Pinmapple - The cost of traveling in Argentina: would you come to visit us with prices like these? / El costo de viajar por Argentina: ¿vendrías a visitarnos con precios como estos? 😃❤️
Since I started all this travel stuff, I've become a little more methodical when it comes to organizing myself and making sure everything goes well. As one of the main constraints when going for a walk is money, I never want it to be lacking, so in the days leading up to going for a walk I take care of planning everything (or almost everything), with Excel tables in the middle. Doing things this way gives me security, and although it may seem a bit obsessive, having things planned out makes me feel calm. But the tranquility of tomorrow is the stress of today finding out prices for everything while I see that the budgets rise with each passing day 😅.
Desde que empecé con todo esto de los viajes me volví un poco más metódica a la hora de organizarme y que todo salga bien. Como uno de los principales limitantes a la hora de ir a pasear es el dinero, nunca quiero que me falte así que en los días previos antes de ir a pasear me ocupo de planificar todo (o casi todo), con tablas de excel de por medio. Hacer las cosas de esta forma me da seguridad, y aunque pueda parecer un poco obsesivo, tener las cosas planeadas me hacen irme tranquila. Pero la tranquilidad de mañana es el estres de hoy averiguando precios de todo mientras veo que los presupuestos se elevan en cada día que pasa 😅.

I always say that I am in love with my country, with how beautiful its landscapes are and with the way of being of my compatriots, but this completely removes the economic part and all the uncertainty that unstoppable inflation makes us feel. Unfortunately our ARS currency, Argentine pesos, is getting weaker and salaries don't rise at the same rate as prices rise, so in general terms we are all in a difficult economic situation. However, I think this is something that happens only to us Argentines, because some of the foreigners who come to our country with their dollars state that in reality everything is relatively cheap for them 😶.
Yo siempre digo que estoy enamorada de mi país, de lo hermosos que son sus paisajes y de la forma de ser de mis compatriotas, pero esto quita completamente la parte económica y toda la incertidumbre que nos hace sentir la imparable inflación. Lamentablemente nuestra moneda ARS, pesos argentinos, es cada vez más débil y los sueldos no suben al mismo ritmo que los precios aumentan, así que en líneas generales todos estamos en una situación económica difícil. Sin embargo, creo que esto es algo que nos pasa solo a los argentinos, porque aquellos extranjeros que vienen a nuestro país con sus dólares manifiestan que en realidad es todo bastante económico para ellos 😶.

Before going on the trip, my trip expense sheet looked like this. For a trip of 5 days and 4 nights to the town of Capilla del Monte in Córdoba, departing from Buenos Aires, I had estimated a total cost of approx 55,000 ARS per person (160 USD, considering 1 USD~360 ARS). I traveled with my dad and each one paid its part, so the detail of expenses was as follows:
Getting there cost us 23 USD each one: plane ticket (700 km) 15 USD, plus 8 USD for taxi and long-distance bus; while to return we spent 27 USD because we returned only by bus, a total of 50 USD.
The 4 nights of accommodation in a 2-star hotel cost us USD 12.5 each for two people with breakfast included, a total of USD 25 each.
I proposed a total of 40 USD for food for the 5 days of each one (8 USD per day, although it was too low an estimate because when we arrived everything was very expensive 😂).
Last and most controversial, 15 USD of the budget was to go up a hill.
That only as a basic budget, then we end up taking about 30 USD more for other expenses such as souvenirs or extraordinary activities. In total, my dad and I would spend $160 each. What do you think of these prices? 😃
Antes de ir al viaje mi planilla de gastos del viaje se veía así. Para un viaje de 5 días y 4 noches al pueblo de Capilla del Monte en Córdoba, saliendo desde Buenos Aires, había estimado un gasto total de 55.000 ARS aprox por persona (160 USD, considerando 1 USD~360 ARS). Fui con mi papá y cada uno pagó su parte, así que el detalle de gastos fue el siguiente:
- Llegar hasta allá nos costó 23 USD a la ida: ticket de avión avión (700 km) 15 USD, más 8 USD de taxi y micro de larga distancia; mientras que para volver gastamos 27 USD porque volvimos solo en micro, en total 50 USD.
- Las 4 noches de alojamiento en un hotel de 2 estrellas nos costaron 12,5 USD cada una para dos personas con desayuno incluído, en total 25 USD cada uno.
- Propuse un total de 40 USD para la comida de los 5 días de cada uno (8 USD por día, aunque fue una estimación demasiado baja porque cuando llegamos era todo carísimo 😂).
- Último y más controversial, 15 USD del presupuesto eran para subir a un cerro.
Eso solo como presupuesto de base, después terminamos llevando unos 30 USD más para otros gastos como souvenirs o actividades extraordinarias. En total, mi papá y yo gastaríamos 160 USD cada uno. ¿Qué opinan de estos precios? 😃

The surprise for both in this place was that you had to pay to climb the two highest hills in the place. Cerro Uritorco, the main attraction of Capilla del Monte, is private property and the entrance ticket cost 15 USD. Anyway, we didn't climb it and instead went to the other hill because it was cheaper (only 5 USD) and the experience was great anyway. We also spent 12 USD to rent some bikes for 6 hours and with them we were able to travel much more than we originally planned. At the end of the day, we will have had about 15 USD left over from the total budget because my dad and I are very thrifty, but we had a good time and I'm glad we didn't lack money to do everything we wanted :)
La sorpresa para ambos en este lugar fue que había que pagar para subir a los dos cerros más altos del lugar. El Cerro Uritorco, el principal atractivo de Capilla del Monte, es propiedad privada y el ticket de entrada costaba 15 USD. De cualquier forma, no lo subimos y en su lugar fuimos al otro cerro porque era más ecónómico (solo 5 USD) y la experiencia fue genial de todas formas. También gastamos 12 USD en el alquiler de unas bicicletas durante 6 horas y con ellas pudimos recorrer mucho más de lo que teníamos pensado al principio. A fin de cuentas, nos habrán sobrado unos 15 USD del presupuesto total porque mi papá y yo somos muy ahorrativos, pero la pasamos bien y me alegro de que no nos haya faltado dinero para hacer todo lo que queríamos :)

As additional information, I can say that the minimum salary in Argentina is approximately 185 USD (67,000 ARS), so in a small vacation we spend the same as a common and current monthly salary. This represents a great effort for us, because raising money to have a good time and at the same time sustain our daily economy is not so easy here. However, I'm glad to have the opportunity to do it and Hive helps me with almost most of these expenses, so I will always be grateful to be able to do all this, that allows me to continue to know my country despite the difficulties ❣️.
Como información adicional, puedo decir que el salario mínimo en Argentina es 185 USD aprox (67.000ARS), por lo que en unas pequeñas vacaciones nos gastamos lo mismo que un sueldo mensual común y corriente. Esto representa un gran esfuerzo para nosotros, porque juntar dinero para pasarla bien un rato y al mismo tiempo sostener nuestra economía diaria no es tan sencillo acá. Sin embargo, me alegro por tener la oportunidad de hacerlo y Hive me ayuda en casi la mayoría de estos gastos, por lo que siempre voy a estar agradecida de poder hacer todo esto, que me permite seguir conociendo mi país a pesar de las dificultades ❣️.
❤️ Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading. ❤️
❤️¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer. ❤️

Lau 💕.
📸 Portada creada en Canva. Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad 💕.
That´s interesting, thanks for putting all these numbers together for us. I heard the situation is getting really bad in Argentina, is it true that the inflation is currently 100% over there? That would be totally crazy. Here in my country (Czech Republic), we are having one of the highest inflations in Europe right now but it´s still "just" between 15% and 20%. But even with these numbers, it feels like the goods and services are getting more and more expensive here literally every week and people are getting really frustrated about it. Cannot even imagine what it must feel like in your country right now. Glad to know that Hive has been such a big help for you though ;)
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/46) Liquid rewards.
Unfortunately it's true, our inflation compared to last year is almost 100%, everything costs double now... but sadly we are used to that.
Inflation in your area sounds a bit high, but even so, you are in a better position than us.
It is a difficult situation for everyone, although luckily with Hive I can trade at informal dollar prices that are adjusted for inflation and with that the increases are not felt so much.
I see, thanks for the info. Well, as far as I know, Argentina is (was?) one of the most developed and stable countries in South America and now, seeing the troubles you have over there, I cannot stop thinking about how the other, even poorer South American countries are doing :( Tough times. Stay strong guys.
And... we aren't so stabilized but I think that those who are having a worse time in our area are the Venezuelans. I read their hyperinflation stories where prices literally went up overnight and it was terrible. I just hope that our politicians take care of us from that 😞
Yeah, Venezuela has been struggling really bad for years already :(
Great smile you have.
Thank you ❤️
Teniendo en cuenta el salirio medio es un coste elevado el de ese viaje
En españa esta sucediendo lo mismo con la inflación y viajar es un lujo.
Yo aprovecho mis viajes de negocios para hacer turismo y así reducir costes.
Un abrazo
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Eso es lo mejor, me alegro que puedas tener viajes de trabajo y de paso conocer lugares, eso es un gran negocio 😄
Sin duda. 😂😂😂😂
This is interesting to read as it gives me a perspective of how expensive a country is. Just to share, probably with all your activities, it will cost around an estimated PHP10,000 ($200) in my country.
I agree with you that most of the time foreigners think that it's relatively cheap to visit abroad using their dollars while the people living in it find it too expensive hahaha.
Well in your case there is not that much difference, you could come visit us and you would have some money left over 😅.
I'm so glad to hear that Hive is helping you to cover your expenses. It's sad to hear what is the minimal wage over there. Frankly, 160 USD in Switzerland is not much but considering that the salary there is 185 USD it must be indeed difficult to raise. But I'm happy for you that you did and that you enjoyed that quality time with your dad 🙂
Ve Švýcarsku je to průměrná hodinová mzda, ne? :D
Ked mam pravdu povedat vobec som nevedela kolko je tu priemer, tak som si to vygooglila 😁 vyhodilo mi 60k rocne ako priemer.. ale to fakt zalezi od toho kde robis, v akom priemysle, v akom kantone, v akej firme, a na akej pozicii. 180 na hodinu vo firmach kde som robila ja by bol director/senior director level.. v obchodoch a restauraciach nezarobia ani 40k rocne, co je tu fakt malo ked vezmes do uvahy vsetky vydavky. Ked som tu zacinala pred 12 rokmi, tak som mala 70k rocne - zacinala som ako financial accountant v Americkej firme s 2 rocnymi skusenostami. Ale za tie roky platy isli hore, takze nastupny teraz by bol okolo 85k pre 25-27 rocneho zamestnanca..
To je asi viac ako si chcel vediet, ale vedela by som o tom rozpravat hodiny 😁
Wow, až takhle podrobný insight jsem nečekal, ale díky za něj! Zajímavé informace :) Když nepočítám nějaké stop overy v Curychu, tak jsem ve Švýcarsku ještě nebyl, ale tady v ČR je ta země pořád považována za symbol bohatství, luxusu a nejvyšší možné životní úrovně. Mě ale spíš Švýcarsko láká tou vyspělostí, ekologickým smyšlením, čistotou a celkově prostě takovou tou jejich "dokonalostí" :) No a samozřejmě přírodou, že jo, to hlavně...
No ale s těmi čísly co píšeš to vypadá, že Švýcarsko bude asi poslední země na světě, kde bude možné se Hivem živit, to až tak od ceny 100 dolarů za Hive :D To já naopak hledám místa, kde by to šlo už tak od dolaru :D Takže na návštěvu Švýcarska si ještě asi dlouho počkám :D
Well, after all, one of the advantages of our low minimum wage in Argentina is that with enough effort at Hive you can achieve it. Currently this is a great income for me but I also have another job and with the two things I earn a decent salary :) @delishtreats @phortun
Yeah, glad to know that Hive has been such a great help for you. And sorry for speaking a language you don´t udnerstand, we just had a little "private chat" with @delishtreats about the salary situation in Switzerland in our language :D ;)
I also read everything, the translator with the 'detect language' option helped me 😅.
Cool :) I guess it was a bit confusing even for the translator since I write in Czech (because I´m a Czech) and she writes in Slovak (because she is a Slovak) but the languages are very similar and we can understand each other everything perfectly :)
And plus I was not using the signs, so I can imagine it was not easy for a translator 🙂
Maybe one day hive will moon and we all will be able to live off it (sounds utopian but who knows 😉)
BTW, I have also never planned to live to Switzerland. It all happened because of love 🙂
Well, it greatly depends on the price. I know people who can live off Hive even at the current price. In my case, I would need the price to be at least 1 USD, preferably 2 USD and higher. Location and living standards are very important factors too of course. In some parts of the world, you can live with 300 USD a month like a king while in others (like Switzerland :D), you would struggle to cover just a few days with the same amount...
So it was love what you brought you to Switzerland? Aww, that´s sweet :) People usually go there because of money but you came there for love. That´s beautiful, like a fairytale :) I hope to meet you and your husband one day.
I'm happy for those who can live off Hive. It shows that it all makes sense 🙂
We met at work when we were working on the same project. He was based in Luxembourg, I was based in Prague. For one year, we were going back and forth every weekend. Then we got married while still living separately. At that time he was in the process of moving to Switzerland within the same company, so I quit my job and moved to Switzerland as traveling every weekend was tiring for both of us. It wasn't an easy move. I didn't speak the language, had little experience and thought I will never find a job, but just one month after I arrived I was approached by my former company and got a job. So we were working together again 😁 It took us years to get used to the life here. Only a couple of years back we started to call it a home. Now it's great as we can drive to Slovakia as well as to The Netherlands and we also finally got integrated (very complicated here) in the local community, so it feels like we belong here 🙂
I will let you know when we will be in Prague again 🙂
Absolutely, I would love to hear the details of this fairytale story :) See you guys in Prague!
Honestly, our minimum wage is not enough at all, just the monthly rent for an apartment costs that and more... we're pretty bad but we can't stop crying all the time either 😅
Wuao, me dejas impactada con el sueldo mínimo en Argentina. Es una locuraaaa. Que bueno que a pesar de los precios les alcanzó, la pasaron bien y conocieron lugares bonitos. Por otra parte, no te preocupes, creo que Colombia es igual, siento que cada semana los precios suben pero y el sueldo? Me doy cuenta cada vez que hago compras en el súper, es una locura. Sin embargo, eres ejemplo de que con poco presupuesto se puede disfrutar de todas formas. Besitos
Ni hablarrr, la comida es lo que más sube, ya no quiero ni ir a comprar jajaja. Pero haciendo algunos malabares se puede ahorrar un poco para disfrutar luego :)
My aunt travels to Buenos Aires yearly and always says how cheap and nice it is for the price. Still waiting on my opportunity to follow her :)
It's just that if you come with dollars, everything is very cheap... but unfortunately we earn in pesos 😅
I'm well aware, it's like a pyramid. If your currency is higher than the other countrie's, you'll have an easier time.
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La verdad agradezco que Yowi sea tan organizada con el tema viajes o planificación para salidas porque si fuera por mime voy de viaje y busco hotel sobre la marcha jajaja por ese lado si soy un poco desastre.
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La verdad es que siendo residente de Argentina con ese sueldo si me parece nada costoso desde mi punto de vista, mi querida @lauramica. Ahora, yo como extranjera de España 🇪🇸 con un sueldo de 1.080 (en casa solo trabaja mi esposo y somos 3 con el bebé), obvio que me parecerá super barato ese viaje. Pero bueno, como todo es cuestión de perspectivas igual me alegro de que #Hive te ayude mucho a cumplir tus propósitos y lindos viajes. Admiro tu organización... Vas a tener que darme unos truquillos 🤭
Claro, por eso con un sueldo de afuera todo es barato... pero nuestros sueldos ni siquiera se ajustan a la realidad que vivimos. Sin embargo, hay que organizarse para disfrutar de vez en cuando porque sino nos volveríamos locos 😅
Así es.. Recrearse es importante, mi estimada @lauramica ❣️