Coronavirus Hoax as an introduction into global health tyranny [eng/срп] Коронапревара као увод у глобалну медицинску тиранију


WHO cares-dc058bb0c429d6e25ca7fde4f7902355575ba6b708f4f7593c71178bf3656e97_1.jpg
Source / Извор:

No, it’s not over… It’s just the beginning.

On February 1st 2023, WHO released a Zero Draft of the Pandemic Treaty for its member states’ consideration at the meetings of the intergovernmental negotiating body in February and April 2023.

It’s worse than you think. You have to read it to believe. And if you are not adept at interpreting complicated legal language where every wording is actually a trap, you must watch the following conversation with Dr. David Bell:

“On this episode of The Modus Operandi, host Manila Chan takes a deep dive into the World Health Organization’s ‘pandemic treaty,’ which saw the imposition of certain restrictions on the lives of citizens of foreign countries. Dr. David Bell joins the show to talk with Manila about the WHO’s reach and influence across the world.”

Није готово… Тек почиње.

Првог фебруара 2023. СЗО је објавила завршни нацрт Уговора о пандемији ради разматрања у државама чланицама пред састанке међувладиног преговарачког тела у фебруару и априлу 2023.

Гори је него што мислите. Морате га прочитати да бисте веровали. А уколико нисте вични тумачењу компликованог правничког језика у коме је свака формулација заправо клопка, морате погледати следећи разговор са др Дејвидом Белом:

„У овој епизоди Modus Operandi, водитељ Манила Чан дубински истражује ‘Уговор о пандемији’ Светске здравствене организације, који је предвидео наметање одређених ограничења живота грађана земаља потписница. Др Дејвид Бел у емисији са Манилом разјашњава домет и утицај СЗО широм света.“

WHO pandemic treaty at RT. Duration / Трајање: 27:00 (енг.)


WHO pandemic treaty at Bastyon. Duration / Трајање: 27:00 (енг.)


WHO pandemic treaty at Odysee. Duration / Трајање: 27:00 (енг.)


So there are things you absolutely have to see. Which are a matter of survival. You should start caring about that snake ensnaring the World. It remains only to observe – as a social phenomenon – what will be that moment when the instinct of self-preservation kicks in.

Or was that instinct also killed with Christianity in a large part of the World?

Има, дакле, ствари које морате видети. Које спадају у питање опстанка. Треба да вас забрине та змија која обухвата свет. Преостаје само да посматрамо – као друштвени феномен – у ком ће тренутку прорадити инстинкт самоодржања.

Или је са хришћанством у великом делу света и тај инстинкт убијен?

Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2021 (188–199)

Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2021 (184–187)

Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2021 (177–183)

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Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2020 (61–76)

Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2020 (52–60)

Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2020 (35–51)

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I do not consent to the whole psychopathic legal/governmental system and stand on Ethical ground (under the three Laws of Ethics ONLY) - on MUCH higher ground than legal ground; the legal system thwarts Ethics FAR more than serves them.

And things like this that are based 100% on lies - no such thing as "viruses" or "contagion!" - infuriate Me. When enough of Us are standing on Ethical ground, They will have no power.

The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):

  1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

  2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

  3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

The Origins of COVID-19:


Contagion 002.png


It seems that self-preservation has left the building at least in the Western World. We have kids mutilating themselves in the belief they can become the opposite sex with adults cheering them on. Those poor souls won't be reproducing. We have the elderly being placed on death pathways willy-nilly, while the net-zero crew wants to send us hurtling back to the 17th century. And all the while most think the vaccine passports have gone away. I agree, it's not over. It's only just begun.
