THE WAR: Belt & Road Geopolitics [eng/срп] РАТ: Геополитика Појаса и пута


Silk road / Пут свиле. Source / Извор: Wikipedia

There is a relatively simple way to predict conflict points on a planet. Basic knowledge of geopolitics is enough…

Before its humiliating defeat by the British Empire in the mid-19th century, China was the world’s first economic power and global factory. It acquired that status thanks to centuries of patient construction of trade routes to the west. From 114 BC to the middle of the 15th century, a powerful land and sea infrastructure known as the ‘Silk Road’ was built (see title map).

With the collapse of the Chinese empire and the beginning of the ‘century of humiliation’, the land routes were interrupted and the West completely mastered the sea routes, according to the doctrine of Halford Mackinder.

Постоји релативно једноставан начин да се предвиде тачке сукоба на планети. Довољно је елементарно познавање геополитике…

Пре понижавајућег пораза од британске империје средином 19. века, Кина је била прва економска сила и фабрика света. Она је тај статус стекла захваљујући вековној стрпљивој изградњи трговинских путева према западу. Од 114. године пре нове ере до средине 15. века, била је изграђена моћна копнена и поморска инфраструктура позната као ‘Пут свиле’ (види насловну мапу).

Пропашћу кинеског царства и почетком ‘века понижења’ копнени путеви су прекинути а Запад је у потпуности овладао морским путевима, према доктрини Халфорда Макиндера.

Halford Mackinder. Source / Извор: Wikipedia

It seems paradoxical, but it was the Chinese defeat and the ‘century of humiliation’ that laid the foundation for a new rise. The insatiable capitalist thirst for profit shifted all industry to where labor was cheapest – China – making it once again a global factory. It therefore became completely natural that the goods produced in that factory must be delivered all over the world, which means that it was necessary to reconstruct the old infrastructure of the ‘Silk Road’ and build a new one. And China has been doing exactly that for the past half century, using mostly US government bonds that they received as collateral. That’s how the ‘Belt and Road’ was born…

Наизглед парадоксално, али управо је кинески пораз и ‘век понижења’ ударио темељ новом успону. Незасита капиталистичка жеђ за профитом пребацила је сву индустрију тамо где је радна снага била најјефтинија – у Кину – учинивши је тако поново глобалном фабриком. Постало је зато потпуно природно да се роба произведена у тој фабрици мора доставити свуда по свету, што значи да је била неопходна реконструкција старе инфраструктуре ‘Пута свиле’ и изградња нове. И Кина је последњих пола века управо то чинила користећи махом средства америчких државних обвезница које су добијали као залог. Тако је никао ‘Појас и пут’

Belt and Road-1-104.jpg
Source / Извор: South Front

The construction of a massive Chinese trade infrastructure on three continents, which is not under the control of the financial plutocracy, has turned on all the red lights in the globalist headquarters. Because, according to a simple geopolitical principle, the passing of economic interest is always accompanied by military interest.

And this is the key to all the conflicts we see in the world today. These are not unrelated conflicts, ‘special military operations’, wars, rebellions, coups, color revolutions… This is a global conflict of the highest possible type. I will try to explain it like this: Most media analysts are already aware of the fact that the conflict in Ukraine is not between their Nazi leadership and Russia, but that it is a proxy war between Russia and the NATO pact. That is only partially true, because in that case we could still talk about a regional conflict.

But the truth is that the first real World War has begun – a war for the global suppression of Chinese economic influence accompanied by Russian military power. And that can be easily seen on the conflict map today. It must first be said that the game is played in such a way that there is never a direct conflict between the Empire and other nuclear powers. Instead, the Empire pushes useful proxy fools into war willing to force their own population to die for the Empire’s interests.

Let’s look at the waterways first: Both the Empire and China have military bases in Djibouti, so there will be no direct conflict there. But China has a Ghawar base in Pakistan – and look at the constant unrest there after the removal of Prime Minister Imran Khan. Also, Port Sudan was an important port for the transport of Chinese goods to and from the African continent, and in 2020 Russia signed an agreement on the opening of a ‘military dock’, or rather a military base with a softer name. And so – another coup attempt!

The Empire still controls the Strait of Malacca, and is doing everything it can to create the conditions for mastering the Arctic and the northern sea route. What are the plans with Taiwan? See how many ports China would most likely have to close in the event of a crisis with Taiwan:

Изградња масивне кинеске трговачке инфраструктуре на три континента, која није под контролом финансијске плутократије, попалила је све црвене лампице у глобалистичким штабовима. Јер, према једноставном геополитичком начелу, пролазак економског интереса увек прати и војни интерес.

И ово је кључ свих сукоба које данас гледамо у свету. Нису у питању неповезани сукоби, ‘специјалне војне операције’, ратови, побуне, обојене револуције… У питању је глобални сукоб највишег могућег типа. Пробаћу да га објасним овако: Већина аналитичара већ је свесна чињенице да се сукоб у Украјини не води између њиховог нацистичког руководства и Русије, већ да је у питању посреднички рат између Русије и НАТО пакта. То је само делимично тачно, јер би у том случају и даље могли да говоримо о регионалном сукобу.

Али истина је да је почео први прави Светски рат – рат за глобално сузбијање кинеског економског утицаја праћеног руском војном силом. И то се данас може лако видети на мапи сукоба. Мора се најпре рећи да се игра води тако да никад не дође до директног сукоба Империје са другим нуклеарним силама. Уместо тога, Империја у рат гура корисне будале спремне да натерају своје становништво да гине за интересе Империје.

Погледајмо прво водене путеве: У Џибутију и Империја и Кина имају војне базе, тако да ту до директног сукоба неће доћи. Али Кина има базу Гавар у Пакистану – и погледајте тамо сталне нереде после смене премијера Имрана Кана. Такође, Порт Судан је био важна лука за транспорт кинеске робе на Афрички континент и са њега, а 2020. Русија је потписала уговор о отварању ‘војног пристаништа’, или боље речено војне базе с мекшим називом. Дакле – још један покушај државног удара!

Империја још држи под контролом Малака мореуз, и чини све не би ли створила услове за овладавање Арктиком и северним морским путем. Шта планира са Тајваном? Погледајте колико би лука највероватније Кина морала да затвори у случају кризе са Тајваном:


However, a conflict in Taiwan should not be expected before the United States sets up microchip factories in Silicon Valley to replace TSMC's production. When the factories are finished, everything will explode just like on the overland routes of the Belt and Road. Just as it started in Kazakhstan at the beginning of 2022, and continued in Russia and Ukraine – all extremely important countries through which the 'Belt and Road' land corridors pass.

The other branch goes through Iran, Azerbaijan and Turkey. Iran is under constant pressure from the Empire, which China successfully defused by spectacularly brokering a peace agreement between the biggest historical rivals in the Middle East. On the other hand, Azerbaijan and Armenia are burning in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. And as we write this, votes are being counted in the elections in Turkey…

Међутим, сукоб на Тајвану не треба очекивати пре него што Сједињене Државе оспособе фабрике за производњу чипова у Силицијумској Долини које ће заменити производњу ТСМЦ-а. Кад фабрике буду завршене, све ће прштати као и на копненим рутама ‘Појаса и пута’. Баш онако како је почетком 2022. кренуло у Казахстану, а наставило се у Русији и Украјини – све изузетно важне земље кроз које пролазе копнени коридори ‘Појаса и пута’.

Други огранак иде преко Ирана, Азербејџана и Турске. Иран је под сталним притиском Империје који је Кина успешно деактивирала спектакуларним посредовањем у мировном споразуму између највећих историјских ривала на Блиском Истоку. Али зато Азербејџан и Јерменија горе у сукобу око Нагорно-Карабаха. А док ово пишемо, броје се гласови на изборима у Турској…

Source / Извор:

Thus, the map unmistakably shows the locations of the next conflicts, or as the former head of the State Department, John Kerry liked to say: 'the front lines'. Finally, I have a map for my fellow Serbs. It is from 2018, but it is much more detailed than the previous ones. The broken green line shows the road that is already operational today:

Дакле, мапа непогрешиво показује локације наредних сукоба, или како је некадашњи шеф Стејт Департмента, Џон Кери волео да каже: ‘линије фронта’. На крају имам и мапу за моје Србе. Она је из 2018, али је много детаљнија од претходних. На њој се види испрекиданом линијом пут који је данас већ оперативан:

Source / Извор: Wikipedia

Dear Serbs, there is no need for me to explain the details to you, you know them yourself. Aleksa Šantić also knew them back in 1907:

Драги Срби, нема потребе да вама објашњавам детаље, сами их знате. Знао их је и Алекса Шантић далеке 1907:

Ми знамо судбу и све што нас чека,
Но страх нам неће заледити груди!
Волови јарам трпе, а не људи –
Бог је слободу дао за човјека.

Снага је наша планинска ријека,
Њу неће нигда уставити нико!
Народ је ови умирати свикo –
У својој смрти да нађе лијека.

Ми пут свој знамо, пут богочовјека,
И силни, као планинска ријека,
Сви ћемо поћи преко оштра кама!

Све тако даље, тамо до Голготе,
И кад нам мушке узмете животе,
Гробови наши бориће се с вама!

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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* * *

Archive of texts:

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2021)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2020)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2019)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2018)

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This is an extremely insightful post, for which I am inestimably grateful. I also note it reveals some of the reasons actual freedom will not only survive the coming devastation, but will ultimately prevail and humanity escape our bonds to overlords to produce an economic paradise we will create with our own hands.

Decentralization of the means of production is the ultimate economic mechanism that vastly outcompetes all forms of centralized industry. Centralization, as you show and explain above, is hopelessly burdened with extravagant overhead, not just in provision of centralized transport mechanisms, like the Silk Road, but extremely expensive war machines, and the vast expenditures in corruption of national polities that absolutely are necessary to centralized industry and overlords today.

While many suppose decentralized production is laughably easily suppressed, they are completely wrong, because it is in fact almost impossible to suppress for several reasons. First is that it is dramatically more productive than centralization, which, as I have pointed out, is hopelessly burdened with overhead, such as the sybaritic lifestyles of overlords that vainly expect to not be carbon tracked and canceled by their hordes of minions - that literally do not think they are minions of overlords LOL. Second, hierarchical institutions are very powerful insofar as the concentrate the power of the heirarch by the minions in the institution. The Pope is powerful because his pronouncements are followed by churchmen, and the same is true of other religious institutions. Corporations are powerful for the same reason: the CEO dictates the pursuits of employees. Governments, transnational organizations, and book clubs all operate the same way, concentrating the power in the hands of an overlord that commands the individual powers of the institution.

However, decentralization operates completely differently, and confounds hierarchies. Instead of an overlord directing the application of power (which, BTW, is always diluted as the individuals under command must also tend to their hearths as well) there are myriad overlords that each direct their hearths, uniquely, and per their own interests. In order for overlords to suppress that vast army of upstarts, they must specifically target each of them. This is why we see that only certain criminal prosecutions are undertaken as means of terrorism, such as Ross Ulbricht, or Jeffery Epstein (although that is clearly necessary to end in murder to silence him) and etc., whose victims are sentenced to lifetimes and clearly meant to provide examples to terrify potential copycats.

That just cannot be done to all decentralized production, and when supply lines are cut, too many people will not eat bugs, nor live in bugpods in 15 minute prisons, nor get jabbed, nor accept UBI CBDCs, and on and on. The more centralized the power, the less competent it is to suppress actual decentralization, which is exactly why we need more and more decentralized means of production owned and operated by individual households around the world, as fast and as productive as possible. As the insanely hyperproductive decentralized production begins to reward producers, consumers will observe that increased economic benefit they are not taking advantage of, and also how inexpensive and simple aquaponics are, or 3D printing is, or creating electric power is, and etc. Each producer deploys their solutions individually, and one push against them simply pushes past almost all of them, rather than against one monolithic enemy of the technocratic totalitarian tyranny.

Then, diversity really will be our strength. Gardening is perhaps the easiest and lowest tech means of production we can undertake, and also for this reason, the easiest for overlords to break and subdue. However aquaponics enables that agricultural production to include meat, and to be cryptically employed indoors, so is far more difficult to suppress than the gardens of Ukrainians during the Holodomor, for example, or those of the Chinese during the Great Leap Forward. The advent of 3D printers that can use pastes, like clays, cement and so forth, has potential far beyond chocolate confections envisioned by the developers, and non-plastic utensils of ceramic, water pipes, and all sorts of building materials like tiles become facile of local bespoke production using local resources that aren't expensive like plastic filaments (despite the ability to recycle common plastic waste to produce construction materials), and basically comprise anything you can squeeze out of a tube as well. Then there's metals, that have so far been successfully suppressed, but are absolutely possible as we see the first 3D printed spacecraft has already been launched off Earth, and it is absolutely possible to use wirefeed welding 3D printing by scaling it down massively, thereby dramatically reducing the temperatures and power needs, while concomitantly increasing accuracy and reducing speed.

The simple fact is that hierarchies can only deal with one problem at a time, while decentralization creates potentially tens of millions of problems to resolve, which cannot be done.

This is the key to freedom and prosperity for humanity that will not be coming from China, Russia, the West, nor even the Serbian nation, but free people in individual households themselves. As technology continues to advance, decentralization will become more productive, and less expensive, and easier to deploy, and more people will do more of it, and every single item we make and use ourselves or trade with our neighbors for cuts the pay of overlords, and decreases their power over us. There's a tipping point somewhere, and we're getting closer to it than we imagine.

It is easy to smell the desperation of the psychopathic overlords as they push the Overton window dramatically, trying to get in front of our ability to outproduce them. They face the dilemma that they utterly alienate reasonable people when they advance such outlandish sexual perversions and mutilation they need in order to reduce our population competing with them, destroy the three r's of education to prevent us from learning how to produce ourselves our civil society, and push ever more ever harder drugs on ever younger kids to derange them and prevent their rational acts to build wealth and freedom.

I am confident they cannot win. I am also aware that this has been prophesied thousands of years ago, that free and prosperous people would seize the very stars of the heavens as footstools for their feet, and that surely is not about evil psychopathic overlords, but our beloved and beautiful sons and daughters that will inherit from us our legacy of freedom and justice.

Take heart my friend, and do not acquiesce to tyranny in despair at the derangement of the West, because China and Russia are no panacea, but overlords themselves. Just because one enemy is opposed by another does not mean either of them is our friend! Freedom, prosperity, and the felicit of our beloved sons and daughters is our goal, and we will not receive that from any overlords, but from only our own hands.

Seize the means of production suitable to your circumstances today, and build the civil society you intend your posterity to inherit. Don't leave it to someone else to do, because they will do things to you, rather than for you.



The more centralized the power, the less competent it is to suppress actual decentralization, which is exactly why we need more and more decentralized means of production owned and operated by individual households around the world, as fast and as productive as possible.

One of your best comments ever. You should make a post of it.

I am confident they cannot win…

Yes, they cannot win, but they can make immeasurable damage if sheeple continue sleepwalking into their plans.

You are growing, man…
