Splinterlands Season Goal Achieved!!! - Back in Gold Division (Gameplay w/ Commentary)


Only 2 days left until this #Splinterlands season comes to an end so I put my brave face on and jumped into the battlefield!

I was 67 #Wild #Ranked points away from Gold III when I started recording and after some tough battles I was able to ascend to Gold III! Played 7 games, won 6 of them, hustled a bunch of SPS tokens as well as Focus/Season chests and had a blast while I was at it!

Gotta love Splinterlands, so fun and challenging at the same time! Enjoy watching this #gameplay episode and...


Sign up in Splinterlands : https://splinterlands.com?ref=knowhow92

Thank you all for your support

As a full-time Web 3 content creator, supporting my content allows me to keep doing what I love.
Much love to everyone and always have fun.

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