LeoFinance AMA | Monthly Active Users Grew 50% This Month, New Onboarding and Best of Hive
In this AMA, we talk about the craziness post-launch of Project Blank. We've seen Monthly Active Users on LeoFinance skyrocket - growing 50% in just the past 7 days since the new UI went into Open Alpha.
This is amazing... This is what we all wanted for the past 2 years! We've wanted to see Project Blank become a reality and begin onboarding new and existing users on the Hive blockchain.
In this podcast we talk about a lot of the amazing trickle-down effects of Project Blank. It's an absolute game changer.
To anyone already on Threads, I think this is super obvious. The level of engagement and fun that you can have on Threads compared to everywhere else on Hive is truly enormous. The opportunity to build something amazing has never been so high.
Haven't tried project blank yet? Login with Hive Keychain -- https://alpha.leofinance.io
About LeoFinance
LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage & share micro and long-form content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.
Our mission is to democratize financial knowledge and access with Web3.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanceLeo
Discord: https://discord.gg/E4jePHe
Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.leofinance.io
Our Hive Applications
Join Web3: https://leofinance.io/
Microblog on Hive: https://leofinance.io/threads
LeoMobile (IOS): https://testflight.apple.com/join/cskYPK1a
LeoMobile (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.leofi.mobile
Delegate HIVE POWER: Earn 16% APR, Paid Daily. Currently @ 2.8M HP
Hivestats: https://hivestats.io
LeoDex: https://leodex.io
LeoFi: https://leofi.io
BSC HBD (bHBD): https://wleo.io/hbd-bsc/
BSC HIVE (bHIVE): https://wleo.io/hive-bsc/
Earn 50%+ APR on HIVE/HBD: https://cubdefi.com/farms
Web3 & DeFi
Web3 is about more than social media. It encompasses a personal revolution in financial awareness and data ownership. We've merged the two with our Social Apps and our DeFi Apps:
CubFinance (BSC): https://cubdefi.com
PolyCUB (Polygon): https://polycub.com
Multi-Token Bridge (Bridge HIVE, HBD, LEO): https://wleo.io
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
When I came to #hive, I didn't understand what they were talking about, but now that I'm using the #threads I can follow the conversation 🤣
i see people follwing up on #threads but i still dont getthe whole thing
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Fantastic to see user growth in this space and onboarding absolutely smashing it. Keep up the great work!
Good, nice growth, the community is definitely attaining some records breaking figure as regards the Mau and good one to the team for a job weldone
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta