Art, Nature and Peace / Arte, Naturaleza y Paz

Hello my friends of Arquitectura +diseño

Today I will take you to a beautiful place located within the Quinta de los Molinos It is a beautiful park located between two buildings, in other publications I have already told you about this protected area where culture, history and nature merge, the most striking thing is that this place has put all the effort to reserve its Natural Heritage and despite being in a very central area of the city feels very peaceful and quiet, it seems like an oasis in a desert.

Well, this beautiful park within this paradise has a few statues I counted 10 in a small space of a little more than 1 kilometer long and about 50 wide approximately. One thing that surprised me is that none of them has an inscription, that is, neither the work nor the artist is identified. In spite of being very well cared for, I could not find anyone who could explain it to me. When I got home I tried to look for the origin of these statues on the internet and I couldn't find it either, something I would have liked very much, I think they should work on it.

Hola mis amigos de Arquitectura +diseño

Hoy los llevaré a un hermoso lugar ubicado dentro de la Quinta de los molinos Es un bonito parque ubicado entre dos edificaciones, ya en otras publicaciones les he hablado de esta área protegida donde se funde cultura , historia y naturaleza, lo más llamativo es que este lugar que ha puesto todo el empeño en reservar su Patrimonio Natural y a pesar de encuentrarse en una zona muy céntrica de la ciudad se siente mucha paz y tranquilidad , parece un oasis en un desierto .

Pues bien , este hermoso parque dentro de este paraíso tiene unas cuantas estatua conté 10 en un pequeño espacio de un poco más de 1 Kilómetro de largo y unos 50 de ancho aproximadamente . Una cosa que me extrañó mucho es que ninguna tiene inscripción , o sea no se identifica ni la obra , ni el artista. A pesar de encontrarse muy cuidado no encontre quien me pudiera aclarar. Al llegar a mi casa traté de buscar el origen de estas estatuas en internet y tampoco lo hallé algo que me hubiera gustado mucho, pienso que se debe trabajar en ello.

When you arrive at the park you are greeted by a pair of canine statues , in hidalgic position , leaning on their front legs and sitting on their hind legs , chest protruding and looking straight ahead . They reminded me so much of my Zidanne , an elegant pitbull that was my pet and I lost two years ago , I still miss him , he was very elegant .

Cuando llegas al parque te recibe una pareja de estatuas caninas , en posición hidalguica , apoyados sobre sus patas delanteras y sentados sobre las traseras , el pecho saliente y la vista al frente . Me recordaron tanto a mi Zidanne , un elegante pitbull que fue mi mascota y perdí hace dos años, aun lo extraño, era muy elegante.

When entering there are several statues, all on their podiums in perfect preservation, some are just busts and others stand the size of a natural person. In all the place as in all the Quinta adorns its palms and leafy trees that give shade to the seats of wood and wrought iron that it possesses, propitious to rest under this shade that lets run a delicious breeze under its foliage, being a salvation before this cruel sun and the heat of these months.

Al adentrarnos existen varias estatuas , todas sobre sus podios en perfecta conservación , algunas son solo bustos y otras se alzan del tamaño de una persona natural . En todo el lugar como en toda la Quinta lo adornan sus palmeras y frondosos árboles que dan sombra a los asientos de madera y hierro forjado que posee , propicios para descansar bajo está sombra que deja correr una deliciosa brisa por debajo de su follaje , siendo una salvación antes este cruento sol y el calor de estos meses .

It has a wide central walk where the major statues are placed and when arriving at the center we see a beautiful fountain, it is a round pond that borders it a work in stones, to the center rises on a base a smaller circle with an ornament that simulates shells and to the center of him is the water spout which runs until falling in the pond.

Tiene un amplio paseo central donde se colocan las estatuas mayores y al llegar al centro vemos una hermosa fuente , es un estanque redondo que lo bordea un trabajo en piedras , al centro se levanta sobre una base un circulo más pequeño con un adorno que simula conchas y al centro de él está el surtidor de agua la cual corre hasta caer en el estanque.

On the sides there are smaller paths, also with benches and trees that provide shade, the floor is made of smooth stones and there is a huge stone bench surrounding a large tree, a job very well done and of course the one who sits can enjoy great shelter.

A los lados hay caminos más pequeños, también con bancos y árboles que dan sombra, el suelo es de piedras lisas y hay un enorme banco de piedra que rodea un gran árbol, un trabajo muy bien hecho y desde luego el que se sienta puede disfrutar de un gran cobijo.

On the edge of the central walkway I found two plaques, one made in honor of Dr. Oscar Antonio Loyola Vega, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and History and Member of the Scientific Council of the University of Havana The other plaque was donated by the Russian State Security Veterans Fund, dedicated to Fiodis Vasilyevich, the first Russian to visit Cuba between August 1782 and 1784, according to the plaque.

En el borde del paseo central encontré dos placas, una hecha en honor del Dr. Oscar Antonio Loyola Vega, Vicedecano de la Facultad de Filosofía e Historia y Miembro del Consejo Científico de la Universidad de la Habana La otra placa fue donada por el Fondo de Veteranos de la Seguridad del Estado Ruso, dedicada a Fiodis Vasílievich, el primer ruso que visitó Cuba entre agosto de 1782 y 1784, según la placa.

The end wall of the park is adorned with a fountain with a semicircular pond on which stands a large rock from which water emanates and on it the statue. On the sides there are palm trees and other plants.

La pared del fondo del parque está adornada con una fuente con un estanque semicircular sobre el que se alza una gran roca de la que emana agua y sobre ella la estatua. A los lados hay palmeras y otras plantas.

On one side of the park is the museum of Máximo Gomes which I already told you about in another publication and on the other side there is a Casa de Cultural with a beautiful colonial architecture, I could not visit it because it was closed. To access it you have to climb three steps of smooth unpolished stone , which highlights the age of the building , but it looks very well kept with large wooden windows and transparent glass all in magnificent condition . On the lintel of the doors and windows there is a nice ornament .

A un lado del parque está el museo de Máximo Gomes del que ya les hablé en otra publicación y al otro lado hay una Casa de Cultural con una bonita arquitectura colonial, no pude visitarla porque estaba cerrada. Para acceder a ella hay que subir tres escalones de piedra lisa sin pulir , lo que resalta la antigüedad del edificio , pero se ve muy bien cuidado con grandes ventanales de madera y vidrio transparente todo en magnífico estado . En el dintel de las puertas y ventanas hay un bonito adorno .

Here I leave you this beautiful park being another place to visit when you go to Quinta de los Molinos where you will find a haven of peace and very well maintained vegetation, accompanied by art. See you!!.

Aquí les dejo este bonito parque siendo otro lugar a visitar cuando vayas a la Quinta de los Molinos donde encontraras un remanso de paz y vegetación muy bien cuidada, acompañado de arte. Nos Vemos!!.

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Xiaomi Note 11, unidas y recreadas en canva.
Usé Traductor DeepL

The photos were taken with my Xiaomi Note 11 phone, joined and recreated in canva.
I use Translator DeepL

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Hermana @lileisabel, me sorprendió mucho tu recorrido por el parque. Es una pena que las estufas no te tengan el nombre de los artistas que la elaboraron al menos, sería bueno saberlo, las dos fuentes son preciosas pero la de la muralla, fue la que más me gustó, por las preciosas palmeras.
Me sorprendió mucho, el celo con que se cuida este pulmón natural de la ciudad.
Muy bonito hermana , feliz día 🌹🌷🌼🪷🪻😂🌻🌺💐💮🥀☘️

Sister @lileisabel, I was very surprised by your tour of the park. It is a pity that the stoves do not have the name of the artists who made them at least, it would be good to know, the two fountains are beautiful but the one on the wall, was the one I liked the most, because of the beautiful palm trees.
I was very surprised, the zeal with which this natural lung of the city is cared for.
Very nice sister, happy day 🌹🌷🌼🪷🪻😂🌻🌺💐💮🥀☘️


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Hi @lileisabel, what a beautiful place to relax, I think I would spend several hours there sitting under the trees harnessing the brisay enjoying the contact with nature.



Si es muy bonito y la tranquilidad , el frescor y el contacto con la naturaleza , es un relajante , gracias por pasar amiga @belkyscabrera

If it is very beautiful and the tranquility, the freshness and the contact with nature, it is relaxing, thank you for stopping by friend @belkyscabrera


Beautiful place friend, you are right in places like this you feel a lot of peace, plus it looks very extensive.


Thank you for stopping by dear, contact with nature is very healthy 😍❤️


A very beautiful park, in addition to the beautiful vegetation of the place we can also recreate our view with this beautiful garden and these beautiful sculptures.


Así es amiga un parque súper bonito y con mucha paz 😍

This is what my friend is, a super beautiful park with a lot of peace 😍


Oh dear friend @lileisabel, It is a beautiful place to rest and enjoy nature🤗🌼.


Así mismo es amiga , un lugar muy especial 😌

Likewise, it is a friend, a very special place 😌


nature with art and statues that are so beautiful. a combination that can please the heart.


Que bonito parque, me encantó tu propuesta. Se aprecia tranquilidad en el para sentarte y meditar. Nos das unos paseos en la Habana increíbles. Gracias. Saludos.🥰❤️


Gracias @mamani por tu lindo comentario , si es un magnifico lugar rodeado de muchos verdes 🌿

Thank you @mamani for your nice comment, it is a magnificent place surrounded by many greens 🌿


Again a great photo-report on this amazing place to visit @lileisabel friend!

!discovery 33


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Congratulations dear @lileisabel! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER UP in Architecture Anthology™ 81. More power!


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Muchas gracias @aplusd por continuar con el arduo trabajo siempre 👍🏽❤️

Thank you very much @aplusd for always continuing the hard work 👍🏽❤️


It is always an immense pleasure to serve you dear @lileisabel. Keep up the awesome A+D stories! 😀


There are many beautiful statues scattered around. The green garden gives the impression of this place being shady. Good view!


It is a charming place, spend a moment of relaxation, thank you for stopping by 👌🏽❤️


Agreed. Happy to reading your post. Looking for your next work.


Congratulations dear @lileisabel! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded the SILVER STAR in Architecture Anthology™ 82. More power!


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive Blockchain.

P.S. Please ignore the previous award for last week as this A+D post is meant to be on this week's report. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.


Thank you @aplusd for always valuing the work done. I feel very happy with it 😍


Always a tremendous pleasure to serve you dear @lileisabel. Keep up the fantastic A+D projects from Cuba and beyond. We love them! 😀
