Facing the Impossible


17-Is there anything too difficult for God.jpg

Prompt: Abraham, Is there Anything too Difficult for God? by Larry Elmore, by Justin Gerard

How do you usually respond if you find something too difficult for you?

People's responses to difficult situations can vary widely based on personalities, experiences, and coping mechanisms. Others would add spirituality. Nevertheless, there are specific common patterns of response that we do when faced with something too difficult to accomplish.

The Loser's Response

Losers respond in several ways. I hate this term for there are times that I find myself doing such things. But that's how I hear people talk about this type of response.

Withdrawal is the immediate response for some when they feel frustrated encountering a difficult person. Becoming emotionally distant is the safest route for them.

Denial is another convincing ourselves that the problem isn't real or as serious as it appears. It can be a defense mechanism to protect ourselves.

Perhaps some would include in the losers' response the act to avoid the problem thinking that it is just a waste of time and focusing instead on something productive. If this is a loser's game, I am proud to be included as one of them.

If someone is determined at first to change a difficult situation but along the way, finds himself helpless, this could lead to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and ultimately, depression.

The "Winners" Response

On a positive note, someone with a strong mind and determination might view a difficult situation as a challenge to overcome. They would see it as an opportunity for personal growth.

Among numerous possible responses, what I like most, though some would reject such an action, is to seek support from friends and relatives. You are blessed to find such emotional support when "you walk in the valley of the shadow of death."

How about if you find no human assistance and you see yourself alone in the darkest time of your life, where will you go for help?

I think in the most painful trials in life, we are being taught to seek help from no one else but from Someone where nothing is too difficult to overcome.

In contrast to human unreliability, Genesis 17 tells us that God as the Promise Keeper is reliable and trustworthy. What I admire in the qualities of God's promises is that they stand the test of time, overrule human mistakes, and overcome difficult circumstances, no matter how difficult they are.

The Central Idea

In this article, I want to share about what to do in facing difficult obstacles in life. In Genesis 18 verses 1 to 15, we find a question coming from the Lord given to Abraham after saying that Sarah laughed upon hearing the assurance of His promise. The Lord asked Abraham:

Is anything too difficult for me?

The question has an obvious answer. Nothing is too difficult for God.

Now, if the answer is so obvious why God asked it? What was God's intention in asking such a question?

I think this is a kind of question that ought to humble us by recognizing our limitations.

In answering this question, let us notice something in the story related to Abraham and Sarah's spirituality level. If we compare the couple's response to the Lord's visitation, we will see a discrepancy in the level of enthusiasm between Abraham and his wife.

In verses 1 to 8, we notice something important in Abraham's words and acts of reception of the Lord. In verse 4, Abram said:

Let a little water be brought. . .' and 'Let me get you something to eat. . .'

And then in verses 6 to 8, we notice here that Abraham did not prepare little but something big for the Lord. He asked his wife to get about 22 liters of fine flour and bake bread. And then he selected the best calf and brought it to the Lord with curds and milk. To me, this shows Abraham's level of excitement upon experiencing the visitation of the Lord. His actions are bigger than his words.

How many people do we hear that they will do something great, but their actions show that they don't mean what they said? And how many people do we know that only speak a few words, but their actions are great? Abraham is just like that: his words are not big, but his actions are. How I wish that we also learn to serve the Lord in this way.

We are all familiar with people whose words are spiritual, but their actions tell otherwise. They say that they love the Lord, but their disobedience shows that they don't understand the meaning of loving God. They say that God is their ultimate reward, but all their actions are focused on this earth. They say that they love heaven, but they always think of the things of this earth.

Yes, God expects us to live responsibly while we are here on planet Earth. Heaven is our real destiny. We should not allow that in our journey to heaven, the things of this earth will serve as obstacles. Instead, they should aid us in our journey to the next life.

Compare Abraham's response to his wife. When the Lord asked about Sarah and assured them of the exact time of the fulfillment of the promise (vs. 9-10a), Sarah laughed in disbelief and doubt due to her old body and her husband's age (vs. 10b-15). It is as if Sarah could no longer believe in the ability of God to fulfill his promise. I think that Sarah that time was in a low state of spirituality.

Contrast this response to Sarah's attitude 14 years ago in Genesis 16. During that time, Sarah was so eager to "assist" God in fulfilling the promise. But this time, Sarah was no longer expectant. This shows that for Sarah, the situation is so difficult that from a human point of view, the fulfillment of the promise is impossible.

I think this is one possible reason why God asked the question:

Is there anything too difficult for me?

Yes, from a human perspective, some situations are too difficult. But with God, nothing is too difficult. This is the distinction between God and man. Both Abraham and Sarah must understand this not only in theory but also in experience.

It is basic to human nature that unless the situation is impossible from a human point of view, man tends to exalt himself. The idea that there are situations in life that man is not capable of providing any solution is most humbling for humanity. Man cannot accept that there is anything beyond his power. Man thinks that he can do everything on his own. This is the first lesson that man must learn to experience God's miracle.

Secondly, this is a question that calls for complete trust in the power of God.

Is there anything in your life right now that appears to be beyond your ability? What are the situations in life that are too difficult for you? Is it a relational problem? How about child-rearing? How about business and employment situations? How about your life as a student? One thing is sure, things that are too difficult for you are opportunities for you to see the mighty work of God.

Reflect on your life right now. Are you in a difficult situation? What is the situation in your life that you think is most difficult for God to act? Yes, unlike Abraham and Sarah, God did not directly promise you a specific timetable that he will reverse that difficult situation. However, God promised that he would listen to the prayer of his people and he answers them in his time according to his will. And besides, the God who fulfilled his promise to Abraham and Sarah is the same God that you and I have. And if the God of Abraham is also your God, in him nothing is too difficult, and therefore God can reverse the difficult situation that you are in right now. This calls for complete trust in His power and ability.

Finally, this is a question that should lead us to worship only Him.

As already mentioned, the obvious answer to the question is that nothing is too difficult for God. Now, a follow-up thought. If nothing is too difficult for God, why did it take him 25 years before he fulfilled his promise to Abraham? Why does it seem that God pushed Abraham into a situation where everything seemed impossible before he would take action besides learning the reality of human limitation? Why did God act on his promises at the very time that Abraham and Sarah least expected it? Why God did not fulfill his promise during the first few years of Abram's migration to Canaan? For sure, God is not weak. Then why God did not fulfill his promise during the first few years of Abram and Sarah's marriage?

Ultimately, we don't know the precise answer. God wants to do it that way, and no one has the right to question His actions. However, based on the Bible we could say that God wants to protect His honor. He does not want to share glory with anyone in the fulfillment of his promise. God has all the right to do this for he is God. God did it this way so that no one would boast before Him. So that no one can say that the promise is not really of God, but requires the assistance of man for it to be fulfilled. So that all glory and honor will be given to Him alone. This is the exact picture of our salvation in Jesus. The apostle Paul said:

For it is by grace you have been saved through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2: 8-9).


Is there anything too difficult for God? The definite answer is nothing is too difficult for Him. This is an obvious reality simply because He is God. However, God asked this question so that we will learn to humble ourselves by recognizing our limitations, to completely trust His power, and to worship Him alone.

Grace and peace!
