[ESP/ENG] Lindo y elegante maquillaje tipo smokey eyes con un poco de brillo dorado para cualquier ocasión/ Nice and elegant smokey makeup eyes with a little golden shine for any occasion
Hello! beautiful and radiant people of HIVE
I hope you are super well today.
¡Hola! gente hermosa y radiante de HIVE
Espero se encuentren super bien el día de hoy.
For today I bring you this beautiful Smoky Eyes-type makeup with a degraded black to ground tones and a touch of golden glow. This one seemed to me a very precious makeup that I could use for any event and I would fit perfectly. Besides, I think it looks great in people who have a sub Tono of warm skin like I have it, because shadow shades are perfect with this sub tone of skin being warm tones. So anyway, just add nothing to start with the makeup.
Para los materiales de hoy utilicé la base, los correctores,sombras negra, marrón, naranja, brillo dorado, el contorno, iluminador, blush, fijador de maquillaje, gloss.
For today's materials I used the base, the correctors, black shadows, brown, orange, golden gloss, the contour, lighter, blush, makeup fixer, gloss.
El procedimiento de este maquillaje lo puedes ver en el siguiente video:
You can see the procedure of this make-up in the following video:
¡Y listo! El maquillaje está hecho.
And ready! The makeup is done.
Espero les haya gustado mi post y sería de gran alegría para mi si les sirve de ayuda.
I hope you liked my post and it would be a great joy for me if it helps you.
Youtube Canal de maquillaje
Youtube canal de misterio