Lunch date with the team; another sweet treat of our awesome Group Lead.


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One of the reasons why we chose to STAY or leave the company we are working with was because of our team mates, Boss or direct group head or supervisor. Having a toxic one was indeed hard as I had experienced that before. Back then when I was transferred here in our main office, we were three in a team. The section head and my IS. I never had a problem dealing with anyone as I was used to people with different attitude. Yet, this had a COLD war and oftentimes the other one would say negative words to the other. Believe me, it was so hard to stack in BETWEEN!

Yet, these past years, I love my team mates. Yes, not perfect as everyone has flaws, but one thing was, we surely get along. To be added that we have a cool, one of the best Group heads, a good leader. Not only she was approachable but indeed will hone your skills! Learned a lot from her.

Also, she was thoughtful and remembered everyone's birthday. She often buys a small cake for everyone except me! LOL, it was because I told her I am not comfortable to be greeted by everyone. Prefer celebrating my birthday low key and I highly appreciate that she respects my crazy thoughts.

Small or big accomplishment, she never failed to show gratitude, boast our morals. Either small or huge gestures.

This what I am going to share is one of her treats. Lunch date for all the team members! Na, this isn't a company expense but hers.


Since it was a working day, we decided to eat at Ming Bistro and bar on the ground floor. This is to ensure we won't be spending much of the time on our break.


On weekdays, there are a lot of customers here and it was always full. Remembered one time, I saw the COL Financial Vice or president dining, next on our table.

While waiting for the food, we kept on teasing more about bullying one of our office mates since he is the only male in the group. It was like all food we could no longer eat was passed to him 🤣.


The first one serve and indeed place in front of me was this fried belly! In other days, I would love eating but should be dipped in Filipino style utimate sawsawan; vibnegar, soy sauce mixed with slice onions, tomato and chili! The spicier, the better!

Thus, now, I won't say that I like it though I'm still eating as my body needs it. I am trying for my baby's welfare.


Love this one! All throughout my pregnancy, I never had a problem with veggies. Steam or sautéed, both are the best, thankfully didn't have a sensitive smell especially with garlic.

Side dish with fish fillet, I wanna tell them, can I have this one? 😆


What about broccoli? Oh no, why is there a shrimp?😫 Sadly I couldn't taste it due to allergies.

Food ordered was mixed meat and veggies based on our likings! See? She definitely knows us 😆.


And OF COURSE a great meal should come with a delicious dessert! Cherry on the top?

Haha one thing that I am always thankful to all my teammates was, since most of them were in their forties and a MOM, they understood me. My pregnancy, my whims and the mood swings. Still, most of the time, they think of my comfort and even on food. LOL, they let me get the first slice and the cherry!😁


The lunch ended and we all had a satisfied belly!

Happy Sunday Hivers! Thanks for dropping by.

Lead image was edited using Canva
All photos are mine otherwise stated

4.661 NEOXAG


Great bond with your co workers. I'm sure you would miss them once you take your maternity leave or decide to resign.😌♥️

0.050 NEOXAG

Ah surely, and I left with no choice but eat foods I cooked that not that delicious 🤣


0.000 NEOXAG

I certainly agree that no matter how stressful the work is, if you love your boss and your colleagues, work will be much lesser pain in the 🤣🤣🤣. Good thing you have a good relationship with your coworkers. It is always fun to eat out and enjoy each other’s company. ☺︎♡

0.049 NEOXAG

It was a great help to have the drive!

0.000 NEOXAG

An excellent place to share, nice detail, I think it is a great gift that they could enjoy these rich preparations, in the photos look appetizing food and dessert even more delicious hahaha, all spectacular.

@sagarkothari88 vote

0.029 NEOXAG

The dessert was the best!

0.000 NEOXAG

It’s a rare thing to have a boss who treats their colleagues well. Such a festive meal it is… hope you and your team had fun! ✨

0.000 NEOXAG

It's a different kind of fun to have dinner or lunch with teams. Enjoy the weekend, dear friends.

0.000 NEOXAG