Ladies of Hive Community Contest #95

TO THE 95th EDITION of the

This is a contest from our community to you, women empowering each other both on the blockchain and in Discord! A place we love and where Hive is alive. If you haven't joined our discord yet, an invite can be found by clicking on the first banner under this post!
¡Este es un concurso de nuestra comunidad para ustedes, mujeres que se empoderan unas a otras tanto en blockchain como en Discord! Un lugar que amamos y donde Hive está presente. Si aún no se ha unido a nuestra discordia, puede encontrar una invitación haciendo clic en el primer aviso publicitario debajo de esta publicación.
We will award 3 HIVE, 300 Ecency Points, and 15 LEO tokens to the best entry. Up to three Second Place winners will receive 2 HIVE, 150 Ecency Points, and 7 LEO tokens each. Honorable Mentions will be granted one HIVE, 50 Ecency Points, and a split of the remaining LEO tokens.
Otorgaremos 3 HIVE, 300 Ecency Points, y 15 tokens LEO a la mejor entrada. Hasta tres ganadores del Segundo Lugar recibirán 2 HIVE, 150 Puntos Ecency, y 7 tokens LEO cada uno. Las menciones de honor recibirán una HIVE, 50 puntos Ecency, y una división de los tokens LEO restantes.

~ for Blingual posts ~
Please place the text of each language together, either in side-by-side columns ~OR~ in adjacent paragraphs! It is harder for our judges to read when there are two or three paragraphs in Spanish, then two or three in English, then two or three more in Spanish, etc. THANK YOU! 😊

PLEASE place the contest number #95 somewhere in your title!
► Also, please link your entry in a comment on this Contest post! ◄
For this week we want to know:
1️⃣ We all have a different boiling point, some of us are easily angered, others are really cool tempered. Kindly share one thing that makes you angry, how long do you stay mad, and what or who can pacify you.
2️⃣ What is your favorite snack or snacks? Share photos of them if you can.

The Hive blockchain uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
The contest ends each Saturday at 11:59 PM (23:59) UTC.
You can see the current date/time expressed in UTC here:
• Current UTC
or in our Discord server with the command: .. time

To make sure that your entry is valid, and can not be missed for the contest, please make sure that you follow the RULES:
Para garantizar que su participación sea válida y no se pierda el concurso, asegúrese de seguir las REGLAS:
- Blog must answer at least one of the questions(or more, if you wish!)
- El blog debe responder al menos una de las preguntas (¡o más, si lo desea!)
- Blog must be submitted before the end of day Saturday, August 20, 2022
- El blog debe enviarse antes del final del día Sábado, 20 de Agosto, 2022
- Blog must be published in 'Ladies of Hive' community
- El blog debe publicarse en la comunidad 'Ladies of Hive' (Damas de Hive)
- Blog must be linked in a comment to this post
- El blog debe estar vinculado en un comentario a esta publicación
- Blog must be original in order to win
- El blog debe ser original para poder ganar
- Blog must be 200+ words (word count must be met before any translation of your blog!)
- El blog debe tener más de 200 palabras (el recuento de palabras debe efectuarse antes de cualquier traducción de tu blog!)
- Blog must invite another woman to the community
- El blog debe invitar a otra mujer a la comunidad

Judging will be by: @ifarmgirl

All comments written on any LADIES OF HIVE posts receive staked ARCHON tokens along with Feathered Friends and Shadow Hunters posts.
If you are not yet in our Discord server,
please consider clicking the banner below to join us!

LadiesOfHive is a community that focuses on women — their interests, joys, passions, and stories of their journey through life. Not only does our community account @ladiesofhive publish our weekly contests and news, but we also comment and upvote most of the posts that grace our community page. A delegation to @ladiesofhive would enable us to have more flexibility in upvotes that we use to reward and encourage the women that post to our community. If you are interested, you may click the links, below, to delegate via Hivesigner, or use your favorite alternate interface. Thank you for considering a show of support to our community!
Una estupenda semana llena de éxitos para todas. Unas preguntas estupendas. Invitando a @lisfabian, @mllg. Un abrazote @ladiesofhive
1️⃣ Todos tenemos un punto de ebullición diferente, algunos de nosotros nos enojamos fácilmente, otros tenemos un temperamento muy frío. Comparta amablemente una cosa que lo enoja, cuánto tiempo permanece enojado y qué o quién puede pacificarlo.
2️⃣ ¿Cuál es tu snack o snacks favoritos? Comparte fotos de ellos si puedes.
A great week full of successes for all. Some fabulous questions. Inviting @lisfabian, @mllg. A hug @ladiesofhive
1️⃣ We all have a different boiling point, some of us get angry easily, others have a very cold temper. Kindly share one thing that makes you angry, how long you stay angry, and what or who can pacify you.
2️⃣ What is your favorite snack or snacks? Share photos of them if you can.
Gracias por facilitarnos el trabajo con la traducción. 😘
Gracias a ustedes por permitirme ayudar un poco.
Gracias, mi querida @sacra97, por el recordatorio, porque muchas veces se me pasa el tiempo para participar. Los quehaceres y las eventualidades se llevan el tiempo.
De nada mi bella me encantas que estes presente.
My entry 😊
Lo bueno es reconocer que te molesta y tratar de controlar la reaccion, para que no sea algo que te haga estallar. Te felicito por tu auto control.
Es difícil no perder la concentración cuando te interrumpen y es muy molesto en verdad. Excelente aporte mi querida @irenenavarroart un abrazote.
Got it, thank you :)
Buenas noches
Invito a participar a @andreaelina @clareartista @noeliaazul
Lack of punctuality is something that despairs those who always arrive on time. It is a type of injustice in relation to what others think about the matter, but many times you have to be tolerant and you handle it very well. Thank you for sharing your experience friend.
Thank you, thank you very much
It is very true to lock yourself in that tantrum is not healthy at all, in the end it affects your health. The human being is often unpunctual and takes time away from other people, sometimes even without apologizing. A lot of success this week @mercmarg
Thanks a lot for your entry :) Have a lovely day
Buenas tardes, mis queridas damas de Hive, @ladiesofhive, dejo el enlace a mi publicación y aprovecho para invitar a @mafalda2018 y a @yeceniacarolina.
Good afternoon, my dear ladies of Hive, @ladiesofhive, I leave the link to my publication and I take the opportunity to invite @ mafalda2018 and @yeceniacarolina
No me puedo imaginar qué tú te enojes.
Agradecida por acudir tan prontamente al reto.
Me mataste con el chocolate también compro esa nutella o otra marca me encanta.
Muchísimo éxito en esta semana de reto. Un abrazote @mllg
Awesome! Thank you for your participation and for inviting other ladies :)
Hello yo everybody ✌️ Here's my entry to the contest⬇️
I love the title: Don't get mad and eat something yummy. Super cool @royvego55 of course when we don't exaggerate with the way we eat and gain kilos, ha ha. It can happen that by quenching our anger with food we end up upset with food for making us fat, ha ha, just kidding.
You have a good attitude with a lot of learning for life.
Much success and a hug.
Many thanks Rolly :)
Saludos/ Hello @ladiesofhive
Mi participación:
Yo tambien soy muy dulcera amiga, eso creo que es el mal de los Venezolanos. Saludos y abrazos amiga.
Es verdad y nos encanta y tenemos el mejor chocolate del mundo. Gracias mi bella. Una semana llena de éxitos. @isabelpena
Thank you lots for your entry :)
Girls? @ruffatotmeee @usagidee let's join! :)
OMG new one, I'll check it baka kaya ng power ko haha
keri bels na natin to dzai!! @ruffatotmeee lezgooee!!!
Kaya nga ee inaalala ko na ung malalang anger na nafeel ko nong nakaraan hahaha
ahaahahahahaah itodo mo na pag iisip feeling ko madami kang ihahanash hahahaha
Hello community! this is my entry:
Thank you Alexa. Have a wonderful day
Hello everyone. Here is my entry link to the contest
Many thanks and have a lovely day to you.
Wow, thanks too and enjoy thee rest of your weekend
Hola hermosa comunidad Ladies of Hive, un placer participar en esta edición # 95 y dejar gustosamente con uds el link de mi participacion:
Saludos mi hermosa comunidad Ladies of Hive, feliz de participar en esta edición #95 y dejar el link de mi publicación con uds:
Thank you for your entry Amymari. Cheers to a beautiful day
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to take part in 395 contest Ladies of Hive.
Here's my entry for this week's contest.
Salamuch Ayane, have a wonderful Friday
Good topics on the flow. Got my pen ready..
We look forward to reading your entry :)
This is my entry
Thanks a lot, have a lovely day :)
Thank you ma'am 😊😊
"How I Control Anger #95 — Hive"
I congratulate you because you say:
For me, that is very difficult to know since many people have a behavior at the beginning and another in a while, they change completely. If you use your experience to analyze people then I think you're on the right track. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.
Thank you lots Beatrice :) I wish you a fab day
Saludos a esta bella comunidad. Dejo por aquí mi participación en esta semana #95
Un abrazo gigante.
You have to see how we change over time, we become more tolerant of the problems and reactions that afflict us. Much success in this week's challenge. A hug @beatriche
Thank you for your participation, I wish you a fabulous day
I hope I'm not late. Here's my entry:
Sorry, I should have done this earlier but I was late. Hope you can join this contest next time @teacherlynlyn @charmingcherry @iluvtohkii.
This will be a great entry for some self-reflection! 😄 Anger is an emotion not many can cope with well. I myself struggle with it greatly some days..
It's been wonderful to read others posts so far. Good luck everyone! 😃
Here is my entry:
Thank you :) Cheers to a lovely day
Hello @ladiesofhive here is my entry for the 95th contest of LOH
I appreciate your participation, thank you lots :)
This is my entry for this new contest. @daljit1/contest -95.. thanks i m glad to join this challenge
Thank you for your participation, greatly appreciated. Have a lovely day :)
Hola querida comunidad por aquí dejo me entrada al concurso #95 Ladies of Hive Community Contest #95 // "Better not talk to me if you see me angry" - "Mejor no me hables si me ves enojada"
Invito a participar a @sabrip y @roseri, chicas participen, arriba encontraran los detalles del concuso.
Gracias :) Thank you for your entry :)
Buenas noches 💗 aquí mi entrada al concurso
This is honestly a great topic!! I'll read and see what my fellow women think
Here's my entry link to the 95th LOH contest...
Many thanks Lady :)
Greetings beautiful ladies, this is my entry to the weekly contest. @dlizara/loh-community-contest-n-95
Por acá mi participación,, dejando mi participación
Thank you for your entry :) I've just read and commented on it :)
You're very welcome and thanks too.
A sincere participation where you tell a very clear part of yourself, how difficult it must be to say that you live angry, a tremendous confession, where I see your interest in improving by recognizing it and it is excellent.
I'm also sweet but if I gain kilos ha, ha, I have to admit it so I have to keep my mouth shut from time to time. Much success this week of challenge and a hug @edithb
Infidelity would be a thing, I think it's something that no one likes to go through, but many find it entertaining to do so and the truth is that personally I think they are sick people and have to seek psychological help. Thanks for your contribution friend.
Por aquí les dejo mi entrada 😊:
Hi, here is my entry:
Great questions! Anger is something I think we see more of now than ever because life in general seems harder. It will be interesting to see what the ladies have to say! Also, who doesn't love a really good snack? We all might just find ourselves hungry after reading the entries!
The ladies are rocking it with their entries :) And the snacks they share do make us hungry, lol!
🤗💜 Indeed!
Post entry
Thank you Ellen for your participation :) I wish you a fabulous Friday
Hi @ifarmgirl. I have a question regarding community rules. I'd like to ask if men are allowed to post in this community. I see many guys posting about topics regarding women. What's the community position on this?
Hello @erikah , I remember that someone asked the same question before whether or not men are allowed to post here and if I'm not mistaken, it was said it's welcomed. I may need to get a confirmation regarding this. Thank you :)
Please do and tag me again as I'd direct men posting in OCD here, if that would be allowed :)
Yes. I will let you know soon as I get a confirmation, thank you :)
Hi @erikah, it is confirmed that men are allowed to post in the community :) Thank you lots!
Thank you! This is good news and it's helping a lot. Have a nice day 😊
You're welcome :) Thank you and have a fantastic one too ❤
Thank you! ❤️
This is my entry
Got it, thank you lots!
You're welcome
My entry for this week contest
Thanks a lot Eunice :) Have a fab day
Here is my entry
Thanks a lot Evegrace
My entry for the 95th contest
Here is my entry.
Thank you.
Thank you too :) Have a wonderful day to you.
My boiling point and how I deal with my emotions, thank and continue to enjoy your week❤🥰🙏
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tokens.@funshee, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @ladiesofhive and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/1 calls)
Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.
Many thanks lady for your entry :)
Thank you for again an interesting week in the contest. Here's my entry.
Thank you too :) Have a wonderful time :)
My entry
Thank you lots, cheers to you today :)
You're welcome
Have a lovely day dear friend
What a wonderful topic for this week I love these. Here is my entry
Thank you Helenchy :) Great day to you :)
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Good evening sisters.
Here is my contest entry though I made mistake of posting to my blog
Thank you
Here's the link to my entry LETTING IT GO
Saludos, esta es mi entrada:
Saludos, esta es mi entrada:
Dear ladies of the hive, this is my entry in contest #95. Blessings
Ladies, here is my entry:
Very much in agreement with your point of view, liars also annoy me, luckily I forgive them quickly. I love your sweets. And do dogs eat candy? Well, I also give a little to Nano, he loves it, it's his birthday. Much success and a hug @isabelpena
Thank you Isabel :) I wish you a great day
Here is my entry to the contest:
Got it lady :) Thank you lots!
Good luck Ladies!!!
Make sure you read over the rules again, and bear in mind the importance of sourcing your images or quotes, and may the greatest imagination win!
Seven suggestions (reminders) to consider:
Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
Use your active key only for wallet transactions, Keychain, Peaklock, and Hivesigner
The Master Password and the Owner key are only used to reset compromised passwords,
DO NOT lose your passwords; copy and store offline,
Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own.
An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
Do Not open any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.
Buena suerte chicas!!!
Asegúrese de leer las reglas nuevamente y tenga en cuenta la importancia de dar atribución a sus imágenes o citas, y que gane la mayor imaginación!
Siete sugerencias (recordatorios) a considerar:
Proteja sus contraseñas con cuidado y solo publique con la clave de publicación,
Use su clave activa solo para transacciones de billetera, llavero, Peaklock y Hivesigner,
La contraseña del propietario solo se usa para restablecer contraseñas comprometidas,
NO pierda sus contraseñas; copiar y almacenar sin conexión,
No publique el trabajo de otras personas, ya sea fotos o escrito, sin crédito,
asegúrese de obtener todo su trabajo, incluso si es suyo.
Una etiqueta de presentación solo se usa una vez, y
Hacer NO abrir cualquier enlace en notas o comentarios que no sepa a quién pertenecen. Si suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, probablemente lo sea, así dice el viejo dicho. No hay nada gratis aquí.
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tokens.@jamerussell, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @ladiesofhive and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/4 calls)
Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.
You have already used the number of tips you had for the day. Please try again tomorrow or buy more LOH tokens to send more tips.
From the too deep topic to a very casual one...hehe.. I like both....thanks for these interesting topics..
Contrast para d masyadong deep or heavy, lol!
Here's my entry 😊
Thank you for your entry :) Happy Friday
Thank you for inviting me, @jenthoughts
You're very much welcome sis.
Cheers to you and thank you for your participation.
I love this week's themes. Today I'm going to go to the supermarket and buy my favorite snacks to photograph :)
Here is my entry for this week:
It's another topic to talk about. Thank you @ladiesofhive and @ifarmgirl for the question for this week.
Here is my entry.
Pleasure and thank you lots for your participation
It has been a while here.
Below is the link to my entry.
Many thanks Jess for your participation :)
It is my pleasure.😃
Hope you enjoy what you read😘.
Hello wonderful ladies.
Here is my entry.
Gracias :) We appreciate your participation. Have a wonderful day
Patient or short fuse, fun to find out, finding some snacks to enjoy while reading 😁
I thought it was an odd pair of questions, lol! But you just made it so cool by this remark :)
Enjoy, the ladies really are on target with keeping you on your toes.
Thank you, I will :)
Feliz tardes, querida comunidad, por acá les dejo mide esta semana. Gracias. participación
Hello ladies😊
Here's my entry;
Goodlucl to everyone!😊🤗❤️
Hello lovely ladies! Here's my entry for this week's contest--
Thank you! 🙂
Cheers Kemmy, thank you so much :)
Sorry I'm late again. If only my schedule is shifted a few days later.
A busy month for me.
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tokens.@ladiesofhive, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.
Aqui mi participación
concurso # 95
Thank you for awesome questions once again, glad I found time to participate this week!
Here is my contribution - Butter me up
Thank you so much Lizelle :) Have a fantastic day (night)
What delicious dishes you share with us friend @lizelle. When I could consume alcoholic beverages with my friends, I would do it with some sandwiches because that made me not go over the level, those dishes made me remember those days of festivity. Thanks for sharing them with us.
I enjoy of participating in these contest, this is my entry:
Thank you for your kind words, have a lovely day :)
Buenas noches a todas! Por acá dejo mi participación después de un largo tiempo sin postear. Saludos a todas, espero se encuentren bien..
Thank you for your entry :) Enjoy your day
Good afternoon women, here I bring you my entry for the contest:
The best thing about these challenges is precisely that, that they make us think about looking for the solution that best suits us to solve the problem. Good decision friend. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.
Many thanks for your participation :) Lovely day to you
Here is my entry
Thank you lots :) Have a fantastic day
Hi dear team @ladiesofhive. Happy day to all ☺️
Thank you. I wish you a lovely day
Feliz tarde, acá mí participación en el concurso semanal
Thank you lots for your entry :)
Mi entrada
This will be quite interesting. I mean this topic speaks a whole lot about me. The first question to be specific. I cannot count how many times i am angry over things, and had to work on myself for staying angry for too long. It was quite a journey, having to work on myself to stop being angry for too long, and most times laughing off things that would have made me so angry.
Thanks to @ladiesofhive for putting up this contest this week.
My Entry
Thank you lots for your participation :)
I am glad I participated
These are really two great topics to write on. I will be sending in my entry ASAP. Second question is my favorite.
My entry
Many thanks Marynn :) Have a lovely day :)
Here is my entry @ladiesofhive
Have a great day ladies & good luck.
Thank you lots and enjoy your day
Here is my entry
Mi entrada al concurso #95 ☺️
Many thanks for your entry :) Cheers to you today
Hello LOH Team,😁
Here's my Contest Entry #95
Hello. It's so nice to take part in this challenge.
Thank you lady :) Sorry, naubusan, lol!
My entry
Ladies of Hive Community Contest #95 - Things that get me angry
Thank you lots :) I wish you a wonderful day
Buen día amigas, encantada de participar una vez más
Thank you lots for your entry :) I wish you an awesome Friday
Hey ladies💞❤🧡
Here is my entry
Hi everybody. this is my article i hope you read this
Thank you :) Got and read it :)
Mi entrada de está semana.
My entry
Thanks for reading ladies
My entry
Thanks for reading ladies
I'm sorry it's coming late
I almost missed out. Busy schedule
Interesting contest, here is my entry
Hello.! I attached the link to my post. Thanks for the initiative. Cheers
Thank you, got it :)
Hello my dear ladies of the LOH community, this is my participation in this new contest. I wish luck and success to each of you.
Ser un fosforito en el pasado, hay que ver como aprendemos y cambiamos con el tiempo y más cuando somos mamás. Una semana de éxitos @purrix
Thank you lots :) I appreciate your participation
This topic is really thoughtful.
I really feel like writing on both of them..
But I'll go for one . Thank you so much for this.
Thank you and would love to read yours :)
Writing on both questions is always welcome, if you wish to do it! 😊
Wow really?? I didn't know of this.
Thanks so much.
This is my entry for this week contest
Thank you :) Have a fabulous day
This is my entry
Many thanks for your entry :) Enjoy your day
Lovely topic as usual. And here's my entry for this week contest :
Thank You! (✯ᴗ✯)
Salamat Ruffa :) Enjoy your day :)
Saludos amigas por acá mi entrada.
What beautiful topics to write on
Here' my entry amazons 🙂
Something to think about!!!
A hive baby joined the contest guyss🙈 My entry!
Hello ladies :) my participation ♥️♥️
Un chirelito, ja, ja, de verdad me hiciste reír con tu aporte, muy sincera y gratificante saber todo lo que has aprendido, siempre para mejorar.
Tus postres espectaculares, para comerselos todos.
Muchísimo éxito y un abrazote @soyaruska
Thank you lots! Cheers to a beautiful day
Greetings to all the good and bad women of HIve jajajajaj I leave you my participation and I share a pretty ugly anecdote but from which I learned and is part of my life. Thanks for the contest and for existing.
Saludos a todas las mujeres buenas y malas de HIve jajajajaj les dejo mi participación y les comparto una anécdota bastante fea pero de la cual aprendí y es parte de mi vida. Gracias por el concurso y por existir.
Good night Everybody. Here I bring you my participation this week:
Many thanks for your participation, cheers to you today and always
Salud, éxitos y prosperidad para todas, aqui el link de mi participación:
Invito a @isabel28, agradecida por el concurso que me ayuda a crear, recordar y a interactuar.
Got it lady, thank you :)
Hello everyone! My boiling point hahaha just yesterday the blender failed at the moment I was making the protein shake and the base came out and everything spilled .... I went into crisis and literally wanted to destroy everything in my path, I even pulled the kitchen cabinet door. My frightened pet ran away from me and went to hide under the bed, at that moment I realized that I was angry. So this week's question is very appropriate.
Hello everyone, here my entry
Thank you sis :) Lovely day to you
Glad to join this new challenge!!
Here's my entry and goodluck to all ladies who will also join. 💞🙌
Got it, thank you lady :)
omg thank you sis!! 😍
It'll be my first time Joining and the questions are juicy🥰
We look forward to reading your entry :) Thank you
Here's my entry
This is my entry to the contest:
Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you and a lovely day to you :)
Saludos, comparto mi entrada 🙏☺️
Gracias :) Have a wonderful day
Hola a todos, aquí mi paricipación
Gracias Yannet :) Enjoy your day
Here's my entry
Hello ladies, have a nice week. Here is my entry for this week's contest. 😻
Enjoy your week too and thank you :)
Un poco tarde, pero aquí está. Abrazos!
Good night friends, here my participation.
Thank you Sabrina for your entry :) Have a fantastic night and good morning when you wake up :)
Thank you for your visit.