eBay Listings

I managed to get my listings up to over 100, and I noticed that things were flying out. My idea is to get everything up there as quick as I can, which - should mean that sales will be more consistent.


I'm going back home tomorrow, and will be up there for a few days and in this time I really need to clean, photograph, and start listing some more games.

There was a pile of stuff to list in a google drive, so I could consistently upload listings each day, but that pile has now shrank so it's time to get another bunch of stuff ready to go.

I'll get a bunch more photographed and ready over the next couple of evenings after work, and I should have enough there so I don't need to worry about photographing anything else for another month or so.

eBay is great for the fact that I can get a bunch of stuff up there and let it sit around for what could be weeks or months, until one day it unexpectedly sells.

I've had items that I didn't think would sell, only to wake up one morning to see it gone. It's weird really. Games that would have been fairly common back in the day can just go, while certain things I consider to be rare or sought after can tend to just sit around. I don't know if there is any method to the madness, I guess it's just how it goes.

More stuff = More sales. That's my current mantra, and while I don't mean any old junk, but within reason it does tend to be the case.

It's hard to judge when the right person will come along looking for a particular game or item, and it being up there means there's a chance that mine will be the one to sell. While, it's sitting in a box in my room unlisted, there's no chance for it to go.

New Stuff

I'm waiting for two lots now, and they should arrive between the end of the week and the middle of next week.

One is a smallish bundle of Lego figures, and another is a fairly huge bundle of Halo Mega Bloks stuff. Some really cool vehicles are apart of the lot, so I'm looking forward to getting some of them together and getting them listed.

I'll be sure to take some pictures of it all when it arrives.

No Fee's?

I've heard some news recently about eBay, and the idea that they've gotten rid of seller fee's. That would be amazing, but it doesn't seem to have kicked in over here in Ireland.

The fee's aren't too bad to be fair (10-13% as far as I can tell) Obviously it's annoying, and kind of hurts the seller a fair bit.

The price of the item + the price of the postage has a 10+% taken away, so we kind of have to dip into the price of the item to cover the cost of postage, and that doesn't include the initial cost of the item, and the envelopes.

I can see why no fee's would be beneficial to platform though, as many people have kind of moved away from eBay over the years. Those savings in fee's could also be passed onto the customer too, so in a way everyone wins.


I got that email and saw a few things of interest in it. One of which was how they were removing scheduled payments and adding a balance to accounts so if you sell something, you can use the funds to buy something on eBay.

Another thing was that they'd be adding listing fees. But you get 300 free ones per month. That could be a bit of a kick in the teeth depending on what the fee structure is like.


The fees are getting ridiculous. That's my biggest gripe as a seller. I need to get listing stuff. I was doing between 10 and 20 listings a day, and the sales started rolling in. Seems to be the magic number for me. As soon as I slow down, so do the sales :(

I spent the morning organizing my inventory. I've got a huge pile to list through October. Hopefully the holidays will be good!


what sort of things do you list? you mentioned games, you mean video games?


That’s awesome dude I’m glad you are really growing it! Just be careful to balance work and life that’s all!
