Coronavirus Hoax: Responsibility [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Одговорност


Source / Извор: NIH

Let’s recall, while the memories are still fresh, the horrible corporate media campaign against Ivermectin as a ‘horse medicine’. Now, a year later, look at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) page: Ivermectin has been quietly put back on the antiviral therapy list, and there is no corporate media to report on it…

Back in October 2021, I posted an article entitled ‘Ivermectin – True Story’, in which the lies of the corporate media were broken, but of course this could not prevent the corrupt globalist authorities around the world from removing that very effective and cheap drug from the market. With that move, they became accomplices in the massive crime against humanity that many now call 'democide'.

Подсетимо се, док су сећања још свежа, стравичне кампање корпоративних медија о Ивермектину као ‘коњском леку’. Погледајте сад страницу Националног института за здравље (НИХ): Ивермектин је тихо враћен на терапијску листу, и нема ниједног корпоративног медија да о томе извести…

Још у октобру 2021. поставио сам текст под насловом ‘Ивермектин – истинита прича’, у коме су разбијене лажи корпоративних медија, али то наравно није могло да спречи корумпиране глобалистичке власти широм света да тај, веома ефикасни и јефтини лек уклоне са тржишта. Тим потезом постали су саучесници у масовном злочину против човечности који сад многи називају ‘демоцид’.


Even worse: the corporate media in Australia are now discreetly beginning to tell the truth about the tragic consequences of Covid ‘vaccination’:

Још горе: корпоративни медији у Аустралији сад почињу да стидљиво износе истину о трагичним последицама ковид ‘вакцинације’:

People are dying from Covid Vaccine. 7News, Australia.
Duration / Трајање: 0:12 (енг.)


It is natural to ask the question of responsibility after this. But who will answer? Puppets at the head of Big Pharma mafia corporations? Or maybe the organizers will be responsible? India tries to solve the matter by methods developed in the Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix itself:

Природно је да се после овога постави питање одговорности. Али ко ће одговарати? Марионете на челу фармакомафијашких корпорација? Или ће можда одговарати организатори? Индија покушава да реши ствар методима развијеним у самој централизованој хијерархијској политичкој матрици:

Vax Death Law Suit. Duration / Трајање: 10:35 (енг.)


It won’t work for two reasons at least. The first one is very simple: You cannot get out of the matrix using methods developed in the matrix itself. This was perfectly demonstrated by the case of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and the ‘Corona Investigative Commission’, which, despite a massive quantities of evidence and testimonies, failed to find a Court that would prosecute the organizers.

The other reason is that the organizers of this criminal hoax are not the top of the pyramid. The largest financial capital stands behind them. Yes, Bill Gates is just a pop-star billionaire, who is not implementing his own plan (he is too stupid and uneducated to be able to formulate it), but the plan of those who rule over even his money. They are beyond the reach of any semblance of law within the matrix. In order for them to be punished, it is necessary to destroy the entire system that is their work.

And that cannot be done without a great war.

Неће то успети бар из два разлога. Први је врло једноставан: Не може се из матрице изаћи методима развијеним у матрици самој. То је савршено показао случај др Рајнера Филмиха и ‘Истражне корона комисије’, која упркос гомили прикупљених доказа и сведочења није успела да нађе суд који би процесуирао организаторе.

Други разлог је тај што организатори ове злочиначке преваре нису врх пирамиде. Иза њих стоји најкрупнији финансијски капитал. Да, Бил Гејтс је тек естрадни милијардер, који не спроводи сопствени план (превише је глуп и необразован да би могао да га формулише), већ план оних који владају и његовим новцем. Они су ван домашаја привида закона унутар матрице. Да би они били кажњени, потребно је срушити читав систем који јесте њихово дело.

А то се не може учинити без великог рата.

Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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It can but the people must do it through grand jury.

A grand jury is a jury—a group of citizens—empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings, investigate potential criminal conduct, and determine whether criminal charges should be brought. A grand jury may subpoena physical evidence or a person to testify. A grand jury is separate from the courts, which do not preside over its functioning.


Unfortunately @baah, grand jury is no magic wand. It’s another Matrix mechanism. And I can tell it as a retired lawyer.

The complete system of law must be reorganized.


It's a actionable avenue. Most of the courts won't touch it because the criminals operate outside their jurisdictions and/or hold unprecedented immunity. The first thing is to establish the jurisdiction over this, which is tied to special courts, and then to dismantle their immunity.


Why would We acknowledge that any of that psychopathic legal/governmental system is legitimate? I don't consent to it, and therefore it has no power over Me. Bullies may bully Me but the system/mess has no "authority" over Me.

I Do Not Consent:


You can kick and screech all you want, who made you any kind of authority over what is and isn't illegitimate? You think you can say you don't consent when you're considered incompetent to make such claims, and least of all with such nonsensical arguments that the system has no authority or legitimacy, or it's pSyChOpAtHoLoGiCaL? Go talk to moron extraordinaire Larken Rose, you too will find quorum amongst the incompetents that declare systems as "psychotic" and imbibe the ideation with qualities only applicable to the breathing leaving men and women entrusted to represent the public. In the real world, if an office is not acting in the interest of the public, you don't attack the office, but the official. The people who do so are considered Wards of the state, incompetents since they are incapable of making discerningly important distinctions between the position and the official. If you want anarchy, go to where your fellow incompetents establish no courts and justice, no obligations and duties and you can flaunt your naked moronic selves in complete freedom, people fought and died to establish what you screech at as pSyChOpAtHoLoGiCaL, your consent is implicit and explicit by your geography and heritage. Dean Clifford is smart enough to navigate between the obstacles you perceive and do so in honor and with intelligence, its not likely morons will apprentice it though, after all, the declaration of independence is but ass wipes to despicable idiots like yourself.


I took a hard pass on your imbecilic notions of "duping" as opposed to lies, et all.


I like how you take that social security money and don't object to it. Shows exactly the incredible hypocrite you are, despite the blowhard "why would we acknowledge the system as legitimate". Fucking despicable spineless moronic nonhought.


Originating in England during the Middle Ages, grand juries are only retained in two countries, the United States and Liberia.[2][3] Other common law jurisdictions formerly employed them, and most others now employ a different procedure that does not involve a jury: a preliminary hearing. Grand juries perform both accusatory and investigatory functions. The investigatory functions of grand juries include obtaining and reviewing documents and other evidence, and hearing sworn testimonies of witnesses who appear before it; the accusatory function determines whether there is probable cause to believe that one or more persons committed a particular offense within the venue of a district court.

In Ireland, they also functioned as local government authorities.[4] In Japan, the Law of July 12, 1948, created the Kensatsu Shinsakai (Prosecutorial Review Commission or PRC system), inspired by the American system.[5]

The grand jury is so named because traditionally it has more jurors than a trial jury, sometimes called a petit jury (from the French word petit meaning "small").[6] A grand jury in the United States is usually composed of 16 to 23 citizens, though in Virginia it has fewer members for regular or special grand juries.


The function of a grand jury is to accuse persons who may be guilty of a crime, but the institution is also a shield against unfounded and oppressive prosecution. It is a means for lay citizens, representative of the community, to participate in the administration of justice. It can also make presentments on crime and maladministration in its area. Traditionally, a grand jury consists of 23 members.

In effect a grand jury is assembled when the traditional courts have failt at organizing and preceding over a case or refuse to hear a case, or are implicated in the criminality.

I don't think we should give up and try to blame the courts, we need to convene a court and it must establish jurisdiction over these matters, then we need to make these criminals answer for their crimes.


Unfortunately the majority in our society, still believes that ivermectin is a horse medicine! They have been lobotomized for ever


Or... We could all, en masse, withdraw Our consent from that whole psychopathic legal/governmental system, dealing with it under duress only, standing sovereign on Ethical ground, protecting Ourselves and Others from bullies (whether in costumes or not), and help co-create vastly better.

The Detailed Blueprint:


There are no ‘we’ @amaterasusolar. I can’t even persuade my friends to leave Facebook or to throw away their TV set, or to stop vaccinating themselves to death. The Awakening unfortunately always comes at the very end – with the awakening of the survival instinct. Murphy’s Law would say: People will act reasonably only when they exhaust all the other solutions.


Well, clearly there is a "We." You and Me and many Others here on the web agree We have a problem. And I figure if We stand up and withdraw Our consent, perhaps Others will be inspired by Our strength... At any rate, I am standing sovereign on Ethical ground.

I Do Not Consent:
