Pokemon Daybreak Ep. 8 - Exploring "Lacka Cave"
In this #PokemonDaybreak episode I battled my way through "Lacka Cave", the cave connecting Briseano and Phatoh city and it was a tough as hell challenge.
My team fainted 3 times till I managed to get to the exit "thanks" to all those super strong trainers and wild Pokemon in there but I love challenges so I had a blast hehe!
Enjoy watching everyone and....
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Beautiful Game! I never play this one, but its maybe my best game when I was a child. In the Gameboy and then in the PC!
Pokemon are the best games ever! This game is fan-made, not an official Gamefreak release and it's fucking awesome hehe!
Oh! Right! Nice work, maybe better than the original? 🤣
Depends on which one you talking about! Definitely better than the new gen pokemon games hehe!