Giving birth, I remember.


I remember what we have to go through on that day for her baby
It was on may,20,2017 my friends wife hannah has been in the labor room for 3 days plus, she was starting to get tired and weak, not able to even talk very well
She has fainted more than two times and things were looking bad for her at that time

The baby in her womb has decided to come out earlier than predicted, the baby was 2 weeks plus early, though this is her first time of putting to bed but she handled it like a pro because one of the complications she's had to face is that the hospital scan shows that the baby in her womb weights more than 3.5 kg, an extraordinary weight for a stillborn baby

Dayo my friend couldn't sleep for the 3 days his wife was hospitalized, the fear, anxiety, and thril of becoming a father couldn't let him, and of cause he was also worried about his wife's wellbeing.

The doctors later confirmed that she cannot possibly give birth on her own, that she will need some help from the reserved hospital expertise
We were told that she will need to undergo surgery (CS) for her to not loose the baby or even worse, die in the process of trying to give birth

It was a hard pill 💊 to o swallow, we never planned for any of this, at least not in her first birth, but you know what they say, shit happens'

Apart from authorizing the CS, which is a very big risk but safer than the alternative, money was also an issue
My friend dayo has already spent more than necessary for bed space for three days, buying of drugs prior the delay of giving birth easily, and here we are being told that what has been spent was useless unless she goes for surgery, that's another spending

Well he didn't have a choice than to approve the surgery, that's the only chance of seeing his wife and unborn child alive and well

The surgery was a successful one but it was also stressful because me and my friend had to look for a particular drug that was to be used during the surgery, I still think it was being unprofessional for the hospital to task us with the responsibility of looking for a very scarce drug during the cs hour

The birth of their child was a very tasking one, but nothing God couldn't handle.

she gave birth precisely today's date may 20 to a bouncy healthy baby boy, it was all worth it in the end but the expenses that occurred during birth was times four of what should have been spent, she also had to take her time in the hospital because she was very weak after she put to bed, so she stayed at the hospital a few more days to avoid complications

I guess giving birth is not all that easy, what do I know, I'm not a woman after all.

Thanks for your time.
