First aid in adventure
I was in junior secondary school when I first learned the meaning of the common term "first aid." I remember the day it was explained to us by the teacher; we were all amazed because we had been performing first aid without knowing what it was called. Wouldn't you be surprised to find out that saving someone at an accident scene or plucking and squeezing leaves into an injury from a cutlass cut is first aid? It's funny how we couldn't understand some simple terms. You can't blame us; we grew up in the village.
As I mentioned, first aid was something we grew up with without knowing its name. In the early stages of my life, we embarked on many adventures as children. We would go into the bush to hunt animals or pluck cashews and mangoes. These cashew trees weren't ours, and it was never termed stealing, but if the owner caught us, we would receive some whipping.
On one of those adventures, we initially planned to hunt rabbits and squirrels, but after touring around, we found nothing.
Instead of going back empty-handed, we decided to hunt for cashews. It was a bush area, though not far from the living area but the bush was far enough to swallow up someone's shout. There were three of us: two(I and one other boy) climbed up the tree while one stayed down, seated and relaxed, waiting to catch the plucked cashews.
A few minutes after we went up, we heard a loud shout, "Ayaaahhhhhhhhh! My God!" We looked down to see our friend running frantically in the grass under the cashew tree. We didn't need anyone to tell us to come down. We jumped down, held him, and discovered he had been bitten by a scorpion. We knew no remedy for such a bite other than tying up the spot to stop blood flow to hinder the circulation of the poison.
We searched for a rope, but unfortunately, couldn't find one because it was a busy area. I went into some houses under development in the area and found an empty cement bag. We cut it into a small strip with a cutlass, tied his leg where he was bitten, and throughout this, he was shouting very loudly.
We didn't hesitate; we abandoned our cashew hunt and carried him to the nearest chemist shop, where he was attended to while we went to call his parents. When our parents learned about it, they gave us mixed reactions: praise for tying the bitten spot and reprimands for going out to hunt. When I got home that evening, my dad whipped me with his customized cane and made me swear I wouldn't do anything like that again. I took the oath, but it wasn't the first or the last time until I grew older and left that lifestyle behind.
This incident happened before we were taught first aid in school. We learned to tie close to a scorpion bite to stop the blood flow, preventing the venom from circulating in the body. We learned that from people's experiences and stories.
Thank you for reading.
| All photos are mine |
Boys and their escapades.
If not for the knowledge you had, who knows what might happen to your friend and thank God you even remembered in the face of such a horrible situation.
The customized cane part got me smiling.
Imagine what would have happened if instead of stopping blood circulations, we went on to pluck leave to fight to reduce the pain.
God abeg 😂
Yeah, my dad had a customised cane. He found the stick at one farm forest, he cut it and dash some to his friends and brothers. The sitch, in its elastic form, is very scarce and that's the most ancient type of cane
Truly, knowledge is power. You might have killed someone's son.
I'm here trying to imagine the sound of the cane while in use with the description you gave. 😂
My papa na grinding machine belt. He used his regular belt if he can't readily find the other.
And he used that on you or just your male siblings?
I'm imagining the cries 😂
Everyone of us oh but I think he uses it based on our sizes
I’m glad you guys could even remember or learn a few things from your parents on how to take care of such
That was very risky
Yeah. The little idea saved the day.
Imagine what would have happend if such ideas weren't in us😂.
Thank you for stopping by
This is a true fact o. Some of the things we learned in school, we were already doing at home. They just helped us appreciate it better.
It's just like telling us about balance diet while we were already using common sense to balance up our meal pattern😂
You got it👍
Yes ooo! There are so many things we already knew how to do before learning what they were called by oyibos. Nobody should blame us when oyibo is not our language. 😂😂😂
On a serious note, thank God you guys were able to attend to your friend fast. Scorpion stings are not funny at all.
Thank God you had the idea of how to react to a scorpion bite. I'm afraid, if I were in your shoes then, I might not have known what to do (Now I will shaa😂). And yes first aid has been existing ever since. It just wasn't given the first aid name.
That's sound soooo scary! Can't even fathom being stung by the scorpion. Hope your friend turn out ok?