[PT/EN] Happy Bull Year, Power Up and what to do if it all goes wrong


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English below

Olá pessoal! Hoje viemos aqui para 3 coisas bem simples. Primeira, desejar Feliz Ano Novo a todos e que 2024 seja um ano repleto de crescimento e que nossa tão amada Hive receba novos projetos tornando nossa rede cada vez mais forte e consistente se preparando pra grande adoção.

A segunda coisa é falar sobre meu Hive Power Up, o primeiro do ano e começando em grande estilo, passaremos rapidamente lembrando algumas metas que foram faladas em posts passados e como pretendo alcança-las.

A terceira coisa será falando uma possível previsão dos planos de contingencia, o que farei se chegar ao meio de 2024 e minhas metas não estiverem sendo concretizadas com sucesso. Essa terceira é parte do concurso "The Thinker's Corner" do @kenechukwu97 que pretendo participar sempre que possível.

Então vamos ao que interessa...

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Happy Bull Year

O ano que iniciamos hoje pode ser o inicio de um novo ciclo cripto e o que desejo a todos é que consigam alcançar suas metas e estejam preparados para não só lucrar nesse ciclo, mas também fazer com que os projetos da web3 se tornem mais visíveis melhorando a qualidade de vida das pessoas.

Quanto a mim, continuarei a fazer meu melhor, acertando e errando, construindo não só minha carteira mas também um ambiente melhor e propicio para o crescimento da Hive e das comunidades envolvidas. Buscando apoiar projetos que acredito e buscando apoio para Nexo Digital e HiveBR.

Falando em Nexo Digital e HiveBR sabia que você pode apoiar essas 2 comunidades de forma simples e gratuita? Basta votar nas testemunhas relacionadas e essas comunidades pelos links abaixo :)


Agora que já apoiaram, desejo a todos um Happy Bull Year e vamos seguir em frente...

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Hive Power Up

Meu primeiro Hive Power Up Day de 2024 foi dos grandes, tendo tido um power up de 200Hive, mas essa nem é a melhor noticia. Aqueles que acompanham meus posts já devem ter visto aqui que pretendo aumentar meu HP em ao menos 500HP todos os meses de 2024 e em alguns meses que tiver algum extra sobrando aumentar mais para que possa chegar ao final de 2024 com no mínimo 8kHP, mas tentando chegar a 10kHP. Então esses 200 de power up não chegam nem perto, para isso tentarei seguir a estratégia de postar diariamente para aumentar meu HP e farei power up TODOS os dias de 2024 de no mínimo 2HP e podendo ser ainda mais para cumprir a meta de 500HP por mês.

Seguindo essa estratégia além de conseguir aumentar meu HP também ganharei varias insígnias do HiveBuzz de criador da semana, mês e uma insígnia do ano. Além das insígnias de HPUM dos 12meses e do HPUD... Espero ter a resiliência e vontade necessária para concluir essa estratégia com sucesso.

Segue meu HPUD desse mês.


Além do Power Up tentei participar do Power Up Helper fazendo um Power Up pra minha esposa de 11HP mas a insígnia ainda não apareceu pra mim então não sei se fiz algo errado. Mas segue o print do power up.


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E se tudo der errado

Bom para a terceira parte do post quero falar não só das metas da Hive como as metas da minha vida. Em +- 5 meses serei pai e muitos dos meus planos se modificaram e se adaptaram para a paternidade. Reservas de emergência se tornaram reservas para o bebê. O planejamento para viagens se tornou planejamento para o parto. Sendo assim esses são os planos que tenho maior preocupação em manter, a segurança e bem estar da minha esposa e da criança que está por vir.

Acredito que se tudo der errado nesse quesito que eu não de conta de ajudar, só penso em uma coisa que eu possa fazer sem ter uma situação mais especifica sobre isso. É pedir ajuda as pessoas próximas que sei que posso confiar para me darem suporte para lidar com a situação da melhor forma que for possível!

Mas sendo menos drástico e voltando a falar sobre as metas financeiras e as metas da Hive... Se por acaso algo acontecer que faça com que tudo der errado independente de como der errado, o primeiro passo é um só, reavaliar e reajustar as metas. Não ter medo de reajustar as metas e reorganizar as coisas de forma realista é necessário para alcançar sucesso a longo prazo. Para o segundo passo seria necessário identificar o que causou a falha e até mesmo saber da situação especifica para saber como reagir.

Então de qualquer forma, reavaliar a situação e pedir ajuda se necessário é o básico para reajustar as metas e ter sucesso em situações de crise.

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Mais um ano, mês e dia começaram e seguimos com nossas metas, e quando elas não dão certo reajustamos e seguimos em frente fazendo sempre nosso melhor!

Espero que tenham gostado do post e se puder deixa seu upvote. Caso queira ver mais desse tipo de conteúdo me segue e deixa nos comentários o que você gostaria de ver por aqui.

Se você tiver um voto sobrando para testemunhas na Hive considere votar na testemunha da Nexo Digital clicando aqui . Assim você ajuda no onboard de novos Hivers e a valorizar arte e cultura que são os focos principais da comunidade!

Quer saber como ganhar token $NEXO delegando seu HP ou ganhar HBD apenas holdando o token $NEXO? Entre no discord da Nexo Digital e saiba mais. Vamos espalhar a arte pelas redes!

Translated by deepl.com

Hello everyone, we're here today for three simple things. First, to wish everyone a Happy New Year and that 2024 will be a year full of growth and that our beloved Hive will receive new projects making our network stronger and more consistent in preparation for the big adoption.

The second thing is to talk about my Hive Power Up, the first of the year and starting in style, we'll quickly go through some goals that have been talked about in past posts and how I intend to achieve them.

The third thing will be to talk about a possible contingency plan, what I'll do if I reach the middle of 2024 and my goals aren't being successfully achieved. This third one is part of @kenechukwu97's contest "The Thinker's Corner", which I intend to participate in whenever possible.

So let's get down to business...

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Happy Bull Year

The year we're starting today could be the beginning of a new crypto cycle and what I wish everyone is that they achieve their goals and are prepared to not only profit in this cycle, but also make web3 projects more visible, improving people's quality of life.

As for me, I will continue to do my best, trial and error, building not only my portfolio but also a better environment conducive to the growth of Hive and the communities involved. Seeking to support projects that I believe in and seeking support for Nexo Digital and HiveBR.

Speaking of Nexo Digital and HiveBR, did you know that you can support these two communities simply and for free? Just vote for the witnesses related to these communities using the links below :)


Now that you've given your support, I wish you all a Happy Bull Year and let's move on...

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Hive Power Up

My first Hive Power Up Day of 2024 was a big one, with a 200Hive power up, but that's not even the best news. Those of you who follow my posts will have seen here that I intend to increase my HP by at least 500HP every month of 2024 and in some months when I have some extra left over I'll increase it more so that I can reach the end of 2024 with at least 8kHP, but trying to reach 10kHP. So these 200 power ups aren't even close, so I'll try to follow the strategy of posting every day to increase my HP and I'll do power ups EVERY day of 2024 of at least 2HP and it could be even more to meet the target of 500HP per month.

By following this strategy, as well as increasing my HP, I'll also earn various HiveBuzz badges for creator of the week, month and year. In addition to the 12-month HPUM and HPUD badges... I hope I have the resilience and will to complete this strategy successfully.

Here's my HPUD for this month.


In addition to the Power Up, I tried to participate in the Power Up Helper by making a Power Up for my wife of 11HP but the badge hasn't appeared for me yet so I don't know if I did something wrong. But here's a print of the power up.


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And if everything goes wrong

Well, for the third part of this post I want to talk not only about Hive's goals but also about my life goals. I'll be a father in about 5 months and many of my plans have changed and adapted to fatherhood. Emergency reserves have become reserves for the baby. Planning for travel has become planning for childbirth. So these are the plans I'm most concerned about maintaining, the safety and well-being of my wife and the child to come.

I believe that if things go wrong in this regard and I'm unable to help, there's only one thing I can do without having a more specific situation. It's to ask for help from people close to me who I know I can trust to support me in dealing with the situation in the best possible way!

But being less drastic and going back to talking about financial goals and Hive's goals... If something happens that causes everything to go wrong, regardless of how it goes wrong, the first step is just one: re-evaluate and readjust the goals. Not being afraid to readjust goals and reorganize things realistically is necessary to achieve long-term success. For the second step it would be necessary to identify what caused the failure and even to know the specific situation in order to know how to react.

So in any case, reassessing the situation and asking for help if necessary is the basics of readjusting goals and succeeding in crisis situations.

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Another year, month and day have begun and we continue with our goals, and when they don't work out we readjust and move on, always doing our best!

I hope you enjoyed the post and if you can leave your upvote. If you'd like to see more of this kind of content, follow me and let me know in the comments what you'd like to see here.

If you have a vote left over for Hive's witnesses, consider voting for Nexo Digital's witness by clicking here . This way you can help onboard new Hivers and promote art and culture, which are the main focus of the community!

Want to know how to earn $NEXO token by delegating your HP or earn HBD just by holding the $NEXO token? Join Nexo Digital's discord and find out more. Let's spread the art across the networks!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Congratulations 🎊 on your power up, and I hope you get to meet what your expectations.

It is good news you share about you being a father soon. I am glad to hear that and wish your wife a safe labour and recovery.

However things turn out to be, you've highlighted ways you intend to seek help when needed, which is a very good way to go. Happy New Year and power-up month to you.


This is indeed a Bull Year and I've heard all about that while jumping into #Web3 X Spaces. Crypto folks are getting set for the adventure and I'm we all are positioning ourselves for this adventure.

I see that you are expecting a Child. I'm happy for you and your family. Childbirth can come as a Blessing especially when you are already getting yourself ready to welcome the Child and make life good for the baby and your wife. I wish you all the best in that and I wish you the best in your HP building goal.

I wish for everything to go well for you, but if things go South in any slight way, I believe you already have a solid plan for you and the goals you set.


This long-awaited bull is really the talk of the town! I hope it takes a while to come... I still want to accumulate a lot :)

Thank you for your kind words and I hope I succeed in my plans too!


Congratulations @lipe100dedos! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 100 HP on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 3 badge
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Announcing the Winners of HiveBuzz's Yearly Author Badge for 2023!
PUD - PUH - PUM - It's all about to Power Up!
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - December 2023 Winners List

Congratulations @lipe100dedos! You received a personal badge!

You made another user happy by powering him up some HIVE on Hive Power Up Day and got awarded this Power Up Helper badge.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Announcing the Winners of HiveBuzz's Yearly Author Badge for 2023!
PUD - PUH - PUM - It's all about to Power Up!
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - December 2023 Winners List