Of Calmer Sea and Warmer Shore: A Walk in Serenity in this Corner I Call Home
Remember when we were young? When we couldn't wait to grow up?
And only to realize that growing up is a trap. I mean, don't get me wrong. I know growing old is a privilege but being an adult is scary sometimes, isn't it? It's finding yourself spinning along with life's exhausting and unending turn. It's like I am breathing and running at a pace too fast I couldn't keep up.
What were we thinking back then?
But then, this is life after all, be it either on a calm or rough sea, the sail must go on.
Hello everyone!
In the hustle and bustle of this fast-paced life, how do you cope and find solace?
It's been quite a while since I last joined and walked with this amazing #WednesdayWalk community and today, allow me to brag with you again about the beauty of my hometown while having a walk on the seaside on a high tide and all the undeniable charm and serenity it possesses.
I paused for a while and lived the moment. I stopped walking and thoroughly listened to the melody of the sea breeze as it resonated with a sublime lullaby softly singing along with the waves gently crashing on the shore.
I saw these seagrasses that had been carried away by the waves gently relaxing on the shoreline. They're like telling me that we you get tired, it just takes a minute to stop and rest for a while. Everything can get better when you slow down.
This lone empty shell that drifted its way to the shore, with its unique shape, is a simple yet beautiful reminder that nature has a lot of amazing creations to offer. All we have to do is take a little walk outside and appreciate the little things.
And oh I stumbled upon this cute heart-shaped thingy. In case you are curious about it, it's called box fruit also known as barringtonia which commonly grows in tropical countries like the Philippines. I don't know what we call it here and despite that I heard that this fruit has a lot of traditional medicinal purposes, I don't remember that we made use of its medicinal benefits. All that I clearly remember was that, I grew up having this as a toy since we cannot afford to buy those that were sold in the toy stores or even at the markets. And if I were now to choose whether to have the actual toys back then over this, I'd still choose this simple one over those colorful and expensive ones. It has dawned on me that those simple things that were often taken for granted before are actually the ones that matter to me now since they have sprinkled my childhood with the happiness that money can't buy and I swear, I would never have it any other way.
Oh, the good old days.
I know any of you who like me, grew up in coastal areas, are also familiar with these fruits I am holding. These are fruits from a large and deciduous tree that we locally call talisay or most known as the Indian almond internationally.
Holding these fruits takes me back to three decades ago when I found myself and my childhood friends having a good laugh over a mukbang of these nuts as we headed to the shore after school. We had so much fun picking up the fruits lying all over the sand. Though we found it hard to crack them open, either by crashing them with stone or using a bolo, nevertheless I could say it completed my happy childhood.
The talisay tree also amazes me as it bestows autumn vibes when its leaves turn into oranges before they touch the ground and wither. Just like the sunset, its colorfully dramatic ending promises a beautiful sprout of a new leaf to grow - a chance to reset and start a brand new beginning.
And then I saw these young boys. I paused for a while as I got my senses soaked into nostalgia when I saw them happily playing in the swing. It's like I instantly traveled back in time and saw the happy-go-lucky seven-year-old me sitting in that swing, long before adulthood has taken over the happiness of being a kid, without worrying about anything.
I smiled and thanked God that I grew up experiencing that genuine happiness with those privileges that these kids in front of me are having.
And so it was my sister's turn to sit in the swing. Of course, aside from the grandeur of nature that I encountered on a walk by the shore, I also wanted to take a snap and capture the smile of happiness she had as she was enjoying the moment.
Unlike the famous fine and white sand that Boracay offers, my hometown has its exquisite charm with the pebble sand - my piece of sun-soaked paradise in this secluded corner which I would never trade with anywhere in the world.
And In the hustle and bustle of this fast-paced life, how do I cope and find solace? It's sailing back to the warmth and comfort of my hometown's shore - the beacon that lights my way home in the darkest of days.
Thank you everyone for dropping by this post. Have a great and blessed weekday ahead everyone!
Wow! Beach! I miss it. It's been a long time I haven't enjoyed the beach.
Looking back to the times that we were young, yes we want to be adult because we wanted the freedom but when we are adult we wanted the life of a child who don't have other problems but who or when we could play again.
Yeah, just how ironic life is 😊.
Hope you can visit the beach again soon and create some beautiful memories with you family. Thank you sis @jenthoughts for dropping by! 😊
Such a beautiful walk in such a nice area
yes indeed when we are young we want to grow up so fast and want time to fly, now as I get older I want aging to slow down LOL
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Haha yeah, but time flies and no matter how much we want our aging to slow down, it's one of the things in life that we cannot control. All we have to do is to take a pause every once in a while, and appreciate life as it is with the beautiful nature around us. That's why walking is the best thing to do.
You're welcome @tattoodjay, my pleasure to visit here again. And thank you!🤗
I remember it, wishing to grow up fast so that you can get out to the tight rope pulling you down to the darkness. Some even treat their home as a prison that us why their are wishing this to happen soon so that they can finally do whatever they want. We don't even have an idea that being an adult is much harder that we thought.
Anyways, reading your nostalgic experience as a kid made me also remember mine. Although we don't visit the beach that often but occasionally only. All of my memories with that are all incredible and fun. Especially when we still have Mom's bakery, we will go there with only bread and pancit as a baon. Simple but the fun experience is what make it feel more special.
It's making me sad hearing those stories of those kids not being able to enjoy the privileges of being a kid. Instead of having their homes as their strongest fortress, it had become their prison instead. 😭
Well, on the lighter side, I'm glad that you've also had your share of a happy childhood. Yeah, now that we've grown up, we realize that those simple things were the ones that made our childhood extraordinary worthy, and beautiful. Thanks @ruffatotmeee for sharing with me those good old days you've had and of course, for dropping by here. 🥰
You've got an amazing childhood🥰
Me? opposite. I always wished not to grow up fast because, at a young age, we were taught to earn money for the family's needs, so playing would be a luxury.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. I should have been more considerate in knowing my privilege that while I had the best childhood, others did not. 🥺
I wish as an adult now, you're already enjoying the luxury that you did not have when you were a kid. Isang mahigpit an yakap @nanayko. 🤗
Thank you🥰
I just made sure my children enjoyed their childhood.
Oh, it's so good to hear that. That is very kind of you.🤗
Your kids are lucky enough to have you for them to tell the whole world "@nanayko yan!!!" 😊❤
The best walk is in the place we call home
No place like home jud ren ba. Mingaw nako diha. Uli ta be..uli ta! 😁
Hapit na december det. Yey!
Puhon ren, yey!!!! ☺️
Your hometown brings memories from the past. Good thing you're already home Mam.
Hello Ma'am @jobeliever!
Actually last summer na Ma'am kadtong miuli ko, nag reminisce lang ko Ma'am kay gimingaw ko diha sa amo. But anyway, hapit naman pud ko muuli puhon Ma'am. ☺️
Thank you for dropping by Ma'am and have a good day! Padung good night na diay 😅❤️
Ahwww abi nku present ni nya nag reminisce ka hehehe. Btaw uy nice kaayu kadtong gagmay pata kay wala tay laing gihuna2x kundi duwa, kaon ra gyud. Karun tanan na.
Mao lagi Ma'am, saon taman mao jud ni ang kinabuhi. Pero syempre dili ta palubig sa stress Ma'am maong usahay, aw sa kanunay jud diay, dakong tabang ang magbaktas-baktas ug lantawon ang nature kay makahayag ug relaxation sa utok Ma'am nga gikapoy nag laban sa kinabuhi haha. Basta kay padayun lang jud ta ani Ma'am ☺️
Whole i was reading You i remembered several times i used to go out and walk in line with the sea bye the sand, in the middle of the nigth. The sound of the see ar that hours was impresive!
Oh, I might as well try that too, to walk by the seashore at night. It must be very quiet and relaxing.
Thanks for dropping by @jrobe 🥰
It depent the place. In Some places the waves sounds like a a Big mounster when it puch the rocks yo the coast line.
yes. I'm finally learning that appreciation and slow living are so good.. 😉🌈
The older we become, the more we appreciate serene and tranquil moments I guess. Or is it just the dramatic cells in me acting so emotionally lately?😅
Anyway, thanks @chinito for dropping by, again. 🥰
Uli na daw kay nagpaabot nang saang day 😁
Scammer man ng saanga jack, way sud. Nag pa cute2 ras baybayon ang iyang bagal 🤣🤣
Ayyyy bisan asa gyud ning mga scammer 😁😁
Looks like a wonderful place to meditate, it looks so peaceful and calm
It indeed is, not the type of crowded beach that is popular with tourists that's why staying here can give you the best peace of mind it can offer.
Thank you @danigada18 😊
I hate crowded beaches so much. Instead of relaxing I get way more stressed out !