Y después de la fiesta...🤡🐢🦓🦊🐵🦁🐯🐻 [Spanish-english]
Hola amigos después del cumpleaños tocó un día de paseo al zoológico de 26 en la Habana que es de donde somos todos. Y aunque no pude participar del paseo me compartieron las fotos de ese día tan bonito.

La bebé salió de paseo con sus padres y otra amiga de la familia de la mamá. Al ver su cara de felicidad recordé cuando salía a esa edad con mis padres justamente a ese mismo lugar lo que con la diferencia de que se encontraba en mejores condiciones y tenía un poco mas de animales y de entretenimiento.
Pero vale la pena cuando los vez alegres corriendo y disfrutando con pocas cosas y la mayoría no son materiales. El cumpleaños número dos fue bastante emocionante y la fiesta continuó pero sin globos y piñata. Quisieron disfrutar bastante y me alegro mucho de que todo haya salido muy bien.
Realmente y para ser sincera no me veo con niños pequeños porque no tengo paciencia para su cuidado aunque creo que eso es normal puesto que después de que aparezca el príncipe azul todo cambiará de un momento a otro.

Cuando la vi por primera vez nació en mí un sentimiento impresionante algo para lo que no estaba preparada y aunque suene contradictorio el solo hecho de acompañar a mi sobrina durante su crecimiento e infancia me hacen sentir importante. Les agradezco mucho a los papás y abuelos por darme esa oportunidad de volver a nacer de nuevo.
Hello friends, after the birthday it was a day of trip to the 26th zoo in Havana, which is where we are all from. And although I couldn't participate in the walk, they shared photos of that beautiful day with me.

The baby went for a walk with her parents and another friend of the mother's family. Seeing her happy face I remembered when she went out at that age with my parents to exactly that same place, with the difference that it was in better conditions and had a little more animals and entertainment.
But it's worth it when you see them happy running and enjoying themselves with few things and most of them are not material. Birthday number two was quite exciting and the party continued but without the balloons and piñata. They wanted to have a lot of fun and I'm very happy that everything went very well.
Really, and to be honest, I don't see myself with small children because I don't have the patience to take care of them, although I think that's normal since after Prince Charming appears everything will change from one moment to the next.
When I saw her for the first time, an impressive feeling was born in me, something I was not prepared for and although it may sound contradictory, the mere fact of accompanying my niece during her growth and childhood makes me feel important. I am very grateful to my parents and grandparents for giving me that opportunity to be born again.
This was my content for today, I hope you liked it and thank you all for your support and reading time. The photos were captured with my best friend's mobile phone and shared for my family album.