It's better to be a prodigal son than to not give that dream a shot.



To become successful is not an overnight phenomenon, it is the culmination of countless small steps taken in the right direction. No matter how ambitious your goals are, the path to achieving them is paved with consistent effort, perseverance, and a willingness to embrace the journey.
Ambition is a powerful motivator that fuels our dreams and drives us to aspire for greatness. But ambition alone is not enough to ensure success. It is the actions we take, the decisions we make, and the persistence we show that transform our dreams into reality. Even tho Fear is a major barrier for most people, Every significant achievement is the result of a series of deliberate steps, each building on the last, leading us closer to our goals.
The willingness to take that initial step, even in the face of uncertainty, is crucial. Fear of failure often holds us back, but it is important to remember that not taking a shot guarantees that we will miss every opportunity. Embrace the courage to pursue your dreams, knowing that every step you take is a step in the right direction.
The prodigal son, despite his waywardness, ultimately finds his way back home. His journey is a metaphor for redemption, second chances, and the power of taking that first step, no matter how daunting it may seem. The key takeaway here is that it is better to try and stumble than to never try at all. Failure is not the end; it is a part of the process that shapes our character and sharpens our resolve.
When you set out to achieve a dream, the road ahead can seem overwhelming. It is easy to get discouraged by the enormity of the task. However, breaking down your goal into smaller, manageable steps can make the journey less daunting. Each step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your destination. Celebrate small victories, as they are the building blocks of your ultimate success.


Tener éxito no es un fenómeno de la noche a la mañana, es la culminación de innumerables pequeños pasos dados en la dirección correcta. No importa cuán ambiciosas sean tus metas, el camino para alcanzarlas está pavimentado con esfuerzo constante, perseverancia y voluntad de emprender el viaje.
La ambición es un poderoso motivador que alimenta nuestros sueños y nos impulsa a aspirar a la grandeza. Pero la ambición por sí sola no es suficiente para garantizar el éxito. Son las acciones que tomamos, las decisiones que tomamos y la perseverancia que mostramos las que transforman nuestros sueños en realidad. Aunque el miedo es una barrera importante para la mayoría de las personas, cada logro significativo es el resultado de una serie de pasos deliberados, cada uno de los cuales se basa en el anterior, y nos acerca a nuestras metas.
La voluntad de dar ese paso inicial, incluso frente a la incertidumbre, es crucial. El miedo al fracaso a menudo nos frena, pero es importante recordar que no intentarlo garantiza que perderemos todas las oportunidades. Abrace el coraje de perseguir sus sueños, sabiendo que cada paso que dé es un paso en la dirección correcta.
El hijo pródigo, a pesar de su descarrío, finalmente encuentra el camino de regreso a casa. Su viaje es una metáfora de la redención, las segundas oportunidades y el poder de dar ese primer paso, por desalentador que parezca. La conclusión clave aquí es que es mejor intentarlo y tropezar que no intentarlo nunca. El fracaso no es el final; es parte del proceso que moldea nuestro carácter y agudiza nuestra resolución.
Cuando te propones alcanzar un sueño, el camino que tienes por delante puede parecer abrumador. Es fácil desanimarse ante la enormidad de la tarea. Sin embargo, dividir su objetivo en pasos más pequeños y manejables puede hacer que el viaje sea menos desalentador. Cada paso, por pequeño que sea, te acerca a tu destino. Celebre las pequeñas victorias, ya que son los pilares de su éxito final.


For pursuing our dreams,at times, we have to take courageous steps. Sometimes, they involve taking risks of losing a lot. However, without stepping forward there is no way to figure out if the step was right or wrong.

By the way, I am wondering how this of your blog is related to the current HL prompt 🤔


It's just a random blog i worked on this morning, been looking for where to post it till i found out that this group has some related post. Sir is it okay if i do something better more related to the current weekly contest, "the worst reasons" and would it be okay if i leave this post here or do i have to take it down ?


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