Daily Blog/ Shopping day with my daughter


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Today a rainy day, but with a commitment to go shopping with my daughter. I had promised her to go shopping, as she is having a party and wanted some new clothes appropriate for the occasion. It's the first time she's been invited to a quinceañera and I really didn't like the option for telling me she would be staying at a friend's house. In order not to be so closed minded as a mother, I gave her the option to go with her and she accepted. I don't know how long it's been since I've attended a night out.

Hoy un día lluvioso, pero con el compromiso de salir de compras con mi hija. Le había prometido ir de compras, ya que tendrá una fiesta y quería una ropa nueva apropiada para la ocasión. Es primera vez que la invitan a unos quince años y realmente no me gustaba mucho la opción por decirme que se quedaría en casa de una amiga. Para no ser tan cerrada como madre, le di la opción de ir con ella y acepto. No sé cuánto tiempo tengo que no asisto a un compartir de noche.


Well the truth is that today we managed to get out and we went by public transport, which by the way took too long to get to the Victoria traki store. We were going to take advantage of the offers, but it turns out that it is only selected merchandise.

Bueno lo cierto es que hoy logramos salir y nos fuimos en transporte público, que por cierto duro demasiado para llegar a la tienda traki de la Victoria. Íbamos aprovechar las ofertas, pero resulta que es solo mercancía seleccionada.


Even though it took us a while to get there, it was a good time and my daughter and her friend were busy looking for something that would look good for their party.

A pesar de duramos para llegar, fue buena hora y mi hija y su amiga, se dedicaron a buscar algo que les quedará bien, para su fiesta.


They started looking for long dresses, but they laughed because the models are a bit old fashioned. Well, there was quite a lot of merchandise for young people, especially clothes in metallic colors. My daughter opted to try beige, brown and a black dress, which I knew from the moment I saw it, would look very nice on her, since my daughter is tall and slim.

Empezaron a buscar vestido largos, pero se reían porque los modelos son un poco pasados de moda. Bueno había bastante mercadería para jóvenes, sobretodo ropa de colores metálicos. Mi hija optó más bien por probar ropa de color beigs, marrón y un vestido negro; que desde que lo ví , sabía que le quedaría muy lindo, ya que mi hija es alta y delgada.




I took advantage as always of being in the home part; where there are too many beautiful artifacts, but still this department is not on sale; so I will continue to wait to buy some things I want.

Aproveche como siempre de estar en la parte de hogar; dónde hay artefactos demasiados hermosos, pero todavía este departamento no está en oferta; así que seguiré esperando para comprar algunas cosas que deseo.



Today I was on a short budget, really my priority was my daughter, however I brought my son a short. After shopping I went to the mall next door and we decided on the cheapest thing which was a hot dog for 2$. It was good, the only thing was that it had a lot of mustard. But it did the job of taking away my hunger and to be able to wait to get home.

Hoy iba con un presupuesto corto, realmente mi prioridad era mi hija, sin embargo le traje a mi hijo un shorts Después de comprar me fui al centro comercial que está al lado y nos decidimos por lo más económico que era un perro caliente por 2$. Estaban buenos los único que tenía mucha mostaza. Pero cumplió la función de quitarme el hambre y poder esperar a llegar a casa.

I bid you farewell and see you at a later date.
Photographs are my property
Translator used Deelp

Me despido y nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad
Fotografías son de mi propiedad
Traductor utilizado Deelp



I’m glad that you allowed your daughter to go even though you’re not really cool with it
I love that dress though


Yes, I had to give in a little. Although you know he's not going to be partying at parties. 😀


Happy you spent the day shopping with your daughter. That black dress looks lovely on her.
