

Jesus Christ established His Church in the year 31 AD with the aim of disseminating His teachings and the news of the impending God-ordained Kingdom all through the world (Matthew 28:19-20). Those who embraced this movement started to be identified as "Christians" (Acts 11:26). But not shortly after, a considerable part of that faith decided to stray from what Jesus had taught (Jude 3). The religion that emerged from this separation eventually acquired the legitimacy and influence of Rome as well as the title of "Christianity" by merging some of the biblical teachings and practices of Jesus with extrabiblical doctrines and customs (Roman Catholic Church)


Yet, this "Christianity" was a structurally diverse religion even though its beliefs and catechisms contained certain biblical precepts.

Many of the same academics who acknowledge the advantages that professing Christianity gave to the world as its influence grew also acknowledge that this growing influence was frequently achieved by extremely unbiblical and unchristian tactics. It is impossible to deny the history of movements like the Spanish Inquisition, which forced Jews and Muslims to convert under the threat of torture throughout Europe and other places. My kingdom is not of this world, Jesus said in a message to His followers. My aides would fight if My kingdom were in this planet (John 18:36). Yet, the religion (Catholicism) that arose in His honor believed otherwise, beginning the Crusades and other violent initiatives to carve off areas where its power could grow.

Executions of heretics and others who refused to convert, including burnings at the stake, beheadings, hangings, and other forms of capital punishment, were typical of both Roman Catholic and Protestant forms of Christianity. Even though it went by the name "Christianity," the religion that was transforming the world was not the one that Jesus Christ had founded.

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