casa pasara por el mismo lugar y se fijara si nuestro lindo amigo seguía allí.
I was a little afraid that when we left that street the kitten would come out again and be in danger of being run over by a car, so when we got to the bus stop I asked my partner to pass by the same place on his way back home and check if our cute friend was still there.
Por suerte cuando ya venía en camino hacia mi casa me confirmó que efectivamente estaba dentro del centro de salud, acostado en el jardín junto a otro gato. 😊✨ Esto me hizo sentir contenta, los animales permanecen en los lugares donde se sienten seguros, y haber conocido a este tierno, esponjoso y adorable felino me cambio el día. 😍 Saber que lo cuidan también es reconfortante, espero volver a verlo cuando frecuente nuevamente la calle donde se encuentra y llevarle algunos bocadillos para él y su otro amigo gatuno.
Luckily when he was already on his way to my house he confirmed to me that he was indeed inside the health center, lying in the garden next to another cat. 😊✨ This made me feel happy, animals stay in the places where they feel safe, and having met this tender, fluffy and adorable feline changed my day. 😍 Knowing that he is cared for is also comforting, I hope to see him again when I frequent the street where he is again and bring him some treats for him and his other cat friend.
CREDITOS: Todas la imágenes de esta publicación son de mi propiedad salvo se indique lo contrario, imágenes de portada editadas en canva y texto traducido en DeeLp
CAMERA: teléfono Infinix Note 8
wahhh the eyes are so pretty plus its fluffy
That's right, his fur is so fluffy and cute that it makes you want to cuddle him all the time. 🥰😍 And his eyes are his personal seal, it distinguishes him from all the others. 💞
It is a beautiful cat. It's a pity that he lost the sight of one eye, but it seems that this cat was treated well or felt your good vibes, because he approached you and let himself be caressed.
It is true, I was very surprised that as soon as I called him he came to me since cats in the street are usually not very trusting. But he is a very sweet animal, I hope to see him soon and tell you more about him. ❤️😍
Thanks for reading and supporting my post!