Med-Hive's Women's Health Week #3 - Unwanted Pregnancies And Miscarriages


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This week I'm going to share a story of Asian woman who was a victim and thankfully I've no experience of such bitter things in life and I'm still unmarried so I've no experience of motherhood yet. This is the story of a woman who lives in India. She belongs to a society where superstitions were part of their lifestyle and they obey them like a slave of it.

This is the story of Sunita who was get married to a man who was illiterate and barbarian. His first wife left him and Sunita is her second wife. Sunita's parents were poor so they give Sunita's hand to the barbarian guy. Sunita was suffering from domestic violence and his in-laws were also barbarian. Sunita got her first abortion when she was 19 years and it was a girl. Sunita's husband and family force her to give birth male child, not female so she was forced many times. She had total three abortions and it was the decision of Sunita's husband and in-laws. Now Sunita's womb lost the capacity of holding child and she had two miscarriages already.

Her husband was very barbarian guy as he often drink alcohol and torture Sunita physically. Sunita had period and the guy forcefully raped her to fulfill her physical hunger. He never used protection when made physical relationship. He was lustful and had random physical relationship with different random women. Sunita never dare to raise her voice against her husband as her family was hand to mouth. She accepted her poor destiny.

One day Sunita became very ill and experience her third miscarriage. One day her husband died and she get release from physical torture. But she noticed that she is pregnant again and went to the hospital. Sunita had sevaral medical taste and she was the victim of HIV positive and the child in her womb can't be last their for long which means she will experience one more miscarriage before her death.

Sunita was almost in the last stage of AIDS so she will die like her husband. Her husband had random physical relationship so this was the reason behind Sunita's HIV positive report. Life was hard for Sunita and she was expecting a peaceful death at least! She suffered a lot in her short life. She is 29 now and she is suffering from this more than ten years. She was not shocked with the HIV positive because she experienced the pain of death many times before her permanent physical death.

So this was the story of a woman who suffered a lot in her life and had no physical health care in her whole married life. May she rest in peace!


Hello @leo-fairy a pleasure to greet you, thank you for joining participation in our initiatives, we sincerely appreciate it.

You present us with a heartbreaking situation in your story, the story of Surita. It may seem inconceivable and unacceptable, but unfortunately in many regions there are situations of similar facts. It is a phenomenon of great complexity and multifactoriality, with multiple edges.

As I write this response, a popular saying comes to mind: "You can't even touch women with the petal of a rose".

Thank you for your participation.


So sad. It is a shame that human rights don't always matter in some cultures. Take care sis!💜🤗 !LADY


Domestic violence and abuse is always a very terrible thing to face or witness. Too bad for Sunita, she fell into the hands of a barbaric and abusive husband.

And due to his actions, she won't be able to bear a child. Too bad.

Thanks for sharing ✨


Here is a very touching story.
Sad, what some women go through.
In some places they are made to drink the husband's bath water.
