STEPN Headed for a Meltdown? | Anti-Cheat Leads to Massive DDOS Attack
STEPN has been down for over 24 hours. It doesn't look great.
STEPN Anti-Cheat Launch and Crash
Before you say anything, yes I reused the graphic I made for my recent article on why I think move 2 earn apps like this are ponzi schemes. It's one of my favorite graphics I've ever made so I just had to. It really sums up this whole situation. You know how I feel about Solana at this point, and STEPN is built on it so... I might be a little biased, but for good reason. STEPN is a move 2 earn app that allows you to earn crypto by being active but it requires quite a large investment to get started.
Any time you have an app like this that people can find a way to exploit, people are going to exploit it. People are going to use different bots, multiple accounts, GPS spoofing, and more to maximize the amount they earn. This happens with literally anything that has a potential financial gain, hell it even happens on games and apps that don't reward you with crypto.
One way to make your ponzi scheme look more legit and try to keep it afloat longer is to try to stop people from cheating. According to their Twitter thread, STEPN has created a revolutionary anti-cheat AI. Then the service was immediately attacked.
There's a lot to unpack in this Twitter thread that kinda intrigues me. They state that cheaters risk artificially inflating the token and NFT prices, but the system already does that. Literally as people use the app, new tokens are minted, and there's an unlimited supply. They also claim that it's unethical, which is debatable. I guess it really depends who you ask and what the context is.
Their developers have been studying your location, motion sensor, and health data for months. What, you though giving this app all those permissions was just so you could earn? Mmmm mm no no no, it's being mined, used to develop more ways to prevent you from earning, and probably sold (cannot confirm). Supposedly cheaters are flagged by AI and machine learning, which are nowhere near perfect.
If the bot decides you're cheating, your NFTs could take "damage" and you are not rewarded for the session. They also stated that they could be introducing more penalties in the future... Hmm... They also state that the app may not punish you right away if you're flagged as cheating. They may wait and punish you later. But nearly immediately, the bot is flagging people incorrectly. A lot of them.
The user above lost 116 GST, which is about $74 right now, and is also subject to the repair fee to repair their NFT to keep going. If you take a scroll through the comments on this thread, it's literally nothing but people being flagged incorrectly. Even people that are cheating are going to complain, but people that genuinely invested are suffering. It's bad enough that this thing runs on Solana, but now people are losing money because their anti-cheat bot sucks.
Considering the sheer amount of money these people invested, this is extremely frustrating. Hopefully the people incorrectly flagged will be rectified and they'll get their rewards before this thing collapses. I have little to no faith in this platform to be honest, and I do still think it's a ponzi scheme. You know what happens to ponzi schemes.
To make things worse, during the fallout of their anti-cheat mechanism launch... STEPN is under attack! The service is under DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack, meaning their service is being flooded with requests on the backend so hard that the system stops functioning. Seems they pissed off some people with their new mechanism.
Don't worry though, they gave their users permission to take a break from earning. They stated that the recovery process could take up to 12 hours... and here we are 24 hours later with no update. I'm no hacker but I do have a general understanding of how these attacks work. The easy solution would have been to have a plan in place for this but... Why plan ahead?
Maybe take some of the hundreds of millions of dollars you have made off these poor investors and hire some cyber security experts? Why not have a plan for DDOS attacks like having a server ready to deploy in case of a crisis? How crazy would it be to have a back up plan? Do they even care?
Even on the thread where they announced they're under attacked, people are still trying to use the app. They're gunna have a metric shit ton of complaints... This is no way to handle a situation like this. Looks really shady honestly considering some of these people are just trying to make their money back from their initial investments.
Have no fear though! They still hosted a Twitter space talking about the launch of their NFTs on BNB Chain. That's really what important to them so they can start selling them and make some more money. If they really had any care in the world to take care of their users, they would have delayed this launch.
Doing a launch an announcement while your app is under attack is kinda shitty. Not only does it look like you don't care about your users, but it makes them trust you less. Things are not looking good, bois.
Thanks for reading! Much love.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It just sounds like a scam to be honest. The amount of information you're giving, the amount of money to start, I wonder why people get into things like this.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
I believe move2earn technology needs a lot of technological advancement. In the future, maybe the technology will be near perfection but current it needs improvement in my opinion.
Thank you for your hard work as a curator. !1UP
There's a lot of reasons. Most of it is feeling like they can make life changing money by getting in early.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is exactly why I stay away from these apps. I'd rather earn from some honest clear work on Hive. I pos stuff. People vote. No algorithm. No tracking (maybe some IP logs etc.)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep, Hive is definitely a better way to earn than letting them mine your data.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
100% YES!
Lol I thought you're using a blockchain to avoid security breaches oh maybe because you're using a database pretending to be a blockchain lol fucking larpers
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hahaha! Yes, this is exactly it. Solana is complete shit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Harsh way of looking at it, but is Actifit positioned to benefit from these types of failures on Stepn?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've been taking a more harsh look at things that I believe are cash grabs, rug pulls, scams, etc. I think people like the shock value. Maybe I'm wrong.
Actifit is definitely the best example of how to do this the right way.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh boy! This is wrong in so many ways. You can’t make people make such huge investments only to be pulling shady moves like this. Why are the legit investors also getting flagged down? What sort of shitty bot is that. Plans better be in place to rectify it like you said because this doesn’t look good for them.
They also have pay to repair their shoes? How much more ridiculous can they get?
And what’s so bad about cheating anyways?😄
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Yeah, messed up all around. Not a great look. Hopefully they fix people's accounts and refund them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It sounds like a huge mess for them and I understand their view of things. However, that approach has hardly ever worked that well in games because of everyone getting hit. The cheaters will just work around the system.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
True cheaters will learn to circumvent it, but regular players will be turned off.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Yep, it's just going to make the cheaters work harder to find ways to exploit the system.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh... that's not looking so good.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very true, looking shady:)
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Hope no one gets burnt out big time on this one.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's ok because they said "sorry" lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I already said yesterday that sports. this thing is of little use, and such downtime allows you to think about more important things, for example, planting a garden)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think staying active is also important. It should take an app paying you to do a walk every now and then.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I wonder if they collect geodata about your walk?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is a great post. A lesson well-documented. Running such a project is indeed hard. That's why I reblogged your post! So that I can come back and read it again and again. Thanks!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for your support!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕
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It was a great graphic back then. Why waste it on only one post? ;)
I am surprised that cheating is so rampant on that platform. My impression was that they are more on top of it than their competition... Oh well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'd bet that 50% of users are cheating to maximize rewards lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I was under the impression that 90% on competitor apps cheat ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Why waste time on such hassle?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This led people to play thimbles)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's probably more accurate
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is, they are not open source but just an application on the Internet? I am personally unfamiliar with this application.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not open source. Not decentralized. Just another app that harvests your data after you pay them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It sounds very funny for this time and the desire for decentralization. it turns out that they will pay not what you earn, but what they see fit)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Weird, it's talking about rogues... Are you suggesting to compare two rogues and decide which one is better lol?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I liked the graphic too and I didn't have the pleasure of seeing it last time.
It kind of reminds me of the brooklyn 99 episode when the scully's of New York are making the spedometer go off by sitting in massage chairs.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
😂😂😂 This is just funny
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Haha, yes! this is exactly what I imagine.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As most apps are desigmed from pre built modules, they pretty well all of them gather stats and are open to exploitation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, built in exploits and lazy devs.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Its kind of like why I never tell my kids they "can't" do something.
It really really makes them want to do it.
Rising Star annoys me a little bit because I like the game so much but I can't share it with my kids, but they seem to keep a tight leash around what they consider "cheating."
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They'll just find a way to cheat better lol.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I saw it was hundreds of dollars to get a starter nft and get earning.
Straight away that says shit project to me.
One that will crash sooner rather than later when the devs run with the money.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This great I wish I could participate but am not given more time . Great project thanks for sharing dude
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
😂😂😂 Read the post well dude 😂
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
not sure if trolling...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol good thing you missed out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Stepn never made any sense. The prices for the sneakers were thousands of dollar. And it's risky !
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Yeah from the beginning it screamed Ponzi scheme to me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Yeah please meltdown
Not wishing for it but... I would be ready to say "I told you so" to some people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Will he be one of those? 😂
Oh boy... lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are not alone in this, sometimes it is unusual for people to perceive warnings about potential danger)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
DDOS = Distributed Denial of Service, meaning they have a network of bots which attacks the same target simultanously.
And they could avoid all this if they set up a simple cloudflare account (well, kind of).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oops! I didn't even realize I got that wrong, was writing very fast. Thanks for letting me know.
Hi my dear friend!
Good take back then and good take today. I was looking for an opportunity to take advantage of this obvious Ponzi (as many things out there), but this one was blattant and overvalued.
Great mind think alike: Is it a good time to short Move 2 Earn Tokens? :D
I could not agree more with this:
When you say this:
You are talking about the cover image? Because I could not see a graph.
Take care!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Strange thing, people understand that this is a hoax, but they want to take advantage of it) We live in a very funny world)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I just watched the cover and finally got it! Hahaha 🤣 ! Good one mate
Short it into oblivion. Glad you liked my graphic!
Hilarious thumbnail haha!!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Glad you like it! lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is so disappointing, but it makes Splinterlands look great! So there is a silver lining, heck I may even look up Actifit and see whats happening there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Actifit looks like gold compared to STEPN. Splinterlands is a great example of how well something like this can run but it's on Hive so that's expected. STEPN runs on Solana and you know... It's kinda terrible.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta