11 Ways To Fail And Be Happy (A must read).



Hello Hivers
“It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” — J.K Rawlings,(Author of Harry Potter)

Have you ever wondered why children or mentally ill persons aren't bothered about what fails or not? These folks have nothing to worry about unless they've got no food to fill their bellies with. They don't even have to worry because somehow they're going to eat, and play and sleep and let the day go by. So why the much ado about failure and success? It seems sane people are more afraid or worried about failure than they are actually failing.
https://img.inleo.io/DQmWG6BgVEstToZc4Zum7nMPSBhS5xukezfqW9iEQ25zg9N/worried-7895199_1280.webp .source

What then is failure?

Ask anyone, they'll tell you what they think it means to “fail”, and it's “not having the expected results to show for one's effort” or “not living up to expectations.”
I think the concept of failure is over exaggerated. All the thoughts and opinions we've held or formed about failure are just impressions of what we were sold from chichildhood.

A few myths about Failure

Most of the ideas or impressions we have about failure are mere myths. Here are a few:

Failure is hereditary: This cannot be true, because no one is born a failure or a success. It's not genetic. No one has failure in their DNA.
Failure is the opposite of success: This “dictionary definition” may be right but my Dad used to say “we fail because we want to succeed.” That doesn't sound like the opposite to me; it's more like saying they go together. Michelle Obama puts it like this, “Failure is a part of the process..”
Failure can be avoided: Ridiculous! May it be known to you that nobody is too prepared not to risk failing. Morgan Housel advises to “plan for your plan not going according to plan.” Anything can interfere with your plans no matter how well you planned or prepared. So if you don't prepare for failure you might as well not be prepared for success.

The problem with the human mind is that it doesn't work like mathematics. We've been conditioned to chase gold such that we become unhappy if silver was what we could get, so we complain instead of celebrating our effort. This phenomenon has been termed “counterfactual thinking”. It's what happens in a competition or tournament. The silver medalist thinks he lost even though he won a silver whereas, the bronze medalist thinks he won even though he lost the chance to contest for gold.
https://img.inleo.io/DQmWptBZHguCBFENmoEmczYZNz47X7wRzoxPegjwKBZof7y/joy-7853671_1280.webp .source

11 Ways To Cope With Failure (be happy even when you fail)

No one understands how it feels to fail than the man who has failed before. So here are tips to help you cope.

Think progress: The road to success isn't a straight line, but at every point you have an opportunity to look back and see how far you've come and then keep going.
Avoid the comparison trap: People rarely post their struggles and setbacks on social media, so not everything you see online is true. Some of those things people flaunt may not even be things you value, so don't fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others.
You ain't superman: go easy on yourself, you're not a character in a sci-fi movie. Your ability won't necessarily match your ambition. You just have to keep doing your best irrespective of the disappointing results, you'll be fine in the long run.
Cut yourself some slack: I read it somewhere that “Failure is just an event; it's not a characteristic”. This is so true. You may fail but you're not a failure, so don't judge yourself harshly.
Pour yourself some wine: be like the lizard that fell from the roof top and nodded its head in victory for surviving. You have many things you have accomplished to appreciate yourself for, so pour yourself some wine, make yourself some smoothie and have a nice time. Like my Mom would say, “you sef don try.”

Mind what you say to yourself: Yes, tell that negative inner voice to shut the fuck up. You are gifted, talented and capable. You can do anything that you set your mind to do. Your best is yet to come, enough of all the negative inner monologue.
Give yourself a break: Sometimes, the pressure to overachieve can sink you into depression. You can take a break and relax your mind with a good book, or watch inspirational videos, or listen to motivational podcasts, or engage in soul lifting activities.
If you need help, ask: Don't hide under the cover of “all is well” when you're already at rock bottom. Sometimes, asking is just all you need to do.
Happiness is a choice: Nothing can steal your peace or joy unless you let it. You are totally responsible for your emotions. Failure was just a probability that happened because you tried to do something. The joke is not on you. Be happy.
Keep an open mind: failure will teach you some lessons to prepare you for success, make sure you are learning – and be a happy learner.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It does hurt when you put in the effort and get the total opposite of what you had in mind.


Yeah, it hurts. And we just have to find a way to worry less about it. God bless us.
