The aches and pains have arrived| A great blessing to reach old age


Becoming a senior citizen is a serious thing, you can imagine becoming an old man, but in the meantime I'm really enjoying my time in life. A few days ago I had a consultation with a phlebologist, this specialist is in charge of the study of veins, varicose veins and everything related to the circulatory system.

When I was waiting for my turn, the patient who was due to see the specialist was told everything and I, in my mind, just kept repeating, I will not do any of that to myself.


However, I was open to accept the doctor's suggestions. I thought a lot in those moments of waiting, I remembered my childhood and my ancestors, because all the inheritance they leave us is very valuable, but when we see the hereditary in health, we must also accept it. Each of us will have our own life story, each of us according to our background will be dealing with many realities

It was my turn, the doctor performed the doppler, a test that uses a monitor screen to visualise our circulatory system, reaching deep into the arteries. The doctor inspired me with a lot of confidence. At what point did I reach this state of my health? I take good care of myself, I am very attentive to my health, I try to have an optimal lifestyle. But I was already in the right place. It is no secret that health care in my country is not at all free, and falling into a hospital entails a lot of cumbersome procedures

At the time of that face-to-face meeting with the doctor and answering some routine questions, he referred me to a cardiologist and an endocrinologist. I was planning to go to the gynaecologist, which made me laugh as my humour helps me a lot in these moments of uncertainty. I am now 58 years old, I have been a very healthy woman, I will try to keep buying my medicines little by little and then I will visit the doctors where I have to go. When I tell my friends about all this, they only reply: "welcome to the old people's club" ha,ha,ha,ha

I will also enjoy this stage of my life to the fullest, life is beautiful, it's fun. I am thinking of moving to the beach, I continue to recreate my days in these communities that give us so much support. Becoming a senior citizen is beautiful... Courage!


That day was my granddaughter's birthday, so I went to enjoy this special moment. Thank God everything went very well when I received the doctor's diagnosis, so I am still enjoying life and looking forward to my 59th birthday. I was also able to listen to all the ailments and complaints of my friends and I realise that I am on the right track ha,ha,ha,ha



All images are my property. Equipment used my Redmi A1 cell phone. Translator DeepL. My signature with Canva application



Hola ya casi me alcanzas jaja


Esto si fue una gran sorpresa amiga @naylet. No te voy a preguntar ni te contaré nada por aquí ja,ja,ja. Porfa manda un hola y te agrego, perdí muchos contactos. Ahora tengo un 0424.

¡Un abrazote! ¡Qué bueno que pasé de nuevo por aquí!
