Bullying cases of school students are increasing


In Indonesia, bullying cases seem to have increased in the last few months. Maybe cases of bullying have been going on for years but were not exposed. Nowadays, with the existence of mobile phones, many school children secretly record cases of bullying by their friends, so it seems as if there are a lot of cases. There may be many cases of bullying beneath the surface that appear on social media. However, so far I have not found any research from independent institutions regarding cases of bullying in schools.

In my opinion, bullying cases occur because of minimal supervision from the school. With CCTV technology, schools should have installed CCTV in every classroom or corner of the room. Supervision by teachers or school guards is also very important. Almost all cases of bullying at school occur without the knowledge of the teacher or school guard.

So how do schools respond to the increasing cases of bullying? A firm stance from the school is urgently needed. Apart from that, the harsh teaching system should be changed to a persuasive approach. Students are given provisions to always love their friends. I once visited a school in Jakarta. There are quite a lot of students at the school and there are almost zero cases of bullying. The school carries the motto "love friends".

This motto is embodied in the form of acts of mutual love, sharing and giving gifts to friends. Every day this motto is reminded to children from grade 1 to grade 6. Apart from loving their friends at school, they are also taught to queue. Students are taught to discipline themselves when they want to do something

The results are very real, children study comfortably and are not afraid of their seniors. When I found a state school, conditions were very different. Limited personnel and facilities make children act sometimes out of bounds.
One class consists of 40 students. After teaching the teacher goes into the office and leaves the students in the classroom during break time. It's times like this that bullying often occurs. When there are no adults to supervise, a group of students who feel strong will commit violence against a student who is weak and timid. Other students who saw it did not dare to report it because they were afraid of this powerful group.

In this case, the school should assign one or two teachers to supervise students who are on break. They have to go around making sure there is no bullying.

And most state schools do not provide supervision assignments to students during recess. From here it will certainly become a problem when there is bullying that results in injuries or even fatalities.

pic : https://www.unesa.ac.id/bullying-marak-di-sekolah-pakar-psikologi-anak-unesa-ungkap-penyebab-dan-solusinya

In conclusion, teachers, school guards and parents play a very big role in ensuring the safety and comfort of students' learning at school.
