[WE131] My type of quality friends

I'm always excited to participate in the weekend contest, when you talk about quality friends, you talk about the kind of friends you keep around. I'm someone who love checking the kind of friends I keep or the type of friends I will call my best friend because I am someone when it comes to friendship I'm always committed into it. I will sharing with you my quality friends I keep around and someone I could share my secret with...

** I will be talking about my quality friends I love to keep around, they are:**

Kindness When I talk about kindness I mean someone who will show love in any circumstances we find ourselves, someone who will be generous and truthful, who will show much love and ready to sacrifice anything to keep the friendship..

Why I need this quality in a friend is that I am always kind when it comes to friendship, I will be truthful to him and show him much love, that why I need that type of friend in my life...

Character This is another quality in finding a friend, I know everyone have their character both bad character and good character, I also have mine too but it shouldn't be all that bad to extent of you keeping me in your mind because we have issue in one way or the other, always open up if I offend you because I will always say my mind if you do anything to get me upset, always be open in anything you do because I will do that too..

Though we individuals have different characters and how we behave but it should not be that bad that will lead to keeping your friend in your mind when he or she offended you....

Be a giver This is the third part I will need in my kind of friends I keep, giving is another one thing you have to be involved in. There's a quote I came across, that people who give never lack or being broke...

My Dad was someone who love given even if he doesn't have he will always find a way of helping and I learnt it from him since when I was a little child, I have always being a giver people who knows me well will testify... My kind of friends needs to be a giver, I and my friend needs to contribute into both life in any problem or challenges we find ourselves in..

Keeping your friend secret Keeping secret is the best thing, you and your friend might be telling each other your secret, but one day you guys have a little argument and lead you to say all what your friend as been telling you in secret to the public, I love people who keeps secret no matter the argument we find ourselves in, always keep secrets...

That my point of keeping quality friends around...

I remain Kingsleymark....


That is quite some qualities, I love it . Friendship is all about keeping each other's secret no matter the circumstances. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.


Those are some pretty good qualities to look for in a friend. Character is one before I choose a friend I must first study his character.


Character is number thing you need to check in a friend before making him your friend. Thanks for reading...
