Sexy or brainy - WEEK 145

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Greetings friends another weekend sharing experiences #45, this week very varied and even humorous, this time I will talk about the topic sexy or brainy.


When we talk about intelligence many times we associate it to the degree of instruction that a person can possess by their studies. If I place myself in this line I consider that I am intelligent because I have managed to obtain several university degrees related to technology and education. I have always obtained good grades and I was positioned in the first indexes of the study group.

But I consider that there is also another way to see intelligence in life; I focus on it when we are able to discern in a better way the situations that are presented to us. In my case I have considered that with the passing of time I have learned to control my emotions and act in a cool-headed way in front of daily problems that may arise. In the past I was very impulsive and acted in a way that instead of solving things became complicated. I consider myself intelligent in this aspect since I have achieved a balance in the way I act and I have managed my emotions in a more effective way.



On the other hand, I also consider myself a person who always has something to learn, that's why I am always very curious when I want to learn about a subject unknown to me. So much so that many of my learning at a computer level I have obtained by learning by discovery. I can spend days, hours; until I achieve what I want to learn; the satisfaction is very great when I get the result I wanted. The truth is that I am not a person who limits myself in front of situations, much less in terms of learning that has to do with computers.

There are situations where I have personally had to be open to listen to others in tense situations, but always with a critical stance towards the situation. Currently I have a situation in my daughter's high school and I have had to look for the necessary information and laws to be able to go with criteria and to know how to approach the subject since there is an outrage to a minor.



To say that you are intelligent as a whole is something that may sound a bit vain, since the world of knowledge is very wide and there is always something to learn. But so far I consider myself intelligent because of the ability I have, to be able to solve problems in a better way and the curiosity to want to know more and keep up with new trends in the area of work.

I bid you farewell and I will see you in the next opportunity.
Translator used Deelp
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Thanks for reading me

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It's like that friend, it's not about measuring grades or titles, but the ability you have to act and respond to certain situations, good answer jiji, greetings.


If indeed the approach to intelligence associated with how we act in the face of life, makes us intelligent beings.


Hello, yes certainly intelligence goes hand in hand with studies but there are also people who did not study and are very intelligent because they learn by watching other people doing some activity.


If there is learning by discovery and that too we can call a person intelligent for also seeking and learning from others.


You are right, being intelligent encompasses many aspects, ranging from theoretical knowledge, but also practical, emotional management and many other things.

And just as you say, we can be experts in some branch, but there is always something new to learn, we cannot know everything.
