
Family can really be a lot, whether nuclear or extended, polygamy or monogamy, all have their upsides and downsides, and everyone gets to choose the kind of family they want to raise but not everyone gets to decide the kind that they come from. Both my parents come from extended families of which I think a lot of Africans especially in the days until our grandparents practice polygamy. The level of polygamy in our parents' time started reducing but not totally eradicated. Even guys my age are already going into polygamy, and most of them that go into it today no longer do it the old fashion way of marrying many wives which I feel was even more honorable. Now they have more than one baby mama and marry one person while still having affairs outside marriage. I guess this is what makes a lot of people believe that men are polygamous in nature.

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Although I can't totally disagree on the fact that men are polygamous in nature, but I can say that the lives of our fathers and grandfathers has taught us that with polygamy in this generation comes more responsibility. I like to joke around sometimes and say every woman is a witch, you just got to find your own witch and keep anointing her daily. Now imagine having an entire coven in your house because you choose to be polygamous. Truthfully this generation is a very wrong time to practice such considering the deteriorating economy, and most importantly the exposure of women rights. In the days of our grandparents men were naturally seen as the head of the house having all authority to do and undo as they wish and women were to stay silent and only speak when given permission.

Today women have a voice, a voice that is even heard louder than men if they use it right. So you can't just say you would want to marry more than one wife without having a power that would always make them surrender to you. Then being a man was all it took for a woman to surrender, now you will need to not just have money, but also power and influence. But then again, remember the coven I mentioned above, having such power to control a coven would require a lot, and not many people have that ability to attain such power. In essence I just feel life is simple, we are the ones who make it complicated, why marry numerous women and find yourself settling one issue or another for the rest of your life, or grow old and watch your kids go against each other because their mothers don't like each other.

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My mum came from a home where her father married 5 wives of which her mum was the last. The family is a prominent family to date. But then a polygamous royal family can easily neglect a part of them when the only thing joining them is no more. Yeah, when her father died, she, her siblings and her mum were left to fend for themselves because the first wife deemed it fit, and her son took over the throne. It is things like this that made me decide not to go the way of polygamy despite having the thoughts in my life. Another thing I wouldn't want to have even in monogamy is many kids. This is because training a kid isn't easy, you would need to be there in every area of life and it would be unfair to birth kids you can't take care of.


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Polygamy is a no-no for me as well even if the man has all the money in the world.

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