
While Rebellion Conflicts almost reached its end, a lot of new things will soon be introduced into the gameplay. One of the most intresting thing is the new set of ability. We already have a massive amount of abilities collection, and saw a handful of new abilities added through the time. But now we see not only 2 or 3, but almost 10 new abilities introduced along with the new Rebellion reward cards. Its always refreshing to have new abilities changes the meta of the play. But the current number of various abilities is not on a level to be memorized easily. Its a good thing that players need to improve their skill to keep in the top level, but the complexity of the game might curb new players from even trying. Alas lets see some this new abilities.



This is the first ability which trigger depend on the cards being deployed. One being the number of cards valued 0 mana, and second it must come from Chaos Legion editions. The good side, this ability is very useful on very low mana cap battle. Since bringing 0 mana card would spare mana for more powerful card, while gaining the benefit of +1 ranged (and its permenant!). But as there are only few choice of 0 mana cards to depend on, I admit this ability would be caught in predictable pattern and easily countered by opponent.



It's literally Heal but with a catch. Beside healing a third of max health (rounded down). This ability would also cut down max health by 1 each time its triggered. I doubt that if this for real. So far this is the only ability which grant debuff alongside with buff, while the buff itself is not much better than the debuff. My only thought is this ability seemed work arbitrarily to allied cards with lowest health (rather than on self or the foremost card in Heal and Tank Heal).



This is the first Debilitation abilities. Its quite hurt having 1 damage each round. The trade-off are difficult to measure, but mostly its much more advantage to use it on formation with fewer cards deployed.



Execute seemed like an alternative version of Trample but with much smaller chances to trigger. There's a very low chance to Execute when the battle run in full formation. This ability are best used once the battle progress to few remaining cards, or if you focus on deploying fewer cards with higher mana. Currently there seemed to be no reward cards attached with this ability.



Its massive to deal 2 certain damage per round (so far no ruleset could deal automatic damage beyond 1 damage per round). While the average cards have health below 6 health, it means it would tok 3 round for the card to even survive the battle. And although Incendiary only applies to the possessor only, there's a 33% of it to spread to other cards, which if its happen at least once, it could turn into catastrophe. Its a risky ability, and for some reason I would rather have the possessor to burn to death than survive just to spread the burning effect.


So far I still found Lorkus to be more general to use under any conditions and ruleset. The damage buff, Life Leech, or Trample could suit against any opponent type. Elias Max Pruitt might be the second easist to use, with all the armor related buff and debuff, but this is yet to be tested while the Conflicts reward is still running.


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